God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#150 LTLT S5 EP 24: The Transformative Power of Confessing Jesus and Perfect Love

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 24

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Have you ever wondered if accepting Jesus is truly non-negotiable for salvation? Discover the profound impact of this essential truth in our latest episode of "Living in Truth." Reflecting on 1 John 4:15-21, we dive into the heart of what it means to confess Jesus as the Son of God and the transformative power it holds. By recognizing this, we ensure our presence in God, and His presence within us. Yesterday's lesson reminded us that God looks beyond our flaws, seeing and showcasing the best in us. This episode reaffirms that acknowledging Jesus is not just a belief—it's the very essence of salvation and eternal life.

Journey with us as we delve into "The Power of Perfect Love," where we explore the inseparable connection between God and love. True love, we argue, cannot exist without God, and living aligned with His love casts out all fear. Through personal stories and scriptural references, we unveil the transformative impact of divine love on our lives, empowering us to face challenges with boldness and peace. As we wrap up, we offer a heartfelt prayer for guidance and blessings for all our listeners. Embrace the journey with us; bask in the power of living in God's love, and look forward to next week's exploration of chapter 5.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. So glad to be before you one more time. I hope all is well. I hope today has been a good day for you. Amen, if you're listening by night, ready to go to bed, whatever have you. So many blessings from me to you. I am just once again so glad to be able to serve you one more time, amen. So I hope that y'all tuned in to yesterday's lesson. Yeah, if you did not, I would highly suggest that you do Amen, that you do Amen.

Speaker 1:

I think my biggest takeaway from yesterday was About the fact that they see what God wants them to see. Amen, they want them. They see what God would have them to see. Yeah, and this is why we don't have to put on. This is why we got to pretend Amen, because God is always giving people and showing people our very best. Yeah, he doesn't desire for people to see all of our flaws and all. You know what I mean. Yeah, so if you didn't get a chance to check out yesterday's broadcast, learning Living Truth, uh, please do make sure that you check it out. And so the.

Speaker 1:

The passage was first john 4, verses 9 through 14. That was yesterday and today we're going to be picking up at verse 15 to finish out the chapter, amen. So, without further ado, let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much For your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this day, another opportunity, god, to get into your word. I pray that you would use me To your glory, father. Use me in such a way that I won't miss it and nobody else will either. I pray in the name of Jesus. Eyes and ears will be open To your understanding. I pray that we will not just get the understanding, but we will apply it. Amen, be intentional about living it out, god, as we are, in this particular, particular portion of scripture, talking about loving each other, and I am just so, so very grateful that I understand what it really means to love. Hallelujah, amen. And I just pray that you will deposit that truth into every last hearer that is here, god, that they truly find out what it means to love. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that you would just have your way here in this place. We love you so very much and we're so grateful, so thankful. Pray that this prayer and all of our prayers are pleasing in your sight. We pray it in Jesus Christ's name. We do pray, amen, amen, amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So we pick up here in the 15th verse Amen. And he says to us Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the son of God, god dwelleth in him and he in God. He says and we have, and we have known and have believed the love that God hath to us. God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him. Pause for a second. So John says to us. He says if you confess him as the son of God, he says, then God dwells In you, you and him. I mean, I know If ands or buts about it. You are in him when you confess that.

Speaker 1:

I've heard people say that Jesus is nothing but a prophet. I've heard, you know, I've heard mother nature and I've heard all of these different things, the universe, he's this and he's that. But anything outside of calling him who he is, which is the Son of God, he lets us know here that if you're not calling Jesus the Son of God, then you're not dwelling in him and he's not dwelling in you. So I don't care how many songs you write, I don't care how many songs you write, I don't care how many books you write, I don't care how good you feel, accepting God is less than that. The reality is, he said, if you don't confess that he is the son of God, then excuse me, I'm sorry, then you're not in him. Okay, you're not in his word and he's not in you.

Speaker 1:

I mean, here's the thing. People get mad when you say that. But if you believe one part of the word, then you ought to believe it all. You can't. This is not a smorgasbord where you just pick off what you want to have and then that just be it. You know what I mean. Truth is truth and it don't change.

Speaker 1:

There are so many people out here that, whatever culture or whatever the mountain denomination that puts other gods and other things and idolizes other things and makes them their God. These people that are doing that, if they never come to the knowledge of Jesus Christ, that he's the son of God, they will perish. John 3.16 lets us know that the only way that we don't perish is that we receive Jesus as our Lord and Savior. Amen. You have to believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He died for you in order to make it into glory. Why? Because it is the presence of Jesus that is in heaven. You cannot have heaven without Jesus, because he is heaven. Amen, come on somebody. It trips me out. It really does. It trips me out how people think that they can have and possess what they don't have, what they don't have. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Anybody can say anything, anybody can do anything, but the reality is you cannot have Jesus and not be in Jesus. You got to be in Jesus in order to possess Jesus. Do you understand what I'm saying? Yeah, you got to be in. I mean that you got to take on his ways. You are going to adopt his ways. You're going to understand. No longer are you a citizen of this world, but you are a citizen of heaven.

Speaker 1:

He says we've known and believed that, or believed the love that God had to us. John says we've experienced the love that we're trying to tell you about and we've come to the revelation God has revealed to them, to us, anybody who has a relationship with Jesus Christ. He says God is love. Again, you cannot have God and not have his love because he is that. Yeah, then he says, he says and he that dwelleth in love, dwelleth in God and God in him. So you cannot have the thing without it becoming a part of you.

Speaker 1:

If I say that, let's see, I'm trying to come up with an example. I can't even think off the top of my head right now, but I don't know how many times to say it. But God is love and you cannot have love without God. You could say Jesus is love. You cannot have Jesus. You cannot have love without Jesus. You cannot have Jesus without love. Okay, it's impossible. It's like getting in the shower like I'm gonna take a bath, I'm gonna get clean. I gotta get in the shower in order to get the cleanliness. There's no way that I can get clean without getting in the shower or using some water to wash off my body. There's no way that I can possess it, have it without becoming a part of it. There's no way. So when you're walking around doing this, that and the other, and you're saying this and saying that the fruit is going to show, at the end of the day, what it really is, it's going to show. You say what you want to say, but what it really is.

Speaker 1:

Isn't it interesting how you mean people seem like mean people, like they just mean, they just angry all the time, but then they turn around talking about God. If you are in Him, then you ought to be expressing love. You ought to be love. I mean, yeah, we all have emotions. You get emotional, but that emotion ought not stick with you all the time. You shouldn't be angry all the time. You shouldn't be angry all the time. You shouldn't be mad all the time.

Speaker 1:

My God Menin, say that you possess love. Say that you know God, that you love, that you know that he is the son of God. You say you know that, but look at your life. It don't line up so many folks and I hope you're not one of them. It's out of alignment, that is. That is nothing but out of alignment. And being out of alignment just means that you know your. Your intention is to go one way, but you're going another way. That's what happens to a car when it's out of alignment. You take your wheel off, you're going straight and the car begins to go to the right or to the left. Why? Because it's not in alignment with the direction that you're trying to take. It. You are intending to go straight, but as soon as you take your hand off of it, it goes to the left or to the right. It's out of alignment. Folks are out of alignment Professing him, but they're out of alignment.

Speaker 1:

He says herein, because I'm going on y'all. He says herein is our love made perfect. The more you're in him, the longer you're with him, the more like him you become. Why? Because he's perfecting that which is not A part of him. He's getting rid of, he's purifying, he's filtering, he's doing the things that are necessary to get out the old and keep the old out to put in the new. The new is him. He says Herein is our love made perfect. That we may have boldness in the day of judgment, because, as he is, so are we in this world. There is no fear in love. This is powerful, y'all, he says. But perfect love casteth out fear. If remember, is I-N-G or progressive, he says there is no fear in love, but perfect love casting out fear. So, as we're going along the way, the more we love on him, the more he loves on us, the less fearful we become of circumstances, of situations, of things that are happening in us, things that are happening around us. Hallelujah, that is powerful, you heard me. Hallelujah. Perfect love casts out fear, he says. Because fear hath torment, he says. He that feareth is not made in, no, is not made perfect in love. Oh my gosh Y'all.

Speaker 1:

I had a friend of mine, which she most likely will be listening to this. Eventually she said you know, I have this diagnosis and I have this thing going on, but she says I'm not afraid. She says I'm not afraid. I don't understand it. I don't know why you would think I'd be afraid. Hallelujah, they give you a diagnosis. Or you know, your finances is toe out, the frame messed up, hallelujah, come on. So this is wrong and that is wrong. This is out of balance. This is, you know, nothing is the way I desire. I feel like I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid. Come on somebody. This is why, hallelujah. This is why, because you are in the presence of love and so, therefore, because you dwell in love, fear cannot have power over you.

Speaker 1:

Amen Doesn't mean that you don't experience moments where you might become fearful for a moment. That moment doesn't last Again, just like that anger. It might come forth and you might have a moment of anger, a moment of being upset, but that thing don't last. Come on somebody. You might have a moment of anxiety. You might have a moment of anxiety, you might have a moment of worry, but because I dwell in love and I understand who love is and I have love inside of me. It cannot torment me, it cannot have power over me, because I don't allow that amen to, I don't allow it to stay. That is powerful and, oh my gosh, it's just like just like yesterday. It's like wow to me, amen. It is like wow, you're amen.

Speaker 1:

That that is why we don't fear, because when you dwell in him, he cast it out, because we understand, you understand that Jesus, to have him greater is he than he that is in the world To have him and to dwell in him, you have all that you need Amen. You know that God is concerned about what is going on in your life. You know that whatever is happening in your life, he's working it for your good. Hallelujah, amen. This is my God. I wish y'all could see me. I got chills running from my left to my right Down my legs. Amen, come on somebody. Hallelujah, amen, come on somebody. Hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He says we love him because he first loved us. If a man say I love God and hated this brother, he is a liar and hated his brother. He is a liar, for he that loveth not his brother, whom he hath seen? How can he love God Whom he hath not seen? If you say that you love God and you hate your brother, how, at the end of the day, people make us upset? That is true. At the end of the day, people make us upset. That is true. At the end of the day, somebody makes people make us upset. Situations, circumstances get us upset, upset, but our response ought not be to stay that way. Amen.

Speaker 1:

We're supposed to learn how to love beyond our many faults. Are there many faults? Because none of us are perfect. And when we walk around the mind with a mind that says I'm perfect and you know, I'm doing this and I'm doing that, we're walking around with that type of mind, that type of mindset. But then, first person that look at us sideways, we ready to jump down that throat. You know what I mean. He says there ain't no way you can be a part of me. There's no way Because I am love.

Speaker 1:

Jesus is love, and love Covers, or grace, co covers, a multitude of sin. Hallelujah, 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verses 4 through 7 in particular, tells us what love is and what it is not. See when you don't practice love and the way and the type of love that Jesus describes. Don't practice love and the way and the type of love that Jesus described, which is unconditional love, then you ain't nothing, doing nothing, but making noise, and you have no, you hold no weight. You're just making a sound. Hallelujah, don't be that way.

Speaker 1:

He says you're a liar if you say you love God but you hate this one. You're angry at this one, and you know, spiteful and vengeful and all of that. You're a liar. Amen. Nobody will admit that. I'm not a liar. I'm not a liar. I'm not. I'm just telling you the truth. I'm just telling the truth. Whose truth is that? Amen? Whose truth? Are you standing on and standing by? Because Jesus is love? Come on somebody. Hallelujah, amen. Look at 21. The final verse for the night or today.

Speaker 1:

He says in this commandment have we from him that he who love of God love his brother also. This is a command. If you dwell in God, this ought to be your mindset. This ought to be the way that you think. Amen. We live in a world where I want you to prove to me that you get it. I want you to prove to me that you understand. I want you to prove to me that you understand. I want you to prove this to me and prove that to me. Come on, hallelujah. You say you love me but you hate me. There's something wrong with that. Hallelujah, you love God but you hate me. Hallelujah, there is something wrong with that, and I hope that you are not one of those that are saying you love God but you're hating your brother.

Speaker 1:

Come on, y'all, let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us yet again another opportunity to get into your word. Father, I pray that everyone got what it is that you are saying. Pray that I was the light. I am, a light that you have me to be. I pray, god, you will continue to lead God and order our steps in a way that we all to go.

Speaker 1:

Father, we just bless your people and we bless your name. We pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing. Bless your people and we bless your name. We pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing in your sight. We pray it in the mighty and matchless name Of Jesus Christ. We do pray, amen. Alright, y'all, I pray. You got it, hallelujah, and I hope you'll come on back with me next week, amen, as we journey through chapter 5. Hopefully we will finish out this great book and see where the lord leads us next. Amen, I love y'all so much, so much love, so many. Blessings from me to you y'all. A great night, great day, great weekend. Amen, amen and amen.

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