God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#153 LTLT S5 EP 27: Trusting Jesus Is The Son Of God

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 27

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Are you ready to uncover the truth and strengthen your faith? Join me, Pastor Catherine, in this enlightening episode of "Learning to Live in Truth" at God's Diamonds in the Roof, where we discuss how to trust in the Lord, especially during life's toughest moments. Guided by scriptures such as Proverbs 3:5-6 and Romans 8:28, we'll explore our ministry's mission to expose the enemy's tactics and transform lives through God's glory. We'll also highlight our unique approach to Bible study, diving deep into each book and verse to offer profound insights. Don't miss our powerful interviews on Fridays and Saturdays, designed to provide support and healing to those grappling with trauma and pain by connecting their experiences to the word of God.

Understand the profound connection between professing belief in Jesus Christ and being born of God as we reflect on verses from John and Isaiah. We'll discuss the significance of explicitly acknowledging Jesus in our spiritual journey and the importance of loving fellow believers as a testament to our love for God. You'll hear about the conscious choice required to follow God's commandments and how they are designed to be light and manageable with His help. Finally, I'll share a heartfelt prayer and extend warm wishes for a blessed week ahead, expressing my gratitude for our listeners and sending love and blessings to all. Amen and amen.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth here at God's Diamonds in the Roof. So glad to be before you one more time. Amen, I hope all is well. I hope that you're having a great day. Amen, I hope that everything is going the way you thought it would go.

Speaker 1:

Amen, and for those of us things aren't going so well, maybe it's not going the way you expected. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not unto your own understanding In all of your ways. Acknowledge him and he will direct your steps. Amen, that was Proverbs 3, verses 5 and 6. Amen, that is an encouragement. I hope it encouraged you on today.

Speaker 1:

Amen, because we, whenever things are falling apart, particularly we always saying what do we do? What we do, but that's the thing that you always do trust in the lord with all of your heart. Amen, knowing that whatever's happening in your life, it is working for your good. Hallelujah, because you are called Amen and you love him. To God be the glory. I just added on Romans 8 and 28 To God be the glory. I love it, amen, I love it, amen, I love it. I love it Because you got to learn how to encourage yourself. Amen, encourage yourself. All right, y'all. You don't know who I am by name.

Speaker 1:

My name is Catherine amen, pastor of Exposed Life Change Ministries right in the heart of Madison Heights, virginia, amen, where we are exposing the enemy. You heard me. We are exposing them. Amen. So we are exposing the enemy. We are exposing them, amen, so we cannot hide. Amen that our lives can truly be changed for the glory of God, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So here we're going through the Bible, book by book and verse by verse, as the Lord leads, amen. We got interviews that we are sharing on Friday and Saturday sometimes, amen, when we were connected with a platform that allowed us to be able to meet with people all over the world. Amen, right from a computer. Amen. So on those days, this is what you'll find Interviews. You'll find Michael and I, which is my husband, amen. We're chatting with them and just trying to be an encouragement, be an enlightenment, be able to offer some help for those who are dealing with trauma and pain, and rooting it all back to the word of God. Amen, at the end of the day, it all roots back to the word of God. So we are always super excited about being able to be here with you and we hope that you will continue to come back Time after time. Amen.

Speaker 1:

However, wherever you're listening to this, I want to ask you to hit the follow button, follow, follow, follow, amen. However, wherever you're listening to this, I want to ask you to hit the follow button, follow, follow, follow, amen. And if you feel somewhere along the line that you have really got something, I want to ask you to sow, sow into this ministry. Amen. There should be a link, wherever you're listening to that will allow you to be able to do that. Amen. So, without further ado, I hope y'all are ready, because I am.

Speaker 1:

We are in the first john, chapter five, first verse, almost done with this book. Amen. And we're gonna see where the lord leads us for the next amen. So let us go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this time, allowing us to be able to get into your word, and I just pray, god, everyone that is listening, wherever they might be, be might be, be. Lord, have mercy Wherever they might be, father, I pray that they would hear what they need to hear Hallelujah, amen. They would hear what they need to hear. Hallelujah, amen. Those of you, those who know that come here all the time they know. I pray that you would give us something. Everything that we hear might not be ours, but you got us here for a reason, father, and I just pray that everybody gets what they're supposed to get. Father, I love you, we love you so very much and we thank you, god, for your grace and your mercy. Have your way here. We pray this prayer and we ask it all in the precious name of Jesus Christ. We do pray, amen, amen and amen, hallelujah. Okay, so we are in chapter 5.

Speaker 1:

As I said, 1 John, chapter 4, where we left, left off the last couple of verses. We were talking a lot about love, amen. This book introduced to us John, just through the revelation of the Spirit, reminds us that of who God is, who His Son son is, who we are, who we are in him, um, everything that he's come here to to uh accomplish. Uh, this is what we covered in the first four chapters, and that last chapter really focus on how we love other folks. Yeah, how we love other people. Amen, it is important to God and it ought to be important to you, amen.

Speaker 1:

So we pick up here. Uh, first chapter first one, he says whosoever believeth that Jesus is the is the Christ, amen. So this first verse he says you know. He says If you believe in Jesus Christ, then you're born of God. Well, it's like duh, right.

Speaker 1:

But in this first verse he's just kind of letting us know that everybody that's professing God ain't professing Jesus. Come on somebody, hallelujah. It wouldn't be there if that weren't the case. Amen. Everybody that's saying God ain't necessarily saying Jesus, amen, hallelujah. Or you know they're saying well, there's a higher power, they say the universe and they say this, that and the other, but they won't say the name of Jesus, amen. He says they won't say the name of Jesus, they won't put their heart and their trust in the name of Jesus. He says they do not belong to me. Amen, they're not. They don't belong to me, they are not. Everything that they're doing it's not in me, amen.

Speaker 1:

That lets us know he's not directing your steps if you're not professing Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Because the Word of God teaches us look, the only way that you get to the Father is through His Son. Amen, hallelujah. That's in the book of John. Yeah, that's, the only way that you can get to Him is through the Son, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Now he says verse 2. He says by this, we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his commandments. Amen, love. Look, he says we know that we love the children of God. If we love God, so who is the children of God? If we love God, so who is the children of God? Other believers? Come on, your brothers and sisters in Christ, amen. You might not like them, but you ought to love them. Hallelujah, amen. You ought to love them enough, even if you can't be around them. Pray for them, even if you can't be around them, pray for them, hallelujah, amen. Don't beat them down, don't hate on them, because that's not of God. He's letting us know this is what happens when you love him. Amen. When you love him, you can love others properly. Amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

It's easy to say, oh, I love you, but if you love me, you're going to be there for me. Hallelujah, if you love me, you're going to have my back. Hallelujah. And look, you ain't even necessarily got to know me personally to have my back to make sure that I'm covered in prayer. Hallelujah, because, look, the reality is ain't everybody lovable? Hallelujah, come on somebody. Ain't everybody lovable, hallelujah. Come on somebody. Ain't everybody lovable or likable? Amen. But loving the way God says love that is. It is definitely a choice, amen. It's loving beyond what I can feel or touch, amen.

Speaker 1:

The type of love that God talks about is that unconditional love, amen. I love you with a godly love. Amen. A godly love. Godly love is always there, amen. It never strays, it never leaves. Amen, again, I'm gonna say it. It ain't got nothing to do with personally knowing somebody, amen. It ain't got nothing to do with personally being able to stand in the room with them. Come on, somebody. It is about us loving in the spirit and through the spirit. Amen, which is unconditional. Pray for your brothers and your sisters, amen.

Speaker 1:

Because this is a part of keeping his commands. Amen, verse 3. He says for this is the love of God that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not grievous. Okay. So he says keep his commands. This is how we express that we love him. He says his commands they're not hard, they're not heavy, they're not weighty, amen. But they do include and require choice. Amen. You gotta choose to do it his way, amen, because his way Doesn't always make sense. Yeah, that's the way I can put it, it doesn't. It doesn't always make sense, it's not always comfortable, amen.

Speaker 1:

But if you be willing and you be obedient, he says you eat the good of the land. Hallelujah. That is Isaiah, I believe 11. No, that is Isaiah, I believe 11. No, that is Isaiah. 1, verse 19. Amen, he said if you be willing, you be obedient, eat the good of the land. Amen. But you got to be willing. Amen. He tell you, go an inch or go a mile, go two, hallelujah. Somebody need you to go a mile, go two, hallelujah. Somebody needs you to go a mile, go two with them.

Speaker 1:

Amen, he's going to make it, or have it in such a way that it is easy. Because he tells us to learn about him. When we exchange all of that heaviness and that weightness and we give it to him, he says in exchange, I will give you my burden, I'll give you my yoke, and my yoke is light, amen. This is what he means when he said it won't be grievous, what he requires of us and what he asks of us. He says if I'm there with you, then you have all that you need. It's not going to be as hard as you think it's going to be. Amen, it's not going to be as difficult as you think it will be. It's not going to be as difficult as you think it will be. It's not going to be as uncomfortable as you think it's going to be, amen.

Speaker 1:

A prime example is somebody that is called to preach the word of God. Amen, we will run, we run and run and run, amen. And it's like, well, I don't know what to do. What if I do it wrong? Blah, blah, blah, Blah, blah, blah, I'm scared. What if they do it wrong? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, I'm scared. What if they don't like what I say? Blah, blah, blah. And we resist and it becomes uncomfortable, it becomes difficult.

Speaker 1:

But when you just surrender and say, okay, god, this is what you're calling me to do, show me, lead me, guide me, direct me on what I'm supposed to do, hallelujah. And he, like a child, like a parent taking their child's hand, he grabs our hand and he walks us, he ushers us into the place that he's called us to. Hallelujah, amen. And he is there, showing us and taking us, speaking for us. Amen, primarily.

Speaker 1:

I just personally, I just believe. Over the years he's taught me just let me you be the vessel and let me do the work. Come on somebody, hallelujah, you're the instrument that he wants to use to accomplish his will. Hallelujah, so your body might physically show up, but the spirit, amen, does all the work. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

Y'all don't know how many times I have been writing, uh, doing this, that and the other this, and recording, uh, listening to a sermon that I've preached, something that I've written. I'm like, wow, did I write that? Where did that come from? I don't remember saying that. I don't remember doing that. It's because it wasn't me. Hallelujah, that was the spirit showing up for me. Hallelujah, that was the spirit using me in a moment because I was willing, amen, and obedient to what he's called me to. I'm telling you what he'll do through you. You just don't ever know until you just say, yes, come on somebody, hallelujah, look.

Speaker 1:

Coming on back to the scriptures, looking for he says for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world, and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. So our faith is enough, amen. Your faith is enough to carry you through whatever you're going through. Jesus, come on somebody, hallelujah. That is a word for your girl, y'all. That is a word for me. My faith is enough? Your faith is enough to overcome the world.

Speaker 1:

Do you believe the word Amen? I ask you again Do you believe the word amen? I ask you again do you believe the word? Because the word is clear, all you have to do is believe it. He says I'm gonna read four again, I'm gonna go to five. He said, for whatsoever is born of god. So there's your first question, or first answer, or first question for me Are you born of God? If you're born of God, this is your heritage.

Speaker 1:

He says, for whatsoever is born of God Overcomings or overcomes or is overcoming the world. And this is the victory. When you have a victory, that means you ran the race and you won. Come on, somebody, in this case Jesus, ran the race and he won. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Paul talks about it, amen. He said there is a race that we are on and look we, there is a prize at the end of the race, amen. That is your victory. Hallelujah, the end of the race. There is a victory and while we are going through this life, we are running a race. In this journey, hallelujah, there are things that we are running smack into, amen, that God is opening the door to, and we are looking down a tunnel, amen. Looking through a tunnel and see the light way, way at the end, he's daring us to go through the tunnel. Hallelujah, amen. And knowing that when we come out on the other side we are coming out victorious, jesus, Hallelujah. He lets us know we've already won.

Speaker 1:

Amen, believe it, baby, believe it, hallelujah. He said look. He says, and this is the victory that overcomes overcoming the world. He says, even our faith. He said who is he that overcomes the world? Who is he? Who is he? He says, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God. Believe Jesus Christ, amen, believe that he is the Son of God, and you will win. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Put your Hallelujah, hallelujah, y'all. Come on somebody. Put your faith in Him. Amen, that's all you need to do. Put your faith in Him. I, that's all you need to do. Put your faith in him. I'm telling you life don't stop, life don't stop. Rain falls on the just and the unjust, the saved and the unsaved. Hallelujah. Don't think, because you give your heart to Jesus, that all of your troubles are gone. They're not. Amen. If anything, they come even harder, but you have someone who is always there. You're never left alone, and whether it be good or bad, messy or clean. It's all working for your good, hallelujah. It's all working For your good, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Let's stop right there and pray. Father, we thank you so much For your grace and Hallelujah. Let's stop right there and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us yet again To get through your word on today. Pray that every ear that was here, every listener, receive what it is that you desire for them to have. God, I thank you so much For using me in the way that you do. Thank you, god, that I said yes. I thank you, god, that I thank you so much for using me in the way that you do. Thank you, god, that I said yes. I thank you, god, that I'm willing. Thank you, god, that you have called me in such a way that I know that, when I am willing and obedient, that I will eat the good of the land, not only because I believe in Jesus Christ, but because I believe your word as a whole Amen.

Speaker 1:

It gets hard sometimes. Yeah, we're running into seasons where we don't like the season. Hallelujah. But you are teaching us, we are growing in you, hallelujah. Every day we live, we die to your glory, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

And I just thank you, father, that I know you. And I pray for every ear that is here, every heart, that every diamond would know who you are. I pray that, in the name of Jesus, those that don't know you, god, that on today you will draw them to you, they will get to know you. And I pray God for the one who don't want to know you. I pray for the one who resists you and I pray God for the one who don't want to know you. I pray for the one who resists you, who's running from you. I pray God that no more can they run. I pray, god, that one who will have a suddenly, jesus, yes, god, that they will have a suddenly and they will turn to you, give their heart to you.

Speaker 1:

Father, we love you so much here, love you so much, god, god, and we pray for that one that said pray for me. Pray, god, that your will will be done. We lift up elcm, we lift up ministries alike and we lift up our brothers and sisters all around the world. That you will continue to do a work that only you can do. We bless your name as we bless your people. In Jesus Christ's name, we do pray Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

I thank y'all so much for tuning in with me one more time and I just pray that this day, this week, will be a blessed one for you. I hope I didn't say it in the beginning, I should have, but I hope that you had a good weekend. And I hope I didn't say it in the beginning, I should have, but I hope that you had a good weekend and I hope that this was a blessing to you to start your week. Amen, so y'all have a great day. So many, so much love, so many blessings from me to you. We'll talk to you next time. Amen and amen.

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