God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#155 LTLT S5 EP 29: Jesus Does Hear, Believe On Him

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 29

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Can faith in Jesus Christ truly change your life forever? Discover the transformative power of belief in this heartfelt episode of "Learning to Live in Truth" as we immerse ourselves in the teachings of 1 John, Chapter 5. We discuss the profound assurance of eternal life that comes from faith in Jesus as the Son of God and explore how this belief empowers us to overcome worldly struggles. Through a vivid analogy of unending thirst or hunger, we underscore the eternal consequences of belief and non-belief, urging listeners to revisit the entire book of 1 John for a comprehensive spiritual journey.

Next, be inspired by an incredible story of a passionate cook whose culinary journey began in childhood and led to prestigious events like the 1996 Olympics. This narrative, rich with faith and gratitude, illustrates how divine guidance and prayer have shaped their career. We reflect on the importance of trusting one's gifts and aligning with a higher purpose, sharing personal anecdotes and spiritual insights along the way. We wrap up with a heartfelt prayer for guidance, protection, and healing for all, while inviting you to join us in the next episode as we continue our journey towards God's blessings.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. I am so glad to be with you one more time. I hope all is well, hope you've had a great day Whenever you're listening to this. Hope you had a great night. Amen to God. Be the glory. My name is Catherine Amen.

Speaker 1:

Right here on God's Diamonds in the Rough, we have intertwined learning to live in truth, which I used to do on Facebook Live, along here with our God's Diamonds in the Rough podcast, amen. So therefore, you get two for the price of one. Come on somebody, hallelujah, price of one. Come on somebody, hallelujah, amen. So, for time's sake, I hope y'all are ready, because I am ready, amen, ready to get into the word. I hope that you got your Bibles. If you're driving, hope you're intently listening to what is coming forth, amen. So before we get into the word, let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this time, this day, to get into your word. I just pray for every hearer that is here, every diamond, god, that you would bless them in this time, that they would get what it is that they need all of us. That we would get what we need, father, I just pray to reveal what we need to see, what we need to hear, what we need to understand, that we might be able to carry yet another nugget of wisdom forth. Until we make it home to you, father, we bless your name and we bless your people. We pray this prayer and we ask it all in your precious son's name, jesus Christ, we do pray Jesus, jesus, jesus in Jesus name. We do pray jesus, jesus, jesus in jesus name. We do pray. Amen, amen, hallelujah, all right, y'all. So we left off. Uh, first, john, chapter five. Uh, today we're gonna be picking in verse 13. Verse 13. Yeah, it's been powerful. Oh, we're to the end now, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

If this is your first time tuning in, this is my prayer that you will go back to the beginning of this great book, because what the Lord has led me to do here is to go book by book and verse by verse, and I don't believe it'll do you any justice to just come at the end or come in in the middle. You should definitely go back to the very beginning of the book, whatever book it is, and this happens to be the first book that the Lord led me to in regards to learning to live in truth here at God's Diamonds in the Rough. Amen. So I suggest you going back to the beginning of the book. But you know you be led by the Spirit. Yeah, amen. So here we are, verse 13.

Speaker 1:

We've been talking a lot about, if you love God and you know God and you know his son, that we have victory because we have overcome the world. We're overcoming the world because we believe in Jesus Christ. We believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. That's really what I got a lot out of chapter five thus far is about the fact what comes out of believing Amen Comes. What comes out of believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God, amen. And so we're here at 13, ready to wrap it up and go on to the next book. Yeah, so 13,.

Speaker 1:

He said these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God, that ye may know that ye have eternal life and that ye may believe on the name of the son of God. Okay, so, as John is writing this book, he says I'm writing these things. Is writing this book. He says I'm writing these things. He says so that you will. He says these things have I written to you that believe? All right, so he says so, that he said I'm talking to the ones that believe on the name of the son of God, which is Jesus, right, and he says not only that, that ye may know that you have eternal life. Amen, you have eternal life. We have eternal life, eternal life with him, amen. So when we die and leave this earth, we won't die, our soul won't die. Amen. We'll go to a place of peace, amen, a place of resting. Hallelujah. We will be joined with Jesus on the right hand, amen. And we will be there with him, with the Father, with the Holy Spirit. Amen. Because we know that hell is a place of torment. Amen.

Speaker 1:

You don't want to live in eternity in hell? Inhale, yeah, because it never ends. Yeah, I mean, you use this analogy all the time. Imagine being thirsty and it never being fulfilled. That's torment, right. Or being hungry and never getting satisfied, yeah. Or being tired and not being able to go to sleep, yeah. That's the essence of an eternity of torment. Yeah, we, you know, we, here on this earth, we hate to be tormented, yeah. Whatever brings us pain, whatever brings us suffering, whatever brings us into a place where we're not comfortable. We want it to stop, don't we? Yeah, we want it to stop. And so you take that thought and you imagine being in a place where that type of thing, it never stops, it is continuous. I don't want to go there. Hallelujah, I hope you don't. Amen. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

So he says that you might have, that you know that you will have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the son of God. Why did he repeat it? So he said look, so you'll believe on the name of the son of God. Why did he repeat it? So he said look, so you'll believe on the name of the son of God, so you'll know that having the son of God, which is Jesus Christ, is enough. Amen, that his name is enough. When we say his name, when we go forth in his name, when we are decreeing and declaring a thing in his name, when we command the devil to go and to flee, flee that his name will give us and is everything that we need.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, he says and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will, he heareth us. Amen, he says this thing. Look, we believe this and we know this. He says look, we have confidence in him, not in ourselves, not in doing all the right things, not in this, not in that, but in Jesus alone. Amen, he said. Look, we believe this, we believe it, we know. It is this why we know that when we ask him that if it's in his will, it will come to pass. However, and whenever he desires, amen, I I don't know if you've been in the Word at any time you got to know that the desires that you have in your heart, look and it's aligned with His will, they come from Him. Amen, hallelujah, I believe. It's 1 to 4.

Speaker 1:

As a whole, basically, it says that when you got the vision, he said write it down and make it plain so that when people read it they'll run with it. So that just means that whatever God shows, you, write it down. Amen. Look in the book of Proverbs, I believe, and Psalms, I believe. Somewhere along the line he says whilst that he establishes our thoughts, look, when we give it to him, he'll show you the way, amen. I just kind of put in a couple passages of verses, but they all mean the same thing. It's just a virtuous verses, but they all mean the same thing.

Speaker 1:

If it's aligned with him, you're going to be able to go forth in him, amen. And when you're going forth in him, you can know that when you ask, he will hear you. Amen, he will hear you, amen. Isn't it amazing how we just ask God for the same thing over and over and over again. I'm sure he heard you the first time, hallelujah. But see, when we hear him, we got to know that I've asked, he's heard me and in his timing and his will it'll come to pass. Amen. You gotta learn and know that when you talk to him he can hear you. He says and if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. So he says, if we know this, that he's hearing us and we know who he is. So at the end of the day, we know who he is right and we know that his name is the highest Hallelujah, that when we go to him, that because we are connected to him, because we believe in who he is, that number one he's going to hear us and that whatever we ask him, we know that he placed it in our heart to want Amen.

Speaker 1:

It didn't just come by coincidence, y'all, come on, hallelujah, it did not. He knows exactly what is going on. He gave you the thing I I I'm recently understanding, like really understanding um, a scripture, and I'm just using this. For example, he says your group, your gifts, will make room for you. It'll bring you before great men. Okay, that is um paraphrase. Okay, my group, my gifts, will make room for me to bring before a great man, great man. Well, what does that mean? Well, where did the gift come from? The gift came from him. And he says about that scripture, he says it'll bring you before great men. Okay, that will. And I believe it's another scripture. I don't know if this is in here. I'm tying the scriptures together but he said they will sow into your bosom. Okay, like I said I don't know if it's the same place as the first verse I talked about, about your hands and all your gifts. I mean, but follow me now. He said look, men will sow into your bosom. You use the gifts that he gave you. Then he said I'm going to bring you into a place where people and opportunities can serve you or serve the gift. Ok, and here's the thing. Here's the thing. The more we use our gift, the more our gift is perfected, that it goes as far as the spirit desires it to go. Amen. I am using myself, for example.

Speaker 1:

I have been cooking since I was since I could walk, I probably. I've been cooking since I was like five, six, seven years old. I'm now 40, 45, no, I don't know, 46. I just had a birthday. I'm 46 years old now and I've been cooking all my life. I've cooked for my brothers and my sister and I went from there cooking for them. I cooked in high school. I worked in the industry of restaurants, from fast food to cooking country clubs to hotels. I've cooked all over the place. I've been in different states, cities cooking. I was able to go to the Olympics in 1996 and serve the media. I have been able to be in all different types of realms and different places to use my gift.

Speaker 1:

Don't you think that my gift has been perfected? And it is being perfected. I went to college for two years and I have an associate's degree to get the expertise of my field. Yeah, amen, I didn't get the bachelor's degree I could have but I didn't. But I have everything that I need to continue to use my gift that it will bring me before men.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, why? Because I asked God for what I needed in that moment. He said use your gift, amen, use your gift. I know that he heard me, or I know that he heard me? Yeah, I know that he heard me because I'm what? Using my gift, amen. He's making a way for me to use my gift. Because I asked him what do I do in this situation that I'm in, he said use your gifts, amen. Hallelujah, ain't nothing to figure out. Use what you already got, jesus, come on, use what you already got, amen. He heard me. When I asked him what do I do, he said use your gifts. They're going to make room for you. Amen. It's going to put you in a place where the thing that you're asking me for it will be answered, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I know that seemed long and I know that seemed a little stretched, but I wanted to make sure that you understood what I'm saying. Hallelujah, it's that, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. We're going to have everything that we need when we put it in his hands, amen. This is why, coming back to the other scripture, he said look, I will establish your steps. Amen, I will show you what I desire from you, what I purposed you to do in this earth. Amen. He said. Look, when you committed to me, I'm going to show you the steps. Amen. So to establish means to plant and direct your steps is to show you the steps. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Come on somebody. You got to know that Jesus, he's right there with you. Amen, he's orchestrated how to get you where he wants to take you. My pastor, he said to me a while back. He said when you are where you're supposed to be, god will move heaven and earth to get you where you're supposed to be. So when you align with the spirit, you align with where God will want you to be, then God himself, he will take you where he wants you to be. Hallelujah, amen. So at the end of the day, jesus is never excluded from what is going on in your life, unless you put him on the outside. Amen. So trusting in him, it is a good thing. Hallelujah, look, he says.

Speaker 1:

Matter of fact, I'm going to stop right here, and tomorrow we will finish verses 16 through 21. I thought we would finish today, but for time's sake and just so that on Monday we'll be able to start a brand new chapter and that started on Thursday. It's going to align just perfectly, so we're going to pick up right there at verse 16. I hope that you got everything that you needed out of verses 13 to 15, which basically, is teaching us on today that believing on his name is enough. Believing on his name assures us that he hears us, amen.

Speaker 1:

So let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this time in your word. Thank you so much for speaking in such a way that we could not miss it. Father, we love you so much and so very grateful and so thankful. We pray in the name of Jesus that your people, god, are fed Amen. We pray that, whatever the need might be, that you would answer it in the way that you desire, lord.

Speaker 1:

I just lift up my friend right now in the name of Jesus. Just quickly, I got to lift up my friend, who is going forth to have surgery today, and I just pray that your angels are in camp where she is, that you are in every, any doctor that lays the hand on her, any nurse that attends to her. I pray in the name of Jesus, because she knows who she is and she'll be listening to this when she's finished with surgery. But, god, I just pray God a covering over her. God, give her husband strength. That's standing by her side. I pray in the name of Jesus for her children, who are there right with her, waiting for the outcome.

Speaker 1:

I just believe that she's healed already, god, and I just pray God that the blood of Jesus will continue to keep her and protect her, and I just pray that for anybody else who's going through something that I don't know nothing about. I pray for my brothers and I pray for my sisters all over the world, god, every diamond that you have brought into this world, that their needs will be answered, that you would continue to grant them grace and mercy. Father, we love you so much. We're so grateful. I am so grateful that you give me the opportunity to be a vessel for you. Father, we love you and we thank you. We pray that this prayer and all of our prayers are pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray. Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So I hope that y'all will come on back with me on Thursday, tomorrow, as we continue to go forth. Hopefully we will finish up. Matter of fact, I know we'll finish up this great, great, great chapter and this great book and be ready to start the next one on Monday. So make sure y'all come on back. Hallelujah. So much love, so many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great day and a good night. Amen, amen and amen.

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