God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#154 LTLT S5 EP 28: Finding Strength in the Symbolism of Water and Blood

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 28

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What if the key to conquering life's challenges lies in a single, powerful belief? Join us as we unpack the transformative message of 1 John, chapter 5, where believing in Jesus as the Son of God empowers us to overcome the world. This episode explores the essence of faith, diving into the profound symbolism of Jesus coming by water and blood, and how these elements tie back to the crucifixion and the Spirit's role in our faith journey. Our discussion aims to deepen your understanding and strengthen your resolve in the face of adversity through the potent teachings of God's word.

Next, we turn our focus to the vital role of bearing witness to the truth and glory of Jesus Christ. Reflecting on the parallels between the disciples' firsthand experiences and the credibility of witness testimonies in a court system, we emphasize the divine unity of the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost. Discover the significance of the three earthly witnesses — the Spirit, the water, and the blood — and how they come together in perfect agreement. We underscore the importance of embracing Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the eternal life that this belief bestows. Finally, we encourage you to share this life-changing message, highlighting God's grace and the universal opportunity for salvation.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth, right here on God's Diamonds in the Rough. So glad to be before you one more time, amen. If y'all don't know who I am by now I don't know. If you know where you are, come on somebody. Hallelujah, I am Catherine, and so glad to be before you once again, again here, to go with you from book to book, verse to verse, in the word out of the word of God. Hallelujah, amen. So I hope you got your Bibles. I hope you're ready to get into the word today, because I surely am. Amen, I don't want to waste any time.

Speaker 1:

Amen, as we go forth, continuing out of the book of 1 John. 1 John, that's what I said 1 John, chapter 5, we're picking up at verse 6, but I am going to go back over verse 5 today, but before I do that, I want us to go into prayer. So, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us yet again, another day. I pray God that, whatever hour, this diamond is listening to it, I just pray God that it blesses them where they are. I pray that it encourages, it, enlightens, it, empowers, it does what you desire for it to do For you are the great I am, and I just thank you, god, that you are using me in such a way that will be a light to the kingdom and a help to your people. I pray, god, that you would just have your way in this time. I give you glory and I give you all the honor. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray Amen, amen, hallelujah Amen. So Hope you pray amen, amen, hallelujah amen, so hope you've been tuning in amen wherever you're listening to this. I want you just quickly, if you haven't already, please hit, follow, hit, please hit, follow wherever you listen to it, whether it be spotify, apple music or itunes, whatever, whatever platform you're listening to it on. And it came up in your news feed and you're not a follower yet. Please do that. I surely would appreciate you doing that. All right, y'all, let's go. Come on, let's get into the word of God.

Speaker 1:

So where we left off again, 1 John, chapter 5, picking up at the fifth verse, I use a King James version, use whatever version. Uh, helps you? Uh, this is the one that I use. So he says and I'm kind of going back and rewind before I get to six, because it's got to make sense, right?

Speaker 1:

So if I said who is he that that overcomes the world? But he that believe it, that Jesus is a son of God. So if you believe that Jesus is the son of God, so if you believe that Jesus is the son of God, then you have overcome the world. Anything that the world would, uh, desire to attack you with, whether it's your past, whether it's your now, whether it's how, whether or not you're good enough, whether you're following their traditions and doing what the culture says and saying the right thing or saying the wrong thing, whatever have you. He says you've overcome the world. Amen, so that just means the standards of the world, yeah, whatever it is that, uh, god is calling you to, he's asking you and telling you to go forth, hey guys. So I had to pause just for a minute, but I'm not really sure where I left off, but anyhow, we're going to go on forth, amen. I'm just going to hear the Lord. Yes, so I believe we were at verse five. No, so I believe we were at verse 5. No, yes, verse 5.

Speaker 1:

So he said who is he that overcometh the world? Yes, I remember he says, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. So we've already dug deep into that. You are an overcomer if you believe that Jesus is the son of God. So here's another point. I've heard actually heard people say you know, I believe that Jesus Christ is real, but I don't believe that he's a son. I believe he's a prophet. Jesus Christ is real, but I don't believe that he's the son. I believe that he's a prophet and I don't know any further the argument on that. But you know, that's just another example. He says that you're an overcomer if you believe that he, that Jesus Christ, is the son of God. So for you to believe that he's the son of God is a major, major, major, major factor. Yeah, it makes the difference. It makes a big difference of how you, how you what to say survive in the world. I guess you could say how you come out in the world, uh, in regard to, um, how much the world and what the influence of the world has over you, yeah, does that make sense? I hope that that makes sense. Um, I mean, it just lets us know that you can believe in Jesus but not believe that he's the son of God. Yeah, so he says when you believe that you will be able to overcome the world. Amen by your faith. Amen. Look, he says.

Speaker 1:

Verse six this is he that came by water and blood. How do we figure that? You know, bible teaches us that on the cross, when they pierced him in his side, he didn't just bleed blood, but he also bled water. So he says this is he that came by water and blood. Even Jesus Christ, not by water only, but by water and blood. Water is symbolic of God. Yeah, in the beginning was God.

Speaker 1:

Genesis 1, hallelujah, genesis 1, verse 1, he's always been there. Amen, he says. And it is the spirit that beareth witness, because the spirit is truth. Okay, look, let me read it again just to make sure that I got it right. I want to make sure that you understand where I just got that from. In the symbolism of the water, look, genesis 1, verse 1, says In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth, and the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the. Of the deep, he said, and the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Okay, so the spirit moved into the waters, but the waters had no life. The water was dead, it was dark. It was nothing there that spoke life until the spirit moved on it. Hallelujah. Then we go forth into the days of creation.

Speaker 1:

But verse 2 is significant. I'm going to read it again. He says and the earth was without form and void Without form says. It was just there, it had no kind of shape, any kind of purpose, it was just there and it was void. It was there but it was as if it wasn't. Amen, he says and darkness was upon the face of the deep. There was no life. Amen, he says. And the spirit of God, which he says. When you go back to the verse, he says and it is the spirit that beareth witness. Because the spirit is true, this is a bit, because the spirit is truth. This is the spirit bear witness, because the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

Speaker 1:

So in that moment, in the first, second verse of Genesis one, this is God desiring relationship Amen, he wanted to be alive through the things that he created. Alive through the things that he created wasn't that he wasn't alive, but he wanted to be. He wanted to be, uh, alive through his creation. This is why he first created light. Then he created, uh, the separation from, from light to dark, amen. Then he went on and created the difference between day and night, and on and on.

Speaker 1:

You can go through Genesis, chapter one, verses one, through, all the way through 28, from the beginning when he first moved upon the water, all the way until he got to his vision for what man would do, hallelujah. So God, amen. Without God, without the spirit, there is no life. Amen, come on somebody. So he said he came by water and blood. Blood is about the flesh, but, but the flesh had to be present so that it could die, so that we can live. Do you understand? The word became flesh, so there had to be some sort of sacrifice, and that was the blood of Jesus Christ that was shed upon this earth so that we might live. Anyone who believed on his name, on his name. That is important. Amen. Look, I'm going on, look.

Speaker 1:

He says, or it says verse 7, for there is, for there are three that bear record in heaven. He says the father, the word, holy Ghost. Okay, and these three are one. So you got three that bear witness of the life of Jesus Christ here on the earth. First is the Father, the next is the Word and the rest is the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah the Holy Ghost. Rest is the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah the Holy Ghost. He said. I commence my spirit into your hands when he gave his last breath on the cross. This is the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Because when we associate ghosts, we think about a ghost. It is a ghost, it's something, a being that was once there and no longer. Its spirit is still, uh, moving around. The holy ghost, amen. If we wanted to put it in a layman terms or or secular way, so that you could see it in that way amen, holy. Holy is from god. Amen. So there was a. The, that is, the holy spirit, is what we feel, what we are present with while we're on the earth. Amen.

Speaker 1:

The disciples that was here with Jesus when he walked this earth. They were fortunate to be present with him, because the reality is that the fact that they were able to see Jesus in the flesh, they became, became witnesses of the truth. So the truth could not be denied. Amen. This is how it works in our court system. If you have a witness, it makes whatever you're saying true, hallelujah. And if they and if both of you align, then what? Are you in danger of perjury according to the law. Come on somebody. So the truth, especially when you have a witness, it cannot be denied. Hallelujah, and you know again, if you didn't know it and you don't realize it, god created order, amen. God created order. So he says all of what he said about Jesus. Created order. So he says all of what he said about Jesus. And then you come to verse 70.

Speaker 1:

He says there are three that bear record in heaven amen.

Speaker 1:

Look, he said the father, the word and the holy ghost. They're not separate, they are one. Amen. When you have the word, you have the father. When you have the holy ghost, you got the father and the word. Hallelujah. When you have the word, you have the father. When you have the holy ghost, you got the father and the word. Hallelujah. When you got the father, you got the word and the holy ghost. Amen, there is no separation, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He says there are three that bear witness in earth. So not only in heaven, but also in the earth. He says the spirit and the water and the blood. And these three agree in one hallelujah. We recognize the blood that was shed on the cross for me and you. Hallelujah, we recognize the living water of jesus christ. Come on somebody. We recognize his spirit. Hallelujah, a child of god will recognize all three. Come on somebody. And that makes you a witness to the glory of God.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, he says, if we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is even greater. It doesn't say even, but I said it. He said he said the witness of God is greater, for this is the witness of God, which he have testified of his son. This is it. Hallelujah, he that believeth on the Son of God hath a witness in himself. You become a witness to who the Son of God is. You become a witness of Jesus Because you know it's things that have happened in your life that are happening, that you don't have nothing to do with. You know that it is nothing but the miracle working hand of God over your life. This is how you become a witness to who he is. Amen.

Speaker 1:

The world, if they're look the world don't know who Jesus is and they cannot identify who he is. You can, hallelujah, you know. Ain't no way what happened could have happened without him. Come on somebody. Hallelujah, amen. It just logically doesn't make sense. Amen, he says you are a witness in him.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, he says he that believeth not God hath made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son. He says and this is the record that God had given to us eternal life, and this life is in his son. So the only way that you can capture eternal life is through Jesus Christ. Amen. Eternal life is through Jesus Christ, amen. You have to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God and that what he did John 3, 16, that he died, he said God for so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son so that the world would not perish but have what? Eternal life. Come on Now. I just paraphrase it, but you understand what I'm saying. Hallelujah, he died so that we can live. Amen.

Speaker 1:

So for you to deny that he's a son of God, there is something wrong with that. Amen. The world would dismiss it and make it say oh, it's okay, long as I believe in God. There is something wrong with that Amen. The world would dismiss it and make it say, oh, it's okay, long as I believe in God, that's enough. No, it is not. Amen. Do not allow the world to make the standard for you.

Speaker 1:

Get into the word of God and find out for yourself. I praise God that you're here to God be the glory. Look, he says verse 12 in our final scripture for tonight or today. He says he that hath the Son hath life, and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. Amen, that just means you are existing. That's what that means. You're just here, taking up your time in the earth. Amen, you're not really. You're not walking in your purpose. You're not doing what God desires for you to do if you don't have him. Amen.

Speaker 1:

I believe that for those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, it's just every day that he allows you them to live is another opportunity for them to believe on him. Amen, hallelujah and grace, that thing that we don't deserve. Grace for those who don't know who Jesus Christ is. He grants them anyhow, not because they did anything right, but because he loves them. Amen, he loves us all.

Speaker 1:

I dare you to share this particular episode with somebody that you know is not a believer. Amen, somebody who questions who Jesus Christ is. Now, you know folk will say all kinds of things about you. People might say things about me. It is what it is, but at the end of the day, I know who my father is, and so should you. You ought to know that Jesus Christ died on the cross for each and every one of us. Amen.

Speaker 1:

None of us are good enough, amen. None of us have done all the right things and doing the right things that deserve the mercy of God, but he gives it to us Anyhow, not because we are that good, but because he is. Hallelujah, he loves us that much. I dare you to share it with somebody else. Hallelujah, amen to god be the glory.

Speaker 1:

I'm done for the day, for tonight, whenever you're listening to this, and I hope you'll um come on back with me on tomorrow, but um, until then, we're gonna pray, amen, amen, pray, a blessing over this word. Father, we thank you so much for yet again speaking through your servant. I pray for every hearer that is here that you will bless them where they are, whatever they need might be, that you would give it to them. I pray for that one who doesn't know you today. I pray today would be the day that they would come to know you. I pray, god, that they would be the day that they would come to know you. I pray, god, that they would give their hearts, give their souls, to you, god, because it belongs to you anyhow. Amen. I pray God that they don't wind up in hell At the end of the day. I pray that they don't wind up in hell. I pray to my brothers and sisters that are in Christ. We would all one day meet up in heaven. God, we love you so much. God, I love you so much. We're so very grateful and so thankful for every day and every moment that you give us. I love you, we thank you and we pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing in your sight. We pray it and we ask it in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ. We do pray Amen, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Y'all. Make sure y'all come on back with me as we go through to wrap up this chapter. Amen. On this great Wednesday, lord's, will you see it? We all see it. Amen. We're going to finish up chapter five, have a conversation for Thursday, and you know it is what it is. We're going to finish up chapter five, have a conversation for Thursday, and you know it is what it is. We're going to go on to the next book. I'm guessing the Lord will give me the next book in the next episode so that you will be ready to get into it the following day. So again I say I love you. So many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great day, a great night, and we'll see you all next time. Amen, amen from me to you. Y'all have a great day, a great night, and we'll see you all next time. Amen, amen and amen.

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