God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#158 S5 EP 32: Empowering Women's Wellness: A Holistic Approach with Dr. Ola

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 32

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How can we nurture our bodies, minds, and spirits in a way that honors them as temples of God? Join us as we sit down with Dr. Ola, a compassionate family practice physician and the visionary founder of Empower Her Wellness, who shares her passion for holistic wellness and her mission to go beyond mere weight loss. Dr. Ola emphasizes the lifelong journey of health, where hydration, healthy eating, and regular exercise are vital components. Together, we discuss how adopting a lifestyle approach to wellness can transform women's lives, fostering a mindset shift that sustains a healthy and balanced life.

Dr. Ola also takes us through her inspiring transition from traditional medicine to launching an innovative holistic weight loss coaching program tailored specifically for women. Discover how her pioneering app offers personalized meal plans, daily affirmations, workout routines, and hydration reminders, acting as a supportive personal coach right at your fingertips. Listen in to hear about the spiritual inspiration behind her work and seize the opportunity to access a free ebook filled with effective weight loss tips. Our episode wraps up with a heartfelt prayer, reinforcing the importance of treating our bodies with the care and respect they deserve.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back, god's Diamonds in the Rough. We are so glad to be before you one more time. We hope all is well. We hope that today has been a good day for you. We hope that you've had a good week. You don't know who I am. Obviously I'm Catherine, and Michael is not here, but we do have a guest with us. Her name is. She goes by Dr Ola and Miss Ola. Would you please say hello to the audience and just make your presence known.

Speaker 2:

Hello everyone. It's great to see you all today.

Speaker 1:

And Catherine and Michael, thank you for having me on your podcast. I'm so honored to watch. And so, after a word of prayer, we're going to get into the conversation. Father, we thank you so much for this day, and thank you so much for our last night's sleep and our early rest this morning. Thank you for bringing us on a brand new day. Father, we are here and ready to get into this conversation. God, we just pray that you'll have your way. We pray for every heart and every mind that is here, god, that you would bless as you see fit. Use us to your glory. We thank you, we praise you, we bless your people and we bless your name. We pray this prayer in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We do pray, amen, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen. So, Dr Ola, tell us a little bit about yourself and what really your mission is.

Speaker 2:

Ola, tell us a little bit about yourself and what really your mission is. All right, well, thanks for that question. So I am a family practice physician. I've been practicing now for over 15 years. I'm also the founder of Empower Her Wellness, which helps women, you know, in the area of weight management. So my focus really is in providing direct direction to women for healthy weight loss, as well as just a mindset shift to be able to sustain a healthy lifestyle. So that, in a nutshell, is who I am from a professional standpoint. But I'm also a person of faith, soul into what I teach my clients, just the importance of adding God to our overall health essentially. So that is who I am and what I do, and I'm excited to be here to talk to your audience about it.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's awesome, so Empower Her. You said Empower Her, that's correct, and you're looking at.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Go ahead, tell us a little bit more about your organization.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it started off as Weight Loss, simplified, and we still have that name. But what we're trying to do now is to put it under a broader umbrella of empowering women. Empowering women in overall wellness. Because one thing I found is, you know, a lot of times we focus in one direction, so we focus weight loss, weight loss, weight loss but then at times we're not able to reach our goals or for whatever reason, and a lot of times we don't even have a good enough reason why we're venturing in that direction. So so my goal with my platform now is to promote overall wellness. When you are overall well and whole spirit, soul and body, then you're able to achieve whatever goals you have, whether it's weight loss, whether it's just being healthy overall.

Speaker 2:

Because with weight loss, I often tell my clients it's not just about the loss, it's about maintaining good health, it's about the longevity of it, it's a lifestyle, it's not an event. We're not trying to just lose, we're trying to live a healthy lifestyle. And when we can look at it from that perspective, then you know we make it part of us. We're not trying to, you know, get ready for an event or get ready for the summer. You know, I live in Chicago.

Speaker 2:

We're pretty much just saying you know what? I'm taking charge of my life Because, again, we have to remember this Our body is the temple of God and he's gifted us this temple and we have a responsibility, essentially to be good stewards. And in being good stewards we are taking care of our bodies, we're putting the right things into our bodies. So that's what I'm trying to promote taking care of our bodies. You know we're putting the right things into our bodies, so that's what I'm trying to promote to see our bodies you know the way God sees it and to nurture it, because it's a gift from him.

Speaker 1:

Amen. What I'm just I'm really just saying loudly, loudly to me is lifestyle. That was a word that you said. Lifestyle. Lifestyle is so important to me and something that we all need to highlight in regard to anything. Lifestyle is important Because I myself am on the same type of journey, a weight loss journey as well. I call it a journey because it's not something I just want to do to lose a certain amount of weight. I want to make it a part of my life. You know what I mean. I want to be healthy overall, and I believe that that is a goal that we all need to reach, whether it be male or female. You know to be healthy and to steward. You know we steward over things, but our body is just as important as things, if not more. You want to add anything else to what I just said?

Speaker 2:

You know, you said it, I like the word journey. You know, I often tell my clients it's not a sprint, it's a marathon. So if you look at it that way, that you know what this is, something, I'm going to do for the rest of my life.

Speaker 2:

I'm taking care of my body. For the rest of my life I am, you know, hydrating, eating healthy, working out, you know, doing all these things to nurture my body. And when we look at it from that perspective, it doesn't seem like a chore, it doesn't seem like, oh my goodness, you know what. I lost this and I gained it back and then the whole yo-yo died in and things that happened with that. Emotionally, we don't go through that. And then also, when we look at it from a broader perspective of faith, we're able to say to leave it in God's hand. Well, not leave it, but committed into God's hands. You know, because oftentimes, you know, we compartmentalize our lives. We have our church life, we have our, you know, our home lives, we have our work life.

Speaker 2:

But you know, what I'm trying to promote here is let's bring it all together. You know, because God cares about every aspect of our being. You know his wish, above all things, is that we prosper and that we're in health, even as our souls prosper. So that scripture alone talks about, you know. It talks about soul, mind, you know. It talks about our body, it talks about our health. So. So we need to start looking at it from that standpoint, and if we do we'll be more successful. Because you know, when we call God into anything, he really does help us, but we don't. We don't enough, you know, we don't ask the Holy Spirit enough to help us.

Speaker 1:

So I love it. It just that's powerful, because you know when we want to impact the world. Um, that's a part of it. You know we oftentimes associate impacting the world with success, and you know monetary things and you know materialism, but, um, I believe that it's important that we take care of our body just as well, and so I'm looking at A little bit of information about you and I see you have a 21 day challenge. Is that still Something that you're doing?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I did that over the summer. It's something that I plan to do um around spring, summertime. And the reason so I did it I did it for 21 days, where I was encouraging people to go out there and walk and and hydrate, and I was posting videos every single day for the 21 days, and I and I got so many people from just if the world, like all over the world the platform that I was using, but I posted it on all my channels, so I got a lot of awareness out there on the importance of staying hydrated, the importance of walking. One thing I found, though, was, as we continued to go, people will drop, people will drop off, people will, you know, people will come on, and it seemed to me the 21 days was a little bit of a stretch for people to stay on, you know, consistently, although I was trying to promote a point. It does take about, you know, 21 days, you know, to perfect a habit. So so my, my goal going forward, yeah, is to still still continue with the walk and hydrate challenge, but to do it mostly when the weather is nicer, especially for those of us that have four seasons, especially for those of us that have four seasons.

Speaker 2:

So right now, what I'm doing right now is I have a coaching program and I guess I didn't really talk too much about that, but basically what it is is a virtual coaching program where I help busy, motivated women achieve wellness and weight transformation and so on a weekly basis we meet in my coaching program and we sit together you know we're on Zoom together and I coach these women. Right now I have women that I'm actively coaching. I coach them on the importance of fitness, habit, nutrition. You know consistency. We have a vibrant community. We have you know the accountability and I, you know, I incorporate, of course, my medical background as well into our discussions just to teach them the science behind why we're doing what we're doing right, the science behind why you're hydrating. Is it just because you're thirsty or is it because it does? Is it just because you're thirsty or is it because it does marvelous things to your body? You know it hydrates your you know your body overall, removes toxins, improves your skin. You know elasticity, you know. So we talk about so much in these calls and then I also incorporate a 15 minute slot in there within an hour to work out. So we actually all get up and we work out together because you know I'm trying to.

Speaker 2:

You know I feel the way I've always practiced medicine was I will treat my patients, the way I'll treat my family, and whatever it is that I want for myself is what I will do for my patients. And I know that consistency and motivation is hard for a lot of people, you know, especially maybe they've never worked out or they just don't do normally. So I'm like you know what I would rather you know my clients, see me do it, you know, see me do it with them. Let's do it as a community. And so I get these women we work out.

Speaker 2:

We, you know, together, sweat together, and it's, it's been powerful. I mean, it's just, it was an idea that God gave me to just do it. But, you know, do what you're telling people to do. And that was the whole premise behind the walking hybrid challenge. I will go out there and I would walk and I will record my video walking. All of a sudden, I was seeing women all over the place recording videos and walking and saying, dr Ola, I'm walking, I'm walking, and that was so powerful, you know. So, yes, that's awesome.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome, so you're still doing the coaching as we speak. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, yes.

Speaker 1:

Yes, is there something?

Speaker 2:

I'm actively coaching. Okay, I'm accepting.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so what do they have to do to? Become a part of the program. What do our listeners have to do?

Speaker 2:

To become a part of the program? Yes, so to become a part of the program. If anyone is interested, they can go to drolamdcom, so that's D-R-O-L-A-M-Dcom. When they get there, they just need to schedule an appointment with me to talk to me, because I like to just have a consultation which is completely free. I want to see where a person is, how I can best help them, and if they're interested in my program after we've had a conversation, then I'm more than happy to sign them on. But but that's, that's the step. They just fill out the form on on my website.

Speaker 1:

That's awesome.

Speaker 2:

They will just click the button to schedule.

Speaker 1:

Okay, do I got it right, dr? Dr Ola mdcom. Schedule a one minute to talk to Dr.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, I love it because so many folks we we see it if we hear it, so I'm going to do that, and then we just kind of don't, life gets in the way or whatever have you. But I love when those that are offering it are like hands on with it, because it's the accountability dynamic and that's what we need. In order to stick to anything, we need somebody to hold us accountable. You know what I mean, even when we don't want to do it we don't feel like doing it.

Speaker 1:

Blah blah, blah accountability is a great thing to have when you're doing anything yeah so how actually did you get into this? I mean, how long have you been a doctor?

Speaker 2:

So I've been a family doctor for over 15 years and in my practice yeah, that's good In my practice, for some reason I was just always drawn to women. So my practice initially was just, you know, traditional medicine, where I saw everybody from a baby to, you know, elderly, and I saw all genders. But then my next job was now a woman's clinic and I loved it. And you know women will come in all the time and say you know, dr Ola, I'm struggling to lose weight and you know I'll give advice. You know, at that time I'll, you know, prescribe medications also to women. But as time went on, I realized that this is actually really a passion of mine and, like I mentioned earlier, I treat my patients the way I want to be treated and deep down inside of me although yes, I'm a doctor and yes, I prescribe medications and all that but ideally the best bet is to not be on medication if you can avoid it, right, because every medication comes with its side effects. So I started, you know, thinking of the idea of having a holistic method where I'm not using medication for this. I'm just really able to coach people on mindset, coach people on steps to take to be successful at losing weight and keeping it off without being on a pill. And so, as time went on, god gave me just different ideas and I started the coaching program I actually launched last year and I have.

Speaker 2:

With it comes an, an app, and that's part of the accountability system. You know, my app allows women to, so essentially everybody in my program has the app and the app helps women in terms of nutrition. I have meal plans that personalize meal plan to their tastes in the app, because one thing I found is a lot of programs will have, you know, just one size fits all. Everybody gets the same meal and I'm like no, that's not right. You know, everybody should have what is personalized to them. What do they like? You know, what are their allergies, what are their preferences. Also, I incorporate, just, you know, I look at their body mass index, you know their weight and height and we're able to calculate how many calories do you actually need in your body to help you, you know, lose weight or maintain the weight you're at, you know. So, basically, the app provides that.

Speaker 2:

I provide affirmations also in the app. Every day the woman gets just a powerful affirmation to keep them going, because, again, we need reminders, and also part of it is I remind women oh, don't forget to drink your water today, don't forget to take those steps today. So essentially, what they have is they have a coach, a personal coach, who happens to be an MD in their pockets. They're able to take me anywhere they go. They have their phones, we're communicating, and it's powerful. It's so powerful and I give God all the glory for this, because the idea came from him. They also get daily workouts in the app, so that the workout will come to them for that day. So the women know okay, I need to work out, and then they're able to log it in and they get stars or applauses for working out. So it's really powerful. I mean, there's just so much to it. It's so rich and I'm so excited at what God is doing and how he's transforming lives through this platform.

Speaker 1:

That is, oh man, that's powerful. That's why I need that Everybody come on here, I need that.

Speaker 1:

But that's powerful because, it really does speak the heart of God, because God, he meets us where we are and I don't know if you realize it, but you're meeting people. You are a physical sense of Jesus meeting people where they are. This is just. This is why I what I've come to realize with this podcast people that I have a hard time. It takes us a long time to actually be able to interview the person. I mean, we've been trying to interview for probably almost eight months now. Those who have a hard time interviewing are the most influential. They're the ones who speak the voice, they speak the heart of god and I just so appreciate you being here and giving us this information.

Speaker 1:

And, um, I just want to say, diamonds, go to this website. I'm gonna do it too. Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna go to and I might just do a video so you can see, because I mean that's beautiful. When you see me doing it, then you know I ain't telling no lie. You know what I mean, so I'm definitely going to check out your website. Is there anything else you wanted to share, my dear?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I do have a free gift for your audience. Every single person listening to this will get my free ebook and it's titled how to successfully lose weight and keep it off. It's on that same website. There are tips that I provide on that you can incorporate into your lifestyle on a daily basis. So, whether or not you join my program, I just really want to bless you really, and the ebook provides, you know, just some really nice tips on what to do, on what to incorporate into your lifestyle. You can go to the same website, drolamdcom, and in there you just scroll all the way down and it will. You can put your email and your name first name and get the ebook email to. Okay.

Speaker 1:

The email to you. Awesome, I love it.

Speaker 2:

I love it so as we are about to close out, would you do me a favor and pray? Absolutely so, Father, Lord God, we just thank you so much for this opportunity, oh God, to just converse together. Lord God, I know this is your heart, this is your heartbeat as people. O God, and Lord God Almighty, we just pray right now, Father, for every single person that is listening to this podcast. We pray, Heavenly Father, Lord God, that everything we've discussed, O God, that, Father, Lord, you will touch each heart where they are, oh God, in the name of Jesus, and that you will lead every woman over to make the right decisions for themselves, oh God, to see their body as your temple, oh God, and Father, Lord God, to nourish it, oh, even the way that delights you, Lord God, Lord God, we know we cannot do anything without you.

Speaker 2:

So we commit our lives and our decisions and everything, oh God, that we do, oh God, for our bodies. We commit it into your hand. We commit our spirit, our souls and our bodies into your hands. Lead us and guide us, oh God, in Jesus' name Amen.

Speaker 1:

Amen, amen. All right girl, you're getting ready to preach today. Amen, amen, all right girl, you get ready to preach today? Amen, get ready to preach. I like it, I love it, I love it. You have behind you. I noticed that I meant to say something a little while ago, amen, but you gotta never, never, never, never, give up. Then what is that? Believe you?

Speaker 2:

yes and your believe you can, believe you can. And you're halfway there.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I like it and words the other one is words.

Speaker 2:

It talks about words, actions, habits and character actions, habits, character and your destiny.

Speaker 1:

I like it, I love it, I love it. Then the last one is tremendous power.

Speaker 2:

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take. I love it, I love it. Then the last one is tremendous power. You miss a hundred percent of the shots you don't take. So you know, a lot of us, a lot of us, we say, yeah, that's such a good idea, but then life, you know, life happens. We forget that. But we need, we need to keep going taking those shots. You know, because before you know it, it's already February. I mean, february is coming up. In another couple of days, before you know it, it'll be middle of the year, the end of the year. So we have to take action. We have to really take action. It's been a pleasure being on your podcast.

Speaker 1:

I'm so glad that you came. Thank you so much for your patience and commitment. Appreciate it All right. Y'all diamonds. Y'all know what time it is. You are a diamond, absolutely. It might be rough, but you're still a diamond. So y'all make sure y'all come on back next week. We love you. Please pray for us. We'll be praying for you. Y'all have a great, great week again and we'll see.

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