God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#159 LTLT S5 EP 33: Understanding Genesis: A Spiritual Awakening with Pastor Catherine

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 33

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What if understanding the very beginnings of creation could profoundly transform your spiritual journey? Join Pastor Catherine in an enlightening exploration of Genesis, where she shares valuable insights into the foundations of faith. In this episode of "Learning to Live in Truth," we kick off with Pastor Catherine introducing herself and extending an invitation to journey through the Bible together. Starting with a heartfelt prayer, we then delve into her unique teaching approach that begins with the book of First John to lay a clear foundation of salvation before transitioning to the majestic narrative of Genesis. Pastor Catherine underscores the importance of staying rooted in scripture and encourages you to study the Word of God with any Bible version that speaks to your heart.

Experience the awe of creation as we reflect on the initial narrative of Genesis, focusing on the transformation from formlessness and void to a world brimming with life and light. Through Pastor Catherine's vivid analogy of adding color to a house, we grasp how God infused His creation with spirit, much like an artist's signature. The pivotal role of light, as contrasted with darkness, is emphasized through God's separation of day and night, underscoring its power to reveal and illuminate life. Pastor Catherine's reflections invite us to see the transformative power of God's presence in our own lives. Make sure to join us on this spiritual journey through the very beginnings of creation and uncover the profound truths within Genesis.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. We are so glad to be before you one more time. I hope all is well. I hope that today has been a great day for you. The weekend has passed and then it's Monday morning Hallelujah. Whenever you're listening to it it could be Monday night, I don't know but I am so glad to be before you, so glad that you decided to take a listen to today's lesson.

Speaker 1:

We are journeying through the book of Genesis. Amen, the book of Genesis. So, if you are able to get your Bible, follow along with me. Please, please, please, do that. Amen. It's always a good thing. I just truly believe it is always a good thing when we are going and following along together in the word of God, amen. So, as you are doing that, let's go ahead and pray.

Speaker 1:

Father, thank you so much for this day. Thank you, god, for allowing us another moment, another time, to be able to get into your word. Pray, god, that you use me, father, that I might be a help to your people, a light to the kingdom. Father, I just pray that you would grant me supernatural understanding as, as I go into this book today, god, lead God and order my steps as we journey through this, through the very beginning of life, and I just pray, god, that Everyone that is here is, is and has a mind to want to Learn more about you and just all that you have called each and every one of us to. Every diamond will shine today. I pray god, that when we go forth, we go forth for the mind that says I am valuable, I am beautiful. I pray in the name of jesus. Again, have your way, turn it over to you. In jesus, christ name, I I do pray, amen, amen, y'all. Okay, I didn't introduce myself, but I mean you should know me by now. Y'all, my name is Catherine. Amen. Pastor of Exposed Life Change Ministries. Hallelujah, right in the heart of Madison Heights, virginia. If you're ever, ever, in our, in our area, please do stop by. Yeah, on 4800 South Amherst Highway, right in the heart of Madison Heights. As I said, virginia, amen, we are exposing the enemy so that lives can truly be changed to the glory of God. Amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So, uh, we've been through um, first, the book of first John, amen, uh, the spirit has, over the years, led me, always led me, especially in teaching uh to that particular book, because it really is, um, it is uh, how do I say it? It is foundational truth. When you first come into Jesus, it's all about salvation in a way that does not cause any confusion. Very plain, very direct, because if you have been in the word any amount of time, you know that the word of God can be a bit complex amen. It is absolutely a puzzle, it is a mystery to those who do not know him, and so I truly believe that a lot of this journey, when we first get in, it's easy, but it requires the heart to continue. Hallelujah, y'all heard that. Amen. It requires the heart to continue To go forth, because it certainly will rebuke, reprove, correct and all of the above the things that we typically don't like. Here is exactly what the word of God does Amen, but he truly says, though, in the book of John the gospel, according to John, he said look the word, if you stay there, it will set you free. Amen, truly, you will be free. Amen, but you gotta stay, and that, most of the time, is a problem For a lot of folks. Amen, typically, you know this part is boring, I don't want to read this. A whole lot of excuses, but stay in the word, yeah, cause it will set you free, amen.

Speaker 1:

So that is primarily the meaning, rainy reason why I started in the back of the Bible, that particular book, just because that's, that's what the God, what Lord, what the Lord. Excuse me, y'all, I'm stumbling here. That's what the Lord, excuse me, I'm stumbling here. The Lord has showed me to do whenever introducing the word of God to my brothers and sisters in Christ Amen. So we have, we've been over first, sean. So he led me all the way back to the beginning because and I truly believe this because, simply, we need to know from the beginning how all of these things have come about, like who we are, um, how things were created, you know? I mean, it's, it's, yeah, definitely read the new testament, read the entire bible, uh, but read the entire bible. Uh, but foundation, we want to set a foundation, um, because at some point, somebody's gonna find this, uh podcast and it's gonna become a foundational thing for them. It's something that they're gonna need and want, that's gonna set their foundation.

Speaker 1:

This is what I always want to bring to you, um, always, firstly, bringing you what the Lord tells me and then, secondly, bringing you truth, amen, bringing you true based on the way that God shows me and, uh, the third rooted in the word of God. So this is why I said make sure you got your Bible. I use the King James version, amen. But you use whatever version you choose, amen. But at the end of the day you'll be led by the Spirit. The Spirit leads you to use NIV or English Standard Version or the Message Bible.

Speaker 1:

Use whatever version the Lord has told you to, because I started off with I think it was the English version that I started off. It's broken down, simplified a bit, but the more I grew in Christ, the more I had to make sure that what I was um getting was from the Lord. Amen. And so I ended up and I wound up with the King James Version. I don't use any other version because for me, it dares me to think, amen. It dares me to really think and to dive deep and wait on God. This is what it requires of me.

Speaker 1:

When I read the King James Version, most people don't, especially when they start out. They don't go, they're not drawn to King James Version because it can be confusing if you don't understand meanings of words and context. So I hope that y'all are ready, because I don't want to hold you long. I want to try to be about 15 minutes, 15, 20 minutes, and so we are already seven minutes in, so I need to get into it. Try to get at least through the first few verses. So first, no, not first, I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

Genesis, one verse one says in the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. So Paul said just for a second so in the beginning, what we have to know is that God created heaven and earth. Okay, life started that way, yeah. Then he says the earth had no form. Okay, hallelujah, we know.

Speaker 1:

They say christopher columbus, um, figured out that the world was round because everybody had an assumption that it was flat, it was just straight across. But he ended up starting at one point, ended up back at the same point. So he discovered that it was round. Supposedly that's what they say. This is what the history books teaches us. But here here, even greater than what he found, god teaches us that it had no form, that he gave it shape. Yeah. Just as he gives our lives shape, he makes us and mold us to the men and women of God he desires us to be. We typically start off a hot mess, but when he comes on the scene, he gives us form, amen. He gives us fashion, he gives us life.

Speaker 1:

He says it was without form and void. Void just means that it was nothing. It's nothing, what is just saying it's like an empty space. He said before, he said he created it all and and once he created it, it didn't have any life. So what do you think he did? He brought forth life, because why he is life? He said it was without form, it was void and darkness was upon the face of the deep. So there was no light, nothing, there was no form, it was no life. It was no life, it was void and it had no light. He says, it says and the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water. Spirit of God.

Speaker 1:

You could almost in a sense, say kind of look down on what he had created. It's like I gotta do more, yeah. Kind of like us. You know we, we get into to the house or we build the house and we look at like I gotta do more to this. This ain't complete. You ever did that, ladies especially. Yeah, we done. We created something, did something in our homes and we're looking at it and we said, hmm, that ain't it, that ain't it, it's more. I got to do more to it. I got to bring it to life. It just looks dull, it looks empty, it doesn't look like it's anything. I got to do more to it to give it a pop. If you have anything with colors or anything, we know you can't have all one color and expect it to have a pop. You got to throw another bright color in there to give it a pop. That's just. That's just a visual picture of what happened here.

Speaker 1:

God saw what he had created. He said it's not done. It's not done. He said I am a part of the equation. I can't just create and not none of me be in it. Oh, come on, somebody never saw it like that. Amen, but that's a word. Amen. We can create all kinds of things in this life, but if you don't put a bit of you in it, then it doesn't have. Uh, it's kind of like you know how a dog will mark its territory and it will pee on the tree or whatever have you, because it's leaving its mark. This is mine, hallelujah. I created this. This is my spot.

Speaker 1:

You heard hallelujah, so you know the table marker. They typically they have one thing that they do on every table. Why? Because it leaves that mark. Yeah, artists do the same. They have something that they do, uh, in particular, or all of their artwork that signifies it was them.

Speaker 1:

Do you understand what I'm saying? So, god, he had created heaven and earth, but he had to put a mark of himself which was his. What his spirit? He said, the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water. So his spirit, he put his spirit, into the water. Water is in everything, hallelujah. Our body is made up I believe it's 99% just water. Everything and anything that has life, water is in it, hallelujah. And so that's the dominating factor, that he's in everything. Water is in it. Whether it's food, chemicals, whatever have you, water is in it. Brilliant, you ever hear me? That is just brilliant when you think about it. Come on somebody. I'm going to try to get through the first day, hallelujah, because I got 12. I got about five minutes, okay. So verse three.

Speaker 1:

He says and God said let there be light. And there was light. So his word was enough. He said let there be light. Light come into the room. Hallelujah, he said. And God saw the light, it was good. Hallelujah, it was good, light was good.

Speaker 1:

You ever heard somebody say cut the light. Somebody's cut the light off. Cut the light off, it's too bright, it's too bright, but once your eyes get adjusted to the light, it's good. Right, yeah, nobody wants to, uh, live in darkness, you don't, you don't want to live in dark because then you can't see. Hallelujah, amen. You can't see what you're getting ready to trip over and stumble over, you can't tell what's coming at you. Hallelujah, so he said and god saw the light, and it was good. And god divided the light from the darkness. Okay, so he created a separation between light and darkness. So you had to know when he said and darkness? So you had to know when he said. When he said let there be light, darkness was still present, but it did not rule.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, so he said he divided the light from the darkness. So he like, like, taking a knife and slicing a piece of I can only equate it with food, because that's what I do yeah, uh, you take a, a piece of chicken breast and you butterfly it. You don't, you don't butterfly it, uh, straight, damn lengthwise. You cut it horizontally, you cut it across. So so the chicken breast is split open, uh, let's say on the wide in, in the wide part of the chicken. So it's right in the middle and it's split in half.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so he said he split the light from the darkness. So he butterflied the light from the darkness. Wow, Come on, y'all, look at five. He said God called the light from the darkness. Wow, come on y'all, look at 5. He said God called the light day In the darkness. He called night, and the evening and the morning were the first day. Amen. So we oftentimes associate darkness with something bad, but there had to be a way to be able to signify what is day and what is night. Light is day, night is dark, he says, and the evening and the morning were the first day. Hallelujah. So this is how we have light and darkness, this is how it all began.

Speaker 1:

And I'm going to stop right there and we here. If this is your first time listening, I teach in nugget-sized pieces so you get a full understanding. You want to go further? You can help yourself if you can, but I'm just going to stop right there, just because, why not. Why not stop right there and pick up on day 2 and verse 6 and probably most likely go from 6, day 2 and day 3 for tomorrow? But we'll wait and see. Let's do what the spirit tells us to do, amen. So let us go in prayer.

Speaker 1:

Father, I thank you so much again for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this time, god, to be in your word, and you've kept it real simple today, and I just pray, god, that everybody is able to receive this simplicity and really meditate on what you've given us thus far and think about what we've read in these few verses. I pray, god, that the word of God will prevail in the days of your people. I pray, god, that there will be a constant thinking about your word and associating your word with the things that are happening in that life, and that we would be able to apply more of you, that we would move through this life in wisdom and use our discernment that you've given us. Father, we're winners and I pray that we would walk with the mind that I have won. We are victorious because you taught us that we are more than conquerors.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, I pray, god, that everyone knows that we have won. We've won the battle. We've won the battle. We've won the fight, no matter what the enemy might say, no matter what might be happening right now. We've won and I thank you. Thank you, god, for this platform. Thank you, god, for everyone, every diamond that is here. We pray the blessings of the Lord be on every single person who has a mind to serve you, and even those who don't. You are blessed anyhow. We love you again and we pray that this prayer and all of our prayers are pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Christ's name, we do pray. Amen, amen and amen. Hallelujah, I hope that y'all come back with me again. We pick up at verse 6. Amen, so much love. Soall come back with me again. We pick up at verse six Amen, so much love. So many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a blessed day, a great night. Amen, I love you and we'll see you on next time. Amen and amen.

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