God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#156 LTLT S5 EP 30: Assurance In Christ: It is A Journey of Faith and Prayer

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 30

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What if witnessing a fellow believer's sin could transform your prayer life? On this episode of "Learning to Live in Truth," we promise you'll gain new insights into the transformative power of prayer and intercession. Drawing from 1 John 5:16, we delve into how to respond when we see our brothers and sisters in Christ falter. Instead of rushing to judgment, we explore the profound impact of turning to prayer, trusting that God will address their missteps and grant them life. You'll learn the vital differences between sins that lead to death and those that don't, and appreciate the gravity of certain actions within the context of spiritual maturity.

Our journey doesn't stop there. We also focus on the assurance of salvation through Jesus Christ, emphasizing how spiritual growth and perception influence our understanding of sin. With heartfelt gratitude, we wrap up with a powerful prayer, thanking God for His endless grace and mercy. As we prepare for our next episode featuring a special guest interview, we invite you to join us in celebrating the profound impact of prayer and the hope we find in Christ. This episode is more than just a discussion—it's an invitation to deepen your faith and understanding.

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Speaker 1:

Hello everybody and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth, right here on God's Diamonds in the Rough. We are so glad to be before you. Amen. I hope all is well. I hope that, wherever you are, that you are having a great day. I pray that, if it's nighttime, that you are able, you're in a time and a space where you can rest, amen, and I hope that this can be in the carriage. You? You don't know who I am. My name is katherine amen. I am pastor. Exposed life change ministries right in the heart of madison heights, virginia, amen, where we are exposing the enemy so that lives can truly be trained, truly be changed for the glory of God, amen.

Speaker 1:

So, without further ado, I'd like for us to go ahead and get into it. We have plenty of time to finish out this particular book. We are in 1 John 5. So if y'all are already dying, let's go.

Speaker 1:

Father, we thank you so much for your grace and mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this opportunity, this moment, to get into your word. Pray, god, that you would speak us a fresh word. God, speak us, give us something, god. Give us something that you know that we need, that we might not even know that we need God. Just pray in the name of Jesus to have your way here in this moment. I, I just pray in the name of Jesus to have your way here in this moment. I pray that you would draw your people here. I pray, god, that you would lead God in what our steps, as we trust in you, as we lean, not on to our own understanding. Father, have your way here, god. I thank you. We thank you so much for dwelling with us for a while. God, we love you so much. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray. Amen, amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, we are here in 1 John, chapter 5, halfway through, we just about finished. Amen, when you're ready to finish out, if you didn't know, we are learning how to live in. True. He said take my yoke and learn of me. Amen, and I believe this. Matthew 11 uh, like uh, 30, 29 or 30, yeah, I told us to take his show and learn about him. And this is what we're doing here. We are learning how to. Yeah, because we can learn the word, we can learn every verse, you can memorize every single verse, but if you don't learn how to apply this and make it your standard, which is what your truth. You don't learn how to do that, then you know you're just kind of going through the motions, you're not really getting the fullness of what Jesus would have you out of His Word, amen. So I feel privileged that I've been called to do this. Yeah, amen. And I was doing this on my Facebook Live and it didn't seemed like I was getting too much traffic, um, and so, just being guided by the spirit, here I am. I want to die standing in the rough, um, and I mean the link to the truth, amen, uh. So I am always excited and excited to be before you and able to speak life into you, able to be a coach of health. Come alongside you and help as you journey through this powerful and great word of God, amen.

Speaker 1:

So, without further ado, we left off at verse 16. Amen. The greatest takeaway I got out of yesterday's talk was that Jesus does hear us. Amen. If we believe on his name, he will hear us when we're talking to him. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

And so we continue. He says if any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask and he shall give him life for them. That sin not unto death, there is a sin unto death If I say that he shall pray for it. Okay, so this one verse got a little bit deaf, right, I'm drinking coffee, coffee y'all. Where I am okay in the morning, I'm the only one up, it's like 6, 30 yeah. So, yeah, uh, we're gonna dissect verse 16. He says okay, so we're go back up to 15. Kind of jog our memory what he said. We know that he hear us Whatsoever we ask. We know that we have the petitions that we desire of him. Okay, so we're talking about talking to Jesus. Okay, talking to the Father At prayer life, okay.

Speaker 1:

So he says if any man see his brother sin though we see him sin a sin, he says a sin which give, oh no, I'm sorry, which is not unto death. So if you don't see anybody commit murder, if you don't see anybody take life, if you see somebody who sins, but it's not to the measure of taking away life, he says he shall ask, we should ask, talk to him, pray for him. He says, and he shall give them life for them. That sin not unto death. So he said when we see our brothers fall, okay, we see them fall, we see them doing things that ain't got no business. John reveals to us, the Spirit reveals to us through him, that the thing for us to do is to pray for them. Talk to God about that, tell God about the sin that you witnessed, that you saw them do. And he says to us he will give him life, amen, he will deal with whatever he did wrong, and it's not up to us to try to fix somebody else. It is not up to us to call them out and make them do whatever it is that we think that they ought to do. Amen, so he says. After that, he says there is a sin unto death. Okay, he says I do not say that. You shall pray for it. Okay. So he says he says there is sin out there that will lead a person straight to hell. Okay, he says he said this Based on the text, and I couldn't be.

Speaker 1:

But look, there is room for me to be off. But this is just the way that I perceive it. This is another. That's another. For everybody that's here is that it ain't necessarily that you're wrong. It could be your perception. Okay, it could be your spiritual maturity. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

So don't get hung up on right and wrong, because at the end of the day, when we get into the Word of God, jesus will reveal what it is that he needs us to see in that moment for a time. Amen. So, depending upon where you are, amen in in different areas of your life is how you're going to perceive the word of God. This is the way that he's going to reveal it to you. He's able to reveal it in so many different ways To Based on where they are. Amen. So do not get hung up on writing. So what I get, he says and I'm going to read that verse again Before I say what I what I saw or heard Okay, he says, if any man see his brother in a sin, no, if any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death, he shall ask and he shall give him life For them that sin not unto death.

Speaker 1:

Since there is a sin unto death, I do not say that he shall pray for it. All unrighteousness is sin and there is a sin not unto death. So all sin ought to be prayed for, but there is some sin that ain't I mean. It's done, you heard me. He says, at the end of the day, all unrighteousness is sin. Okay, he says, and I'm backing up.

Speaker 1:

He said I do not say that he shall pray for it. So I'm trying to make sense of it in my mind, y'all, myself, I don't want to say anything that would get the wrong. No, get the wrong. Hmm, no, not the wrong answer, but the wrong perception, because we definitely, even for the murderer, even for the one who blasphemes God, I say even for them, we ought to be praying for them. Hallelujah, because Jesus did that. He said you know, forgive them, for they know not what they do, you know blaspheming Jesus. They spit on the dead, all that stuff to him on the cross. But he asked for forgiveness for them. So I just don't want I'm being careful, not to say not to pray for them, because you should absolutely. Especially when you witness people. You see people that are doing things like murder, lying, all of these things that are not like Christ. Amen.

Speaker 1:

He makes a point. He says all unrighteousness is sin, hallelujah, amen. But then he says there is a sin. No, there is a sin, not death. To continue on, he says we know that whosoever is born of God's sin is not, he says. But he that is begotten of God keepeth himself and the wicked more in touch than not. Amen.

Speaker 1:

What we got to understand here is that once you become saved by Jesus Christ, then even though you sin, jesus is the perpetuation, then forever. So no matter how many times you sin Jesus, because you live in his name and you believe in his name, you stand on his name, you are covered. One thing to point out in verse 18 is that he says that whosoever is of God, you don't sin intentionally, and I believe that that is a big differer from someone who knows Jesus and who does, someone who does not, someone who knows who Jesus is as a child of God. We understand the cost. Yeah, we understand the cost of our salvation. So we don't just go out there and sin just because we can. Yeah, we don't go out there and sin just because we can. Yeah, we don't go out there and sin just because we can be forgiven.

Speaker 1:

But what he says, but he that is forgotten of God, keepeth himself. So keeping yourself means like keeping something valuable to you that is safe. It's safe. It is to keep something. I'm saying that again. It is to keep something that is valuable to you, that is safe. It's safe. It is to keep something. I'm saying that again. It is to keep something that is valuable to you safe. Okay, meaning you're protected. You don't allow this Daniela to get their hands on it, to mess with it and mess up the value of the thing that you have. What he means when he says he that is begotten of God, keep it himself. You're going to do thing that you have. What he means when he says he that is begotten of God, keep it himself. You're going to do everything that you can to live an upright life. Amen. You're not going to go out here intentionally deceiving people. You're not going to go out there intentionally trying to take what doesn't belong to you, so on and so forth.

Speaker 1:

He says and the wicked one, because you're intentional about doing it in God's way. The wicked one which is Satan and all of his angels. They cannot touch you in a way that would lead you astray. Hallelujah, because you are in God. 19, he says and we know that we are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness, so you know where you are in him. We all have our own relationship with the Father. He says and we know that the Son of God is come and have given us an understanding that we may know him. That is true and we are in him. That is true Even in his Son, jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols, amen.

Speaker 1:

So he wraps up saying look, we know who we are, amen. I'm going to come to the last few minutes. They know who they are as disciples of Christ. You ought to know who you are, amen. You ought to know what your heritage is, amen. He says to us love. You ought to know. You should know, amen, that you are in Christ. Amen. You ought to know. You ought to be able to profess and proclaim that you are a child of God, without apology, amen. Hallelujah. You ought to be able to decree and declare and share with the world that Jesus Christ is eternal life. Amen. You ought to be able to share. Look, I know he heard from me. Amen, I have a prayer life. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Ask God if you can see how God is working in your life. Ask him to open up your eyes To show you where he's been in your life, amen, where you've done some things that couldn't have been done without him. Hallelujah, how you made it from point A to point B. Look, ask God to open up your eyes if you can't see. It is amazing how Folk who have been blinded by life, they cannot see the beauty of God, they cannot see the truth of the fact that God was there. Amen, y'all. If you're aware of the footprints, hallelujah. You know, in that poem Jesus makes the revelation. Hey, look, when you thought I wasn't, it was when I was. Come on somebody. When you thought that I wasn't, I was there. When you couldn't carry yourself, he said I was carrying you. Hallelujah, I was carrying you. Hallelujah, I was carrying you. Amen, he is there and he is there carrying you where he wants to take you, hallelujah. So that wraps up 1 John, chapter 5.

Speaker 1:

Our first book that we have been over, been through here on God's Diamonds in the Rough, hallelujah, I'm excited about the next book and I hope that you are Amen as we continue to go forth. Can I say which book exactly we'll be going to next? I cannot, yes, and that's just because I don't know. I really don't know. I don't want to tell you one thing and wind up doing another. I am a spirit filled Christ follower. Hallelujah. I am waiting on the Lord, amen, to tell me what is next. Amen, so in order for you to find out what's next. You got to come back, yeah, you got to come back on Monday as we start another book in the word of God, amen.

Speaker 1:

Don't forget to tune in on Friday and Saturday for two more not one, but two more episodes that Michael and I recorded on God's diamond in the rough Amen. Now the two that I choose. It could be just me and whoever I'm interviewing. Then again, it could be Michael and I and whoever we interview. So y'all, make sure y'all come on back On Fridays and get this great testimony, this great story Of the chosen Gu's diamond in the rough Amen.

Speaker 1:

So let us go and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us to stay in this time. God, to be able to spend some time with you. God, to be able to spend some time with you, give you the word and I pray for every ear and every heart and every diamond that is and was here. I just pray, god, that you continue to bless them in such a way that they know that they did shoot. Thank you, god, for allowing us to be able to talk to you. God, thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, that we have completed this book and I just pray, god, that you would guide us in where to go next.

Speaker 1:

We pray for that one that said pray for me. We pray for those who have no way doesn't seem like there ever will be a way. You are the way, jesus God. I thank you so much for being the way. Hallelujah, father, we love you so much. We're so very grateful and so thankful. We pray that this prayer and all of our prayers are pleased in your sight. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray. Amen, amen and amen. Hallelujah Again, I ask you to join me on tomorrow, as you will be able to finally hear another one of our guests that we interviewed recently. Join us. So so many blessings from me to you Y'all. Make sure y'all come on back for the next time. Amen, amen, amen.

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