God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#149 LTLT S5 EP23: Divine Love and Perfection: Insights from 1 John 4:9-14

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 23

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What if the true essence of love could transform your life? Join me, Catherine, as we journey through the profound truths of 1 John, chapter 4, unraveling the very nature of divine love. We'll reflect on how God’s love was made manifest through the ultimate sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ—a powerful reminder that our existence is woven into a grand divine purpose. Through prayer and thoughtful study, we endeavor to align ourselves with God’s will, recognizing that our path is illuminated by His love.

In this heartfelt exploration, we also uncover how genuine love for one another is a testament to God's presence within us. You’ll hear personal reflections and experiences that reveal how our perceived righteousness is actually the manifestation of God working through us. We’ll talk about the importance of seeking divine approval over worldly validation and understand how seeing the best in others is a gift of God’s grace. So, let's embrace this perspective together and strive to embody the love and perfection that God envisions for us. Hallelujah!

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome back. Learning to live in truth so glad to be before you one more time, amen. I hope all is well. Amen. If you don't know who I am, my name is Catherine, amen, and I'm always glad to be before you, to be able to serve in the capacity that God has called me to. Learning to live in truth yes, learning to live in truth. It surely is a journey. Amen, to learn how to walk and talk and just be in the presence of God and understand His Word. Amen. I don't call myself a scholar, I don't call myself a theologian Amen. But I am that. Amen Because I'm in him. Amen, hallelujah. I am just truly leaning and depending on revelation from God, just as you are. Amen. So I'm here to help be a coach, be a life coach, to help you along the way in understanding what it is that God is saying to you, where you are, in the season, in the moment, whatever have you. Amen, I'm here to be a help. Amen, to serve where God has called me to. Amen, hallelujah. So, wherever you are and wherever you're listening to this, I just again, I'm just elated that you would hear, hear what God is doing and what God is saying, through this willing vessel, I'm just a child of God, ready to do his will.

Speaker 1:

And so we've been in 1 John, chapter 4, and today we're going to pick up at verse 9. Amen. We've been talking about loving one another and the fact that you can't do this thing that he's requiring of you without him. Amen, that he is the source. Amen. That's where we left off on yesterday, the fact that he said that he that loveth not knoweth not God. Amen, he says, for God is love. And so we enter in on this next verse with a mind that says God is love, amen. And if I get to know him, I can be the thing that he's asking me to be. Amen, I can be the thing that he's asking me to be. Amen.

Speaker 1:

You cannot lean to your own understanding in regard to loving the way that he says to love, because it's in him. Amen. You can't say that you love God, that you know God and not be of God. Amen. It's impossible to do that. Hallelujah. I mean. Here's the reality.

Speaker 1:

If you have a baby, come on somebody, you and whomever. Hallelujah. That baby comes out. They do a DNA test. There is no way that they can deny the truth of who your parent is. Come on somebody. And the reality is this If they you, hallelujah, then you're gonna act just like them. Come on somebody, whoever. Whoever raises you, you're gonna act just like them. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

And a whole lot of times our ways identify who our parents are. Come on somebody. That's a word, ain't it? Hallelujah, I'm ready, y' y'all, let's pray. Let's pray, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. One more time, thank you, god, for allowing us this opportunity to get into your word. I pray, god, that you would speak to us in such a way that we would not miss it. I pray God, that you would have your way in this time. Before we turn it over to you, you, we pray for every diamond that they get what it is you desire to give them. Father, we love you so much. It's so very grateful, so thankful. We pray this prayer and all of our prayers in the precious and mighty and matchless name of jesus christ. We do pray amen, amen and amen, hallelujah. So so we pick up in verse 9.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, he says. In this was manifested the love of God toward us. He said this because God is love. Keep that in mind. He said because that God sent his only begotten son into the world that we might live through him, that we might live through him. Amen. He showed us how much he loved us through his son, hallelujah. So he, he. He loved us on purpose, jesus. Amen. He created us on purpose, jesus. Amen. He created us on purpose, hallelujah. Amen. You were not put in this earth by accident. Amen. Child of God, my brother, my sister, you're not here by accident. Amen. God wanted to do something in and through you. Amen. You can't stop what God wants to do in your life unless you be disobedient. Amen. He sent his son to die for you. He sent his son to die for me Not because he had to, but because he loves you. Amen. He loves me. Amen. He loved us enough to bring forth himself, through his son, to sacrifice his life. One who had never did anything to anybody. Sacrifice his life so that we could live. Amen. Jesus. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He says in verse 10, herein is love. He says this is love. He says not that we love God, but that he loved us. And he sent his son to be the perpetuation for our sins. Perpetuation is about substitute. Amen.

Speaker 1:

He sent his son to take the thing that we should have gotten Hallelujah. We were the ones who should have gotten All of the whips and the torn flesh and the loss of blood and being spat on and cussed at and kicked and thrown to the ground. We should have gotten that. But because he loved us that much, he didn't want us to go through that, because that's what we deserved. So he sent his son to do it one time for all, hallelujah. One time. Because, look, jesus is eternal, come on, hallelujah, god is eternal, amen. So he took all of the burdens of this world, all of the sin, and he dropped it off in hell, where it belongs, because that sin does not come from God. Even though the world tried to put sin on God, sin didn't come from God. Hallelujah, look.

Speaker 1:

He said 11, verse 11,. He says beloved, if God so loved us, we are also to love one another. Amen. Trying to stay on track, he says look, he's identified to us how much God loves us. And because we love God, he says why not? Why shouldn't we love one another?

Speaker 1:

He says beloved, if God so loved us. Because God loved us, because God gave us what we didn't deserve, because mercy was on your life, he says why shouldn't we love one another. Why can't we display that same type of love on others? Amen. Why can't we love one another? Why can't we display that same type of love on others, amen. Why can't we display that same type of love on our brothers and sisters in Christ? Amen. These are the people we're supposed to spend eternity with, hallelujah. Why shouldn't we love even those who are unlovable? Why shouldn't we love the ones that don't like us and despise us? Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

Because jesus, on the sermon of the mount, he gave a whole uh spiel on look on loving people anyhow, amen. And. And who is blessed and who is not? How to deal with forgiveness? How to deal with those who do you wrong? How to deal with all of that? Why deal with those who do you wrong? How to deal with all of that? Why did he do that? He did that because he loves us, amen. Because he wants us to come in with him. He wants us to live for eternity with him, amen. And if that's to be so, he had to make it clear enough where we can understand, so that we will understand who we are becoming in Christ. Amen.

Speaker 1:

He let us know over and over and over again, that the thing that he's requiring of us and asking us to do. We cannot do it without him. We need him, amen, because if we didn't need him to do the thing that he's asking us to do, if we didn't need him, then he didn't need to die, amen, he didn't need to die, he didn't need to come back if we were able to do it on our own. Amen, and see, that's the world. The world will tell you well, how are you going to believe in somebody you can't even see? And you can't do this. You can't do that.

Speaker 1:

Look, I'm telling you, jesus will make himself real to you, amen. As if he's sitting right in front of you, right beside you, hallelujah, just like somebody that's talking to you. You physically see, he makes his, makes himself that alive to you that, whether you see him literally or not, he's there and you know that he's there with you. Amen, hallelujah. Here's the thing A whole lot of folk don't know what you done, been through in your life, amen. A whole lot of folk don't know what you should have, when you should have died, hallelujah. They don't know when you should have lost it all. Hallelujah, and Jesus showed up. Amen, but Jesus showed up when there was no way. Come on somebody, hallelujah when Jesus. Jesus did what only he could do. They don't know. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

I'm a firm believer. You better not get caught up in trying to prove yourself in this world or to the world. That will have you messed up. Look, come on. Let's stay on task, verse 12.

Speaker 1:

He says no man have seen God at any time. He said if we love one another, god dwelleth in us, he says, and his love is perfected in us. This is powerful. You heard me. He said if we love, he says no man have seen God at any time. None of us has physically seen him. Hallelujah at any time. None of us has physically seen him. Hallelujah, he says. But if we love one another, then God dwells in us. Amen, if we are able to love the way that he tells us to, then he's there. Because to love the way that he tells us to it. It is impossible without him. Hallelujah, because we deal with flesh. Understand that I'm going to say that again. It is impossible for us to do it without him, he says if we allow him to come in and be the Lord of our life. He says he perfects what is out of order, out of alignment with him. He says, day by day the more you be in his word, the more connected you be to him. He says he makes you perfect.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, folk get mad at how good it seems that you are. Come on somebody, they don't never do nothing wrong. They always this and they that, and they so perfect and they da-da-da. You know you hear people say that about you. But here's the thing they're saying that about you but all they see is God in you, jesus. This is what they see and see, because we don't realize that we try to fix ourselves up to be approved by them. And here's the thing the more they see of God in you, it's him, it's God perfecting you. And you know, I just had that moment just now.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, that was an aha moment for me, just in that moment that you know people have said this, that and that, this, that and the other about me. She's this and she's so righteous and she's so holy and she's this. And they call me self-righteous. But the devil is a liar. All they see really is the God in me. They see the work that is happening in me, see a whole lot of folk. They they don't know you from what you used to be, or they try to keep you in this box that says, uh, that they're not this and they're not that.

Speaker 1:

But here's the thing if you're in Christ, you're everything you need to be. Come on, hallelujah, amen. And he's going to hide the imperfections. Hallelujah, that people only see him. Come on somebody, hallelujah, amen. So people only see him. Amen, hallelujah, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Here, look, I'm going to tell you and this is personal experience I've had people say things about me or been told that people said things about me and then I respond to what they say and then what happens is I became the thing that they said I was amen, because I responded, I paid it some attention, amen, and I began to act in the character that they described me. Come on somebody. How many times do we do that Hallelujah? How many times do we begin to act the way that they say that we are, because we don't want to be identified as being what they see? Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

I mean I really just this is really just a moment for me that what they see, this is God perfecting me, because they don't see me when I'm broken. They don't see me when I'm falling down. They haven't seen me when I was struggling and when all they see is me having it together, and when all they see is the word coming out of me by deed and word, hallelujah, then all they see is perfection. And that's what they're supposed to see. When I look at this, verse 12, this is what they're supposed to see. This is what God desires them to see.

Speaker 1:

My God, wow, wow, wow, wow, and I've read it a thousand times. I feel like I've read this several times. I wish y'all could see my Bible right now. Everything is highlighted just about Amen. I've read it and I've taught it, but I just got it. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He says 13,. Hereby I know that we that dwell in him and he in us, because he has given us, he has given us of his spirit, jesus, jesus, and we have seen, and do testify, that the father sent the son to be the savior of the world. I'm going to stop right there because I'm still in wow on verse 12, y'all, truth be told, I'm still wowed that that is really what that means. All that they see is what God Would have them to see. Do you want them to see your flaws? Go ahead and try to do it your way. Go ahead and try to do it your way and they gonna see every flaw.

Speaker 1:

That is there, jesus, come on somebody. My God, that is such a word, such a word, such a word. Now, let's pray, father. We thank you so much. Thank you, god, so much for this word. I thank you for this word, thank you for making it clear to me. Hallelujah, hallelujah, and I just pray that I ain't the only one that has come, just had a moment where we realize that what they see is what you desire them to see, and that is perfection. Hallelujah, and I just pray that even me would not dumb down to what they think we ought to be. Hallelujah, jesus, come on, father.

Speaker 1:

I pray for everybody here that they will walk the way that God has ordained them to walk, that they will walk the path that you desire them to walk, not worrying about what people think or what they say. The devil is a liar. Hallelujah, I pray in the name of Jesus, that we will be drawn to you. You will continue to draw us to you, that we will continue to just learn how to live this life and walk on this journey that we are on. I pray for anybody that said pray for me. I pray in the name of Jesus, lord, that your will will be done in their life, god. I pray God that they will be willing vessels for you, that they will learn how to obey you, not just they but me too, that we would obey you because we say we love you, jesus, have your way. We bless your people as we bless your name. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray Amen, amen and amen.

Speaker 1:

Jesus Y'all, that was a whammy. Woo Mm, mm, mm, mm. That was a whammy for me. Your girl just got got Hallelujah, because that was a revelation that kind of knocked me off my feet. Lord at mercy.

Speaker 1:

But that is a word amen. They see what God would have them to see. He don't want them to see your flaws. This is why they don't see them. This is why they got all of this, that and the other to say about you amen. People don't have really a clue what is going on. You know, in the places that you think that you are a hot mess, the places, yeah, yeah, yeah, the places that you think you're a hot mess at, he only allows them to see the best, not the mess, but the best. Jesus, jesus, come on somebody. I hope y'all got that word amen, just like I got it, amen. And I hope y'all come on one more day, the last day of the week, for learning to live in truth. Come on back with me tomorrow as we pick up at the 16th verse, amen, or the 15th verse, and go forward probably, let's see, let's see, let's see Finish out this chapter, amen. So y'all come on back. So many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great day and a good night. Hallelujah, hallelujah and hallelujah.

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