God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#162 LTLT S5 EP 36: Genesis 2:1-7 Connecting Creation with Divine Power

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 36

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What if understanding your true worth could transform your spiritual journey? Join me, Catherine, on today's episode of Learning to Live in Truth as we transition from Genesis chapter one into chapter two. Together, we’ll contemplate the profound idea of being God's "diamonds in the rough" and what it means to embody His power and anointing in our daily lives. Through prayerful reflection, we’ll seek new revelations and divine guidance. We’ll also connect the miraculous act of creation described in Genesis with the spiritual insights of Psalms 33:6, reinforcing the divine link between the Creator and His revelations to us.

In the spirit of gratitude and positivity, I'm excited to share an uplifting message for the day, expressing my heartfelt thanks for your continued prayers and support. Look forward to a hint of the surprise interview we have lined up for tomorrow with an inspiring guest who promises to offer a spiritually enriching experience. As we close this episode, I send you blessings and love, wishing you a fabulous day and night filled with grace and joy. Amen and amen!

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Speaker 1:

Good morning, good morning, good afternoon, good night, hello, hello somebody. This is Learning to Live in Truth. I am Catherine and I'm so glad to be with you one more time. I hope all is well with you. I hope today has been a good day. Holla, I am ready and I hope that you, you are ready to get into the word today.

Speaker 1:

If this is your first time joining us, this is us, or me, going through the word of God book by book, verse by verse, being a light to the kingdom and a help to you, getting a better understanding of the word of God. That's a quick rundown of exactly what is learning to live in truth, and God has led me to bring it in with God's diamonds in the rough, bringing it together, intertwining together. Amen, because you are a diamond, it's rough, it might be hard, but you're still a diamond. God is bringing something good out of it. He's bringing you more clarity. He's bringing you more of what you need to go forth, amen. So I'm not gonna waste any time. We're gonna go ahead and jump into it so we can get as far as we can on today. Let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this day. Thank you for allowing us another opportunity to be able to get into your word. I pray, god, that you would grant us a fresh, fresh word, fresh, anointing God. I pray God that you would grant us a fresh, fresh word, fresh, anointing God. Pray God, that you would use me to your glory. Every ear that is listening, god bless them. In the name of Jesus, god, I pray that it's your diamonds. We would shine for you. Pray, god, that you would do a work here through your vessel. God, use me to your glory, you will have your way. We pray that. All of this, we pray it all In the precious name of Jesus Christ. We do pray, Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah, all right, y'all. So we left off. We finally finished chapter one. Yeah, and this is Thursday and we're jumping into chapter two, and so, if you didn't know it, this is the last day of the week for learning to live in truth. Then, on Friday, possibly Saturday, we'll have two interviews that we recorded on God's diamond in the rough, amen.

Speaker 1:

So I'm a firm believer that, um, everything falls in place and you know god does nothing by accident. He, you know, everything works together for our good amen, even though it might make might not make uh sense to you, might not make sense to me, but it's all working for our good. Hallelujah, amen. This is how I I think, this is how I move, and I'm so very grateful because once upon the time I didn't amen. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

So we are chapter two, genesis, chapter two. I'm picking up the first verse. I hope you are there, hope you got your word. Um king james version for me, uh, whatever version for you, please follow along if you're riding along, uh, just be intentional about listening because there is something for you, amen.

Speaker 1:

So he says verse one thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them. Uh, he says, I think that's interesting too. He said and I just actually just caught that all the hosts and all the host of them hosts, as um hosts is like represent, uh, so, um, everything that's within the earth represents god. Yeah, um, jesus, come on somebody. He says. And on, wait a minute, I'm going back, hold on, I just got another moment. He said thus the heavens and the earth finished and all the host of them. I wonder, since we represent God and everything else Represents His power, his anointing. He says that he, we, are his image, made after his likeness.

Speaker 1:

I'm just having a thought inside thought here, I guess. Look at my I'm just looking at my cross-reference here H God, let's see Psalms 33 and 6. Let's see something real quick, because it has the cross references right beside all. And that's the same thing that I kind of just the spirit called me here for a second. I just got to check it out. Just bear with me. Bear with me.

Speaker 1:

Psalms, what did I say? Psalms 33 and 6. Let me tell you something. Y'all, I am one of the rare finds I guess you could say. Because I'm so in tune with Jesus, so in tune with the Spirit, I will stop in a dime when he gives me something. It's just like a profound thing. I will stop on the dime, forget the agenda. Come on somebody, hallelujah the agenda. Come on somebody, hallelujah. I got to see what the Lord is saying. Let's see Psalms 33 and 6 says by the word of the Lord Were the heavens made and all the host of them. By the breath of his mouth, mmm, mmm, hmm, hmm.

Speaker 1:

Let's see this verse and what follows specify this psalm as a creation hymn, along with Psalms 8 and 104. Even though they refer to different things, the word of the Lord here and in verse 4 are related in that they both originate with God. The Lord of creation is the God of revelation. Woo, y'all heard that that was a good word. Oh, my gosh, that was good. He said the Lord of revelation I mean the Lord of Creation is the God of Revelation. My, my, my, if y'all write me down, I would greatly suggest you write that down. I'm going to say it one more time because I feel like that needs to go on the post. Come on, somebody. I feel like that needs to go on the post. Come on, somebody. The Lord of creation Is the God Of revelation.

Speaker 1:

This is distinctive From other ancient world religions that had Myths of creation Involving a creative word but did not tie that act To any Subsequent history. In the biblical text, the God of history who interacts with his people is the same God who spoke the world into existence. This brings together the general revelation of creation and the special revelation that God gave to his people. General revelation of creation and the special revelation that God gave to his people. And it goes on to say see note 19, verse 7 through 9. I'm not gonna go there, but I don't know, I just felt drawn to to dig a little bit, a little bit deeper into that all, into that uh, I guess you could say phrase, all the host of them.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we all represent, everything, represents God, and God brings forth the revelations. Just as he created all things, he brings forth the how, the when, the, what, the why, the how, the where. Jesus, god, just give me a minute. Hallelujah, that's powerful God. It's the Lord created, the Lord of creation and God of revelation. Lord of creation and the God of revelation man. I'm going to tell you what he said.

Speaker 1:

Meditate on this word day and night. I'm telling you you got to stop and think about what you just read and what he's saying to you, jesus. It will change your perspective on things. It will open up your eyes to see depth. D-e-p-t-h. When you're looking at the word, you'll see depth. We all represent the heaven and earth man.

Speaker 1:

He said and on the seventh day, god ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day From all his work which he had made. And he rested on the seventh day From all his work which he had made, and God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it Because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. So Verse 3 lets us know that the third I mean the seventh day Is a day where you ought to rest, work for six and sit for seven. Come on somebody, work for six and sit for one. Work for six, sit for one. Does it have to be Sunday? No, but it should be a day where you do nothing, one where it is Dedicated to resting, spending time with God, spending time with your family, resting Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Wow, do you do that? How do you do that? Yeah, do you do that? I try to do that, but sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, but I've been trying. I've been very intentional over the past, I would say in the past year about doing it God's way, because I and this is personal testimony I was just like slam busy all the time, and it even got to the point where, on Sunday, I was doing so much that I couldn't rest on Sunday because I had to complete what I had started.

Speaker 1:

Uh, the first six days of the week. Come on somebody. You understand what I'm saying. Yeah, god has sanctified that seventh day for you. Amen, so that you can rest. Now it's up to you to use it or receive it. Uh, yeah, it's up to you, up to you, it's up to me for us to take that seventh day and rest. It did not create our bodies and for our minds to be going all the time. The God of creation rested, so why shouldn't you? I'm just saying yeah.

Speaker 1:

He said verse four. These are the generations of heaven and of the earth. When they were created, in the day of the Lord, god made the earth and the heavens and every plant of the field before it was Turn the page, y'all, before it was in the earth and every herb of the field before it grew For the Lord, god had not caused it to rain upon the earth and there was not a man to till the ground. Now, I don't know if you knew, but the whole entire chapter, the whole entire first chapter, was a vision. Yeah, this is what God wanted to do. This is what he said he would do. Okay, he had already said it in his mind and in his heart. This is what is going to happen each day. This is what's going to happen. I'm going to bring forth life and this is what I'm going to do. He wrote the vision. He made it plain. Verse 5 lets us know I'm going to bring forth life and this is what I'm going to do. He wrote the vision. He made it plain. Verse 5 lets us know. And I'm going to read it again. I'm going to read it slow so you understand.

Speaker 1:

He said and every plant of the field Before it was in the earth, before it was in the earth. So that means that it did not come yet. He said Herb of the field, before it grew, before it could grow, before anything could happen. He said for the Lord, god had not caused it to rain upon the earth. He said it had not rained. It comes out of the rain, comes out of him. Rain brings for life and we live in a world where, if it rains, everything stops. You hear what I'm saying. We look at the rain and we say, oh, it's dreary, it's this, it's that we make rain bad. We don't receive the blessing that comes out of rain. Rain is the blessing. Something comes out of rain. Rain is the blessing. Something comes out of the rain. Come on somebody. We can say that figuratively, we can say that literally and we definitely definitely can say that spiritually. Something good comes out of the rain, he says.

Speaker 1:

And there was not a man to till the ground, there was not a man available there to be able to take care of what had come before. So, technically, who had to come first before anything else could? Man, he says. But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole face of the ground and the Lord God, formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul, hallelujah. So man was here before anything else was.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, a whole lot of folk think that. Oh well, you know, everything else came, and then man came. Nope, if we're reading the scriptures correctly, we see that man came first, before anything else could come. After man came forth, then everything else could come Because man was able to take care of it. We all have responsibility, hallelujah. If we are not prepared to take care of it Y'all excuse me it cannot come forth. Okay, hallelujah, we have all these visions, we have all these things in our minds and our heart that we want to do, but if we are not prepared to take care of it, it cannot come forth. This is why much is given, much is required amen. You get more. You better know it's going to be more responsibility, more responsibility. So I'm done. I hope y'all are, hope y'all got it.

Speaker 1:

Let's pray, father, thank you so much for this day. Thank you so much for this day. Thank you so much for this word. We bless your name as we bless your people. May everybody got a clear understanding that you are the Lord of creation and the God of revelation, jesus. God, I thank you, father, for that Amen. You are the one, ultimately, that reveals it all. I thank you, father, for that Amen. You are the one, ultimately, that reveals it all. I thank you, god. We all thank you. We bless your name. Pray that you will continue to do a work in us that only you can. I pray, god, that oneness that pray for me that you are the. I am, that you will be the. I am that they need you to be right there in that moment. We thank you for your healing, your miracle working power, thank you for your revival, thank you for your restoration. Lord I'm saying it as it's already done Thank you for manifesting yourself in me and in the people that believe and stand on your word. Father, I pray that this has been pleasing and acceptable in your sight. We love you so much, so very grateful and so thankful. We pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Christ's name, we do pray, amen. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Y'all have a fabulous day. Yes, I said a fabulous day, amen. I am so very grateful that you allowed me to be a part of your day, part of your night prayers. You'll continue to be uh, led and drawn to learn how to live in truth. Amen. Y'all. Make sure y'all come on back tomorrow, check out tomorrow's interview. I'm not even gonna say who's gonna be, it's gonna be a surprise. Because it's a surprise, because it's a surprise to me, hallelujah, amen. Come on back tomorrow sometime and hear a word from the Lord Amen, me and somebody. Could be me, michael and somebody, but it'll be there, amen. So y'all make sure you are too. Amen. So many blessings, so much love from me to you. Y'all have a great day, great night. Amen and amen.

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