God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#151 S5 EP 25: Finding Your Worth in Christ Despite Life's Hardships

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 25

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What if your greatest trials could become your most profound spiritual blessings? Join us today as we speak with Anney Ngugi, a remarkable woman of faith whose journey from Kenya to Ireland is filled with God's transformative power. Raised in a religious family, Anney's personal relationship with Jesus began during a severe illness after high school. Through this hardship, she experienced God's presence in a way that changed her life forever, teaching her the importance of continually seeking to know Jesus more.

Discover how Anney's faith was further deepened through her recovery from significant health issues, leading her to the School of the Spirit and a series of spiritually significant dreams. Her story is a testament to how hardships can draw us closer to God and emphasizes the importance of turning to Him during tough times. Hear about her podcast, "Fix Your Eyes on Jesus," inspired by a desire to share her journey and guide others on their own spiritual paths during the COVID-19 pandemic. What began as online Bible studies and WhatsApp messages has blossomed into a platform that encourages listeners to maintain a close relationship with God.

In this heartfelt episode, we also reflect on the powerful message derived from 2 Kings 7, exploring how our worth in Christ is immeasurable and not determined by our external circumstances. Annie passionately speaks about the significance of embracing our identity in Christ and recognizing life’s trials as part of a divine purpose. We conclude with a prayer for transformation and gratitude, lifting our listeners to God and encouraging them to live purposefully for His glory. Tune in to be inspired, uplifted, and reminded of your worth as God's diamond.

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New episodes are now available every Wednesday and Friday at 8pm EST. You can listen to them wherever you usually listen to music. Additionally, you can find them on our website at www.godsdiamond.net. We also host Learning To Live In Truth on Facebook LIVE every night, Monday to Friday at 8pm EST. We are going book to book and verse by verse.

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Speaker 2:

hello, hello and welcome back, god's diamonds in the rough. We are so glad to be before you one more time. Amen, we hope all is well with you. Um, if you don't know who you are by now, I don't know where you're at, but I'm katherine and I'm your boy, michael amen, and again, we're glad to be here today.

Speaker 2:

We have a guest with us and she is just a woman of God who who like us all, one point in time didn't know who Jesus was. But now she's going to share her story with us, to bring some inspiration and encouragement to you. As a fellow believer, I mean, honey, I don't know why else you would be here if you're not a believer. You know what I mean Some sort of way. You know what I mean. So before we get into it, y'all know what we are going to do.

Speaker 1:

Let us pray, dear Heavenly Father, our Lord, and I say Jesus Christ, we come to you once again to say thank you. Two simple words is gratification of who you are in our lives and what you have brought us from. We pray in the name of Jesus that your Holy Spirit just move about this world, this region, even this platform, as we discuss more and more about who you are to us individually and personally. We pray in the name of Jesus, counseling any assignment of the enemy that will be sent back into the picture of where it came from. Any assignment of the enemy that will be sent back into the picture hell, where it came from. For, I said it before, it has no power, no dominion, no authority all your people but we have the authority, the power and the dominion over it. We pray in the name of jesus again, that your holy spirit just move according to your will and purpose. We, we ask these things all in Jesus' name. We say thank you and we say amen, amen and amen, amen.

Speaker 2:

All right, y'all, we are bringing in Miss Annie. I was getting ready to do it, I don't know, make me nervous. Annie, would you please introduce yourself? Just tell us a little bit about you.

Speaker 3:

Thank you very much, Catherine. My name is Anning Gugge and I'm so glad to be here. Yeah, we're glad to have you.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for inviting me, of course. Yes, ma'am. So tell us a little bit about who you are and maybe your past, where you've been.

Speaker 3:

Yes, so I consider myself as a child of God, because when I think about that in my mind, when I remind myself, like through this journey of faith, it is a reminder that anything I desire, anything I need, the Lord has, and he has been so faithful in my life that I look back and I see the wonderful things he has done and all I can see is, and all I can say is God is my father.

Speaker 3:

So when I read that scripture, it is a reminder and an encouragement to me. Every day of my life I'm a believer of Christ. I've been a believer for some time now, since probably over 20 years, a follower of Jesus, and now more than ever I want to know him more. Like every day, I just want to know him more. I try to be conscious of his presence in my life, in each and everything that I do, because if I don't do that, I miss so many things you know, and you don't want to live stressed out. You want to be able to lay down your burdens to him at every stage. So it is my delight that I can call him my father.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah. Where are you from originally?

Speaker 3:

I'm originally from Kenya, but now I'm in Ireland. I've been here for some time, but I've been brought up in Africa, in Kenya.

Speaker 2:

Okay, okay. And where you were born in that area you know because we have some associations over in Africa is where you were. Was Jesus was he known of? In, you know, in growing up.

Speaker 3:

Yes, growing up, I was born and brought up in a Christian family and I cannot remember a moment where we didn't pray. So my mom taught us to pray. We would pray as a family, we would read the Bible and share the Bible. But I didn't really have a personal relationship with Jesus then and even though I used to go to church, even though we used to pray, I didn't really know Jesus then. And even though I used to go to church, even though we used to pray, I didn't really know Jesus personally. So it so happened that over the years, it was probably some time after high school that I fell ill very, very badly. And through that moment, that tough moment of my life, that challenging situation, that sickness, I found that it actually brought me closer to God because at some point I could remember that God is real. So the prayer I made was a prayer of surrender, at a moment of desperation, at a moment where I could see the doctors are feeling helpless. They did not know how to deal with this situation. I did not know the intensity of the situation. I did not even probably know what I was doing when I was doing that prayer. But one thing I knew is that I believed that God was real and I wanted to give myself to him and see what he was going to do with my life. Like I had, I was on the it's called a lifeline, so it was just a moment that I just had to make that prayer of surrender, to pray that God heal me and I will live for you. I did not even know what was going to happen after that, but I knew the challenges I was experiencing, the medication I could not even keep in my system, the you know the results of the doctors, and the x-ray about my lung. That was just too complicated and really bad about my lung. That was just too complicated and really bad. And I could see. You know, even a mother will not tell you anything. Your family will not tell you what is happening, but you can see on their faces. So during such a difficult moment, such a challenging moment, you know, with the faith of, like a child, because I didn't really know Jesus very well then I only had a Bible, which I can't remember reading it, like personally, like so much, even though it would be reading as a family. But it was a moment that I had to exercise my faith, even without knowing what was going to happen after that.

Speaker 3:

And looking back now, I see how the Lord just does something and reveals to you that is actually so close to you that you can never imagine. And it is a reminder that many times when maybe we go through tough times, when you go through different kinds of challenges, when we worry too much, when you feel like we don't have hope, it is because of the circumstances that you are facing that we imagine they are just too difficult and we can't see our way out. But it is a reminder that if we go back to Jesus, if we lay down these burdens, if we seek him, if we do what the Bible said, by that time I did not even know whatever verses that I know today that tell us to ask him, to seek him, that he's so close. But he revealed himself in a way that now it became a foundation in my life. It has helped me because from that moment on I wanted to seek him when I saw the changes happen to me, to my body, and I started recovering. And then the amazement happened when I got to be told by the doctors that I was actually getting better and what was happening before it was, you know, to my shock. But when I saw those changes, even my faith started rising.

Speaker 3:

And then I started now seeking God more. I started getting participating in other, maybe spiritual, activities, like I went to the school of the spirit because I just wanted to know him, you know, and I wanted to grow closer to him. And then, of course, after you experience the goodness of God, you can't keep it. So I started serving him. So I found myself, I just wanted to go for that mission. I wanted to read that verse, I wanted to know what does this verse say? And it went on and I could not stop. And it went on and I could not stop and, you know, I had no clue what he was doing then. But when I look back, I see that every stage of our lives we are worried. We, you know, we might get stressed out because of situations, but God has a design that he always is working out for our own good and for the greater glory of his name. He never fails.

Speaker 2:

Amen, hallelujah, michael. What's your thought? No, you go, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

So I got a question for you With what all you said, would you say that you know from the time that you knew Jesus but didn't have that personal relationship with him? Would you say that you know, because we all know that when God speaks to us, the loudest is in our dreams. Would you say that dreams changed dramatically from the time that you knew Jesus but didn't have a real relationship with him to versus now?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, actually, I had never thought about that in this perspective. I remember that moment. I had very, very strange dreams because of you know when your body then, and it is a very difficult situation, and that's why I think we are also reminded to read the Bible when you go through tough times, because I think it is the most challenging moment of our lives in this journey of faith. So what happened is I really got a very interesting transformation because after that I went and did the first school of the spirit that I did. I remember the first dream I had after that school. It was actually a dream and in the dream what I was doing, I was writing something. What I was writing I did not know, but when I woke up, I remember waking up to pray and when we prayed I started getting all these ideas now started flooding and I was writing, but what I wrote was actually it was about the love of God. Wrote was actually it was about the love of God. And before long, I remember before long and there's a group that would be doing all these seminars and everything and they invited me to go and give a sharing, but I had not told them that I had gone through that experience, that I had gone through that experience, so I knew outright that God was working behind the scene. So I started enjoying the beauty of waking up to pray then, even though then it was a struggle, definitely, but it became a beauty. So that is one of the aspects. And then later on I can't remember later on at that moment the other dreams I had, but now, probably not many years ago, is when I started now experiencing you Okay, how I know that the dream is from the Lord.

Speaker 3:

It will be either a verse I will wake up with a connection, a connection of his presence, and in most cases, in most cases I will know how, because it will be something from the Bible. Most cases I will know how, because it will be something from the Bible. So that is what my mentor taught me. But I also realized that it is true. So, whatever dream it is, either I wake up and pray. You know, like rebuke it, bind it if it's not from God. But if it is from God it will be directly interpretable from the Bible. You can easily interpret from what the word of God says. So it is true when we give our lives to Jesus, then it becomes clearer when he speaks to us, whether it's going to be in dreams, whether it's going to be when we are awake, whether it's going to be in that little sleep that maybe when you pray and then you just sleep off, or even when you're awake.

Speaker 2:

Right, amen. It's powerful because you know what we're trying to do here and what we want to do here is to help people and help our diamonds to see the diamond, um, that god is in us. And you know, unfortunately, typically when we find that diamond it's in hardship. You know it's the thing that's happening to us, that is uncontrollable on our behalf, and it drives us. That's the thing that typically drives us to him, not away, but to Well, he desires for us to come to him when trouble hits our doorstep and a lot of people they don't, and he wants us to come to him because he holds the answer. And so, with the fact that, miss Annie I'm saying your first name, right she experienced health issues that became the thing that drew her to him to get more personal. And that could be the sole mission for Jesus and for us is for us to get personal with him. And so now, miss Annie, you have a podcast, or you have like, do you have a podcast?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I do. Okay, and it's called fix your eyes on jesus amen.

Speaker 2:

So those words alone let us know the mission. All right, yeah, and how often do you uh have new episodes? Come on your podcast uh, I've tried to.

Speaker 3:

Okay, I'll just let me go back. What happened is the fact that it started at a time when I did not know what I was doing. It was during COVID and I had just been on an online Bible study one of these what do you call them Bible studies that you do online, and we just finished and I could not hold the joy in my heart. I was just feeling like, no, I want to share. So I started with a few friends and family through WhatsApp and I would just text them. Sometimes we just link up and meet, but then we were not able to link then. So I used to send through WhatsApp. But when I sent, one day, someone came back to me and told me why don't you use a podcast? Well, I'll be honest with you, I had no clue. Like, what exactly do you mean a podcast? That was not my plan. I was not really concerned with a podcast and I didn't really think about it. How. So the lady was trying actually was trying to explain to me that, what exactly to do. But then I said, okay, just find out and tell me which one. Then he said, okay, my friend, I listened to this one, my friend does this? Okay. Then she sent the details to me and I remember I just logged in that day I had done the that scripture in Hebrews 12, verse 12, verse 2, verse 2.

Speaker 3:

And so when I was just writing um, I used to write before before talking, I used to write articles and all that. So when I was putting it on the podcasts it just started. It asked me for a topic and then I looked at it. I said fix your eyes on Jesus. So when I wrote it, it just went and just set itself on. I didn't even have the time to do anything else because I would be rushing. I had a little child then, so I would be rushing to do other things, and that became now another journey. I did not even know. So I just sent to the same people that I used to send for a long, long time. And part of the other reason why I did it was because at that time my mom was unwell and we used to discuss and talk about Jesus. Talk about the Bible should be the one pushing me to Jesus. Now you know why she used to do that. I didn't even think about it until when I started thinking, okay, so I would be discussing, and when I haven't read the Bible and I haven't done any like real prayer so we can discuss, she'd be asking me and she'd be worried. Then I'll be, I'll be thinking it wasn't easy because she'll be direct. So you didn't. You didn't read the bible today. So what is Jesus saying? What is the Lord? So she put me on motion so I would be talking to her like discussing and everything, and it was exciting because she was my first audience and she kept me going for some time.

Speaker 3:

What I didn't know was one I did not know what the Lord was doing behind the scenes. And two, I did not know that this Fix your Eyes on Jesus was like I found it had written in too many other places in my notes, books, everywhere, that specific this Hebrews 12 too. So it might seem like a coincidence for me for that day, but it's like the Lord had designed this thing and when I was thinking that I meant to tell them, you know, to share with them or to send to them and to tell them to fix their eyes on Jesus, he actually, with time, revealed to me. It is me that should actually fix my eyes on him, because when I fix my eyes on him, then he can do what he intends to do through me. Well, it took some time, it was not easy even to understand that.

Speaker 3:

And then the other aspect was now about my mom was, uh, it was a season that the lord was actually preparing me, drawing me closer to him without even knowing and, um, because my mom was gonna be with him before I knew it. This was one prayer I had prayed and believed God for that should never have happened. Well, it happened, and I would not have known what to do, you know. But I looked back and I saw how he actually prepared me, give us a wonderful time. He actually prepared me, gave us a wonderful time, like through the last journey, and drew me closer to him, so much so that even if this major challenge, grief, situation happened when my mom went to be with the Lord, I did not know how, I thought I was crashing and crumbling, but he lifted me up because by that time it was how many months down the line, maybe four or five months he had already gotten me so close to him I could not go very far.

Speaker 3:

If I had not been that close to him, then I would have really suffered, I think, because my nature to him, then I would have really suffered, I think, because my nature, I think, has been different over the years.

Speaker 3:

So I see how God works wonders behind the scenes. And it's true that Fix your Eyes on Jesus has been a very interesting journey, because when I was beginning like there are days I would even have to release, even probably a podcast every day because I don't know probably it's what was happening to me or how he was doing stuff in my life, and whenever I want to know or to get deeper into the word, I feel like there's something that needs to come out so that I can get to the next thing that it wants to reveal to me. So it was easier for me to speak it out than writing, because I didn't have much time to write. So right now the schedule has changed, but it also depends because now sometimes I find myself writing. Sometimes I'll be talking, maybe on phone, but I try to at least do it, maybe twice a week, like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, awesome, go ahead.

Speaker 1:

I got to read that scripture. You're talking about Hebrews 12, 2. But I'm going to go back with verse 1 because you know verse 1 sets the tone for it. Hebrews 12, 1 and 2 in the King James Version says Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which doeth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and the finisher of our faith, who, for the joy which sat before him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. And with that scripture, I mean I'm going to tell y'all, with that scripture alone, it lets us know, it puts us in mind that we have to understand that we have no idea the path that we're going to face in life. But jesus himself, he took the cross with everything that came from it, with the hurt, the beating down, looking of people who looked at him, with everything, and he could have very well easily took himself off the cross and saved himself. But he did it for us, regardless of everything that he went to and we're doing so. He is sitting in his rightful place at the throne of god.

Speaker 1:

He's letting us know that if we continue to endure the pain and suffering that we go through, when is that time that we're going to meet him? He's going to to say welcome in my good and faithful servant. And that's the thing we want to hear, that we want to hear well done, my good and faithful servant. We do not want to hear the other part when it says depart from me, you work of iniquity, for I don't know you.

Speaker 1:

He said look, everything that you go through is for a reason and a purpose. Why you're going through that? He said you continue to endure it, but at the end of the day, we got to realize that the things that we endure is just a fraction of what we could really be facing. Yeah, he only gives us a little portion. That's why he says take unto me, unto you, take unto my burden, take unto me my yoke, for my burden is light. He said look, the little bit that you go through in life is just a fraction of what you really can feel. I want the full weight of the pain and suffering that you can really have through them things. I love that scripture, thank you?

Speaker 2:

Do you have any thoughts on that? Any?

Speaker 3:

response yes, it is. To me it's actually not a scripture anymore, it is my lifeline, because every day it has become my guiding light to seek Jesus at every stage and many, many times I think, through everything I'm bound, or rather, I find that it is very, very easy to have our eyes to be distracted from him, and whenever that happens, then you find that definitely the judgment, our perception. You know so many things can easily go wrong. What does it mean? It means that it is human to have our eyes focusing on anything that comes our way, any challenge we face, any situation. That is difficult, complicated. It is human. But when we have this word, when we have this verse, it is praying, believing and being conscious that we have to bring back our eyes to fixing them on Jesus. Imagine something fixed, it is not moving. So when he said we should fix our eyes on him, it is because we cannot carry our crosses and follow him if our eyes are not on him, and it also means that we will definitely be distracted. He actually told the disciples in this world you'll have trouble, but you can have peace in me because I have overcome the world. And then he said that in all these things, you are more than conquerors. It is because Jesus knows that we need him at every stage that we need him at every stage. So for me it really helps me one not to see situations through my own eyes, to ask him to help me see situations through his eyes, because when that happens then I'm able to rise above the struggles and the challenges and, whatever it is that the situations will be speaking to us in a human way. When I see it from his perspective, it means that he's elevating me to where he is.

Speaker 3:

So the scripture says that when the enemy comes in like a flood, god has promised to raise your standard. So he wants to raise our standard to where he is seated in the heavenly places. So he wants us to be seated with him and to have peace, even in situations that do not necessarily you know, present next to him. It means to be where he is and to be able to do what is his will in every situation. It means to be able to think, to have the mind of Christ, to adopt his mind, so that when we think with the mind of Christ, then we see situations differently, we know what his will, his perfect will, is, and then we can easily do his will and trust him to be able to handle the challenges that we do not know how to handle, and what I found out is that always he wins. To be able to convince ourselves that no matter how bad the situation is, there is an answer, just like Catherine said, and to this there will always be circumstances that will come to us and we'll think, oh, I don't have an answer for this one, but we need to be reminded and to remind ourselves that he is the answer, he has the answer. So to know that even in that which we cannot see the answer, we'll go back to him and he will guide us to find an answer, amen.

Speaker 3:

You see, when I was praying, just before I came, there's a scripture that the Lord really dropped in my heart and I feel like I want to share it. It's in the book of 2 Kings, chapter 7, is about the lepers at the gate, the lepers at the gate, and it is a moment when God gives a message to Elisha, and this message he wants to fulfill it with the lepers. Now, the lepers are outcasts, they are sick, they are already living outside the city, but God, who sees us from where we are at, who has created you and I for a purpose. It is not about what we can do in a human way. It is about how we present ourselves to him and believe that he doesn't need us to give him something to work with. He needs an open heart. He used a staff when Moses presented himself and at this moment the lepers were just meant to rise up. Rise up and to go to the camp of. Okay, maybe I can just read a verse quickly Go ahead, okay, this is going to be 2 Kings 7,. I read from verse 3.

Speaker 3:

And the Bible says that at the city gates were four lepers who were deliberating why should we sit here until we die? If we decide to go into the city, we shall die there. There is famine in the city. If we remain here, we shall die too. Come, let us desert to the camp of the Arameans. If they spare us, we leave. If they spare us, we leave. If they kill us, we die. At twilight they left for the Arameans, but when they reached the edge of the camp, no one was there. The Lord had caused the army of the Arameans to hear the sound of chariots and horses, the din of a large army, and they had reasoned among themselves. The king of Israel had hired the kings of the Hittites and the king of the borderlands to fight us. Then, in the twilight, they fled, abandoning their tents, their horses and their asses, and the whole camp just as it was, and fleeing for their lives. I'll leave it at that. So the message I have is to know that, for every listener of this podcast, that they are God's diamond.

Speaker 2:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

I was thinking and praying about this and just see how I watched a film a long time ago. That's diamond. How do you know that you're God's diamond? It means that there's everything against an individual, just like the lepers Number one. They are sick, they are rejected, they are an outcast. Leprosy was considered as a very, very bad disease that if somebody dares to come close to them they're meant to scream to keep people off. And now the worst is how the body used to fall off.

Speaker 3:

So the part I didn't read was verse 1, and 2 is where the Lord gives the clear directions to Elisha about what he was coming to do. And nobody knew that he had actually chosen the lepers. They were deliberating, because I don't think at this moment they knew that God had an assignment for them. So for somebody to be able to know their worth in Christ, to be able to embrace that precious image that God has placed in the inside of us it is not necessarily visible in the outside Moments that we go through life and life happens. And because life happens, then whatever this image, it goes amiss. It doesn't mean that the purpose of God cannot be accomplished because of that. It only means that we need to seek him more, to trust him more, to read the Bible more, because you will find that Jesus already said this is just the Old Testament.

Speaker 3:

But Jesus came and said he's close to those who are broken. And when he says he's close to those who are broken, it is because he comes to complete the equation. So Jesus shows up and all the brokenness through him becomes renewed and then we are transferred into becoming a new creation. Then he fulfills his divine purpose through a broken individual, just like Peter, you know, and all these disciples, you see. They were all rejected sinners. That is why nobody should seek qualification from individuals to serve God. That's right. And if God qualifies, he qualifies the ones that are rejected.

Speaker 3:

So to know that you are God's diamond is to know your worth in Christ, your worth in Christ. When you know your worth in Christ, that means it will be easy to receive what God has in store and it will be easy to trust Him. It will be easy to embrace what he has said about you and to be able to move on in faith, believing and trust that whatever good work that he begins, he definitely brings it into completion. He does not miss anything. That's right, hallelujah. And that is how he fulfilled and fed his nation, the Israelites, because this is a promise that he had given years past. So he chose the lepers to fulfill that divine purpose. How faithful God is. So we can trust him and move on in faith and believe that whatever it is that he desires for us, we can receive it if we open our hearts to him.

Speaker 2:

Hallelujah, hallelujah, miss Annie, it has been a pleasure to have you on. We are so very grateful and thankful that the Lord led you our way. Amen, because you know that word. It was a powerful word because so many times we look at our circumstances and look at this, that and the other. But that diamond, like you said, goes through a whole lot of things and when you come out on the other side of all of the adversity and all of the pain and the suffering and all of that, you got much more clarity. You are, you are beautiful from inside out. Uh, you got depth. You got a whole lot of things that, um, looking at it from the way that the world defines it, you'll have nothing looking at the way that the world defines it, but when you look at it, it, in God's sight, it's immeasurable and it's priceless. It's so valuable. So I appreciate you being here. Michael, did you have a final word before we pray?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, my final word is this and this goes to Annie and all the diamonds listening Wherever you are in your relationship with God god, whether you're doing this already or you're already doing it, continue or start writing down your dreams, even if you got to put a piece of paper and a pencil or a pen or whatever, even a note, even on your phone, if you got a notepad on your phone.

Speaker 1:

Continue to write down your dreams, because that is when god can speak for the most better. Well, clearly, and remember that their interpretation is in the every last one of us, because god's like going to give us something without the reason and the how behind it. You might not understand what he's saying to your dream, but ask him about it and he'll give you the answer Because you think about it. If you're taking a test, are you going to take a test with all the answers? No. Are you going to take a test with all the answers? No. You have to get into that test or into that battle in life, and you have to dig In and understand that's my word, right there in your dreams.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Amen. Y'all can find Miss Annie's website or her podcast. You can go to her website fixyoureyesonjesusie, fixyoureyesonjesus, all one word dot I-E. You can go to that website and find I believe it's 26 seasons of podcast. I think it's 26 seasons of podcast. I think it's most likely going to be as deep as you want to get, yeah, so, annie, would you do us a favor? One last favor Please pray for our diamonds.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so let us pray. Father, in the mighty name of Jesus, we thanksgiving Lord, we come before you once again. Thank you for the gift of life. Thank you for another Thank you, Lord, even for the gift of Michael and Catherine. Thank you, Lord, for all that you're doing in them and through them to the world.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for every listener of this podcast.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, Lord, for the many hearts that you want to draw closer to you. Thank you, Lord, for every burden that you want to lift from the shoulders of the listeners. They are going to hear your word, Lord, and have their lives transformed through this podcast. We pray in your mercy that, Lord, their hearts will be filled with your peace, the surpasses of understanding that your love will flood their hearts, that they will be drawn to wanting to know you more, to seeking you more and to living for you, Jesus, and to believe that they are the best thing that has ever happened in your life, in their life, that you are the best thing that has ever happened in your life, in their life, that you are the best thing, oh God, that they may get to experience the beauty of your heart, that they may get to experience your love and that they may be transformed by your love so they can live to the fullness of their purpose, all for the greater glory of your name. In Jesus' name we pray with thanksgiving Amen.

Speaker 2:

Amen, amen, hallelujah. Thank you again. We appreciate you. Please stay for just a moment. Thank you for having me. Amen, amen, all right, y'all.

Speaker 1:

What time it is. Until next time, remember you are a diamond in the rough.

Speaker 2:


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