God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#148 LTLT S5 EP 22: Rebirth and Renewal: Loving His Way in Christ's Teachings

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 22

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Can exchanging your burdens for Jesus' yoke truly lead to a lighter, more peaceful life? Discover the profound impact of embracing Jesus' teachings as we reflect on Matthew 11:28-30 and engage deeply with the essence of genuine love, as highlighted in 1 John 4:7 and 1 Corinthians 13. This episode of "Learning to Live in Truth" invites you to explore the transformative power of living love through actions, not just words. I share heartfelt prayers for all listeners, asking for divine guidance and blessings so that we may all reflect God's light and love in our daily lives.

Experience the liberating power of God's love and spiritual freedom in ways you may never have imagined. We delve into what it means to be reborn as children of God, emphasizing the importance of genuine love and true peace that surpasses worldly standards. Listen to a personal testimony of running from God's will and finding fulfillment in His embrace, offering encouragement to those embarking on their faith journey. Concluding with a heartfelt prayer, I extend my blessings to all, as we prepare to explore further into 1 John 4:9, seeking deeper spiritual understanding and connection. Join me tomorrow for more insightful exploration and divine inspiration. Amen.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. So glad to be before you one more time. I hope all is well with you, amen. I hope today has been a good day for you. Amen. Good night. However, you're listening to it, whenever you're listening to it, amen. I'm just glad that you are here and I am able to serve you yet another day.

Speaker 1:

If you don't know who I am, my name is Catherine Amen. Sometimes you don't hear my husband on with me from time to time. It's been a while, amen. I just see that God is just turning this into my thing, amen. This is what he would have me to do, amen.

Speaker 1:

So here we are, learning how to live in truth, learning how to do it Jesus' way, amen. Learning how to love, learning how to forgive, learning how to, as Jesus would tell us, take on his yoke. Amen, that our walk would be light. Hallelujah, amen. You can find that right. I believe it's Matthew 11, 28 through 30, talks about that. Matthew 11, 28 through 30 talks about the fact that our walk can be light. We don't have to carry around all the burdens that we do Oftentimes. He said in exchange if you learn about him, that our walk will be light. Amen, and give him all of our stuff, amen. So here, amen. This is what we're doing. We're learning how to live by truth. Amen To God. Be the glory. All right, y'all? Hope y'all are ready, because I am.

Speaker 1:

Let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this day, another opportunity to be able to serve you. Father, we bless your name as we bless your people. I pray for every diamond that is here, god, that as we go forth to learn what you have to teach us and reveal to us, god, that our light will shine. That every time the light hits us, amen, like a diamond, we would shine and reflect you. I pray, in the name of Jesus, for anyone who's burned down with trouble, with trauma, with pain and so forth. God, that you would give them the deliverance that they desire. Pray, god, that folks will put all of their trust in you, including me. Hallelujah, amen. I just pray, lord, that you would just have your way in your children on today. I pray, god, that we can do the things that are pleasing and acceptable in your sight. I pray that we can love each other rightly. Father, lead us and guide us. We bless your people, we bless your name. We pray this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ. We do pray, amen, amen, amen, hallelujah, all right y'all? So I hope you checked out Monday's episode. I hope that you were here, amen, to listen to episode number 140, I believe 147. Yeah, as we go forth, journey, yep, episode number 147. Amen. Yeah, as we go forth, journey Yep, episode number 147. Amen.

Speaker 1:

We are picking up 1 John, chapter 4, at the 7th verse. Amen. 1 John, chapter 4, the 7th verse. It says Beloved.

Speaker 1:

And notice, verse 1 starts out the same way. He says Beloved. Let us love one another, he said, for love is of God and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. So that's a threefold excuse me, actually, yeah, this is a threefold thing. So first he says Let us love one another. So he says to us this is the command, this is what he's asking us to do Love one another, amen, and I oftentimes express the meaning of love is more than me saying I love you.

Speaker 1:

People do it all the time, don't they? Amen, they say, oh, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And the reality is how can you love me and you don't even know anything about me? Yeah, hallelujah and man, we throw around those words all the time, don't we? Hallelujah, amen, we throw around those words all the time, don't we? Amen, especially in the church. Amen, I love you, but you don't know me. Amen, you're not taking any time to know me at all.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, I often say go to 1 Corinthians, chapter 13. That is where you'll find out what real love is. I'm talking about what Jesus describes as love. Amen, what Jesus describes as love. That's how we find out, really, the definition. Hallelujah, amen. I'm just going to quickly go there so that, for those of you that are kind of riding along, you can't get to your word in the moment. Amen, and just just a quick brief, like tell me real quick what love is based out of the word of God and what he says. It means Amen to him. Yes, I'm turning to it right now. Yes, I'm turning to it right now. As you can hear, my page is flipping. Yeah, he says uh, first Corinthians, chapter uh, 13.

Speaker 1:

And verse uh, it really begins far as it telling us everything that it is a man and everything that it is not. One of the first things that teaches us is that it is not and everything that it is not. One of the first things it teaches us is that it is not a sounding brass, it's it's. You say that you love me, but uh, at the end of the day, if you're not putting it into practice, it's just noise. Come on, hallelujah. It's just a whole bunch of noise. It's just words, it's just something that you're saying, but oh, oh, why? Because I'm supposed to, or because it's politically correct, or because of the environment that I'm in, or because you said it to me, so I feel obligated to say it to you. Come on, hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

But he says that love or charity verses 4 through 7 says it suffers long. It's there all the time, no matter what is going on. It is there. He says it is kind, it doesn't envy anybody. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He said it doesn't try to make itself something that it is not. He said it is not puffed up, it's not angry, love is not angry, okay. And he said it does not behave in a way that is outside of it. I guess you could say, because it said it doeth not behave itself unseemly. I mean, you say you love me but you're hurting me. Come on somebody, hallelujah. So he says it's not our own, it's not pride, it's not arrogant, it's not about itself. He said it's not easily provoked. You know, you don't get mad easily.

Speaker 1:

If you truly love a person, he said, and it thinks no evil, you don't sit and premeditate anything. But then at the same time you're saying that you love me. It is not that he said it does not rejoice in iniquity and it rejoices in truth. Yeah, I would rather you tell me a truth than to lie, hallelujah, because you say you love me. Tell me the truth, even if it hurt my feelings, hallelujah, even if it makes me look at you sideways. Come on somebody. I know that you love me, regardless of what it might cost me. Come on somebody, cause that's a whole lot of time while we kind of pat folks on the head or we lie to them or you know, we hide this, that and the other Because, look, I don't want to lose what I have with you, but if you love me, you will tell me the truth, amen. And eventually you're going to see that I love you because I risked it all, I was willing to lose it all for you. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

Look, he said it bears all things, believes all things, hopes all and endures all things. He didn't say some. He said all, hallelujah. Now ask yourself am I loving folks the way I should, the way that Jesus tells me to? Am I fulfilling what Jesus calls the love command?

Speaker 1:

Come on, he says charity or love, it never fails. He says there are going to be prophecies, they're going to fail. Come on somebody. He said there will be tongues, they will stop. That're going to fail. Come on somebody. He said there will be tongues, they will stop. That's what seats mean. He said whether there be knowledge, he says it will be gone. It can be gone, but he lets us know. He says but we know in part, we prophesy in part. He says but when that which is perfect has come, then that which is in part shall be done away. The last verse, he says.

Speaker 1:

He says now, abide in faith, hope, charity, which is love. He says. And here's the thing charity is something you give away. Come on somebody, hallelujah, he says, whether there be faith, or rather no, excuse me y'all. He says abide in faith, hope and charity. Slash love, he says. But out of the three, the greatest is charity Giving regardless. Come on somebody Loving, regardless of how they treat you, because we live in a world where you know, if you treat me one way, then I'm going to give you back the same thing you gave me. Come on, that's the way and that's the way of this world, hallelujah. You give them what they give you. This is why Jesus said look, they slap you on one cheek, turn to the other Hallelujah, be there anyhow. This is what he says to us when he means when he says love one another, one another willing to be there, no matter what.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, it ain't easy, is it? Hallelujah, amen. It ain't easy to smile when they done broke your heart, hallelujah. It ain't easy to still stand and still be there when you know they walked away from you, hallelujah, when you know they talking about you, they laying you out, they cussing you out, they this, that and the other, they planning, they attacking, they're doing all these things toward you and you still stand there. And you stand there with a smile Amen. It ain't easy. It's very difficult, hallelujah, but here's the thing when you're doing it for Jesus, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Jesus gives us the ability to be able to endure whatever comes at us, hallelujah. This is why he says to us that we cannot build a house on sand, he said, because the waves from the trouble that is going on in the sea, he said, when it comes to shore, the sand goes back into the vicious sea. Come on somebody, hallelujah. And so, whenever the water comes to shore, it pulls that sand down and so, therefore, the beach gets further and further into the water. Come on somebody, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

You can become or or be drawn into the trouble, hallelujah. You can become mixed up in the trouble. You can come mixed up in everything that is wrong, and no longer are you, and no longer are you a part of the solution, but you become a part of the problem, hallelujah. You don't want to become a part of the problem, hallelujah. So this is why you got to be in God. You got to be in His Word, amen, in order to do what he asked you to do.

Speaker 1:

The relationship Look, your relationship with him brings out what is within. If it's not rooted inside of you, then it becomes a performance. Come on somebody. I'm doing everything. I'm supposed somebody. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to. I'm doing and I'm saying the things that I need to say Amen. Meanwhile, my heart is broken, my heart is angry. This is why it's more important than ever to get the relationship with Jesus first. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Folks wondering why, why come? People don't see me? Why don't people acknowledge me? I didn't gave my life to Christ. Why they're not using me, why they're not calling on me? Look, I dare to say Jesus is working on the inside of you and it's because he's working on the inside of you. It's like planting that seed Amen, hallelujah. You've been planted in the ground and nobody can see you. You've been hidden for a reason, hallelujah, amen. He has hidden you From what? From the world, so they no longer see who they used to see. Amen. They see nothing but a. They see a body, hallelujah. They see your person, but they don't see what's really happening on the inside. This is why you got to be in the word.

Speaker 1:

Come on, hallelujah, he said, for love is of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God, and everyone that loveth is born of God and knoweth God. He said you're born of God. This is the next part of it. Amen, he says. Love is of God, so this love that he's asking you to give and be. He said you got to be a part of him in order to be able to display it. In order to be able to give it, to be able to walk in it, you got to be a part of the source. Hallelujah, amen. We can use the equation of a plug in the wall the source is there, but you got to plug into the source. Amen, because the life comes from the source. So the thing that he's asking you to give, you cannot give it outside of him, because he is it, he is the source of it. He said you are born, the evidence that you are able to give it, the evidence that you are able to give it, the evidence that you are able to walk in it, the evidence that you are able to, the evidence that you are able to and the things that you are not to do.

Speaker 1:

In regard to love. He says the evidence that you've been reborn, that you are a child of God, hallelujah is the fact that you're able to do it. I feel like I just confused myself, but the devil is a liar. Amen, he says, and knoweth God. That means that you have a relationship with him, you have a relationship with God. So I'm going to stop right there, because we could go further. Amen, a whole lot further, actually. Matter of fact, I'll go ahead and go to eight and then I'm going to stop there. Amen. We're going to pick up on Wednesday with the next portion of the text.

Speaker 1:

But he said he that loveth not knoweth not God. He that loveth not knoweth. He that loveth not knoweth not God. So he says if you don't know how to love, you're not loving the way that Jesus says for us to love. He says you don't know him, you're not in a relationship with him. He says because for God is love, because for God is love. So you cannot produce love without God. Because God is love. Okay, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

This is why, again, I just say it over and over again no-transcript relationship, unique relationship, in order to be able to give the thing that God is asking you to give. Amen. This is why there's so much hatred in our world. This is why there's so much anger and so much killing and pridefulness and arrogance and things that are not like God. Because people are professing Jesus but they're not getting to know him. Amen, you're not getting. Folks are not getting to know him. Hallelujah. Now somebody could be here in their first steps, baby steps of their salvation, baby steps of their relationship with God, amen, trying to understand who he is.

Speaker 1:

I just encourage you to stay hallelujah. I myself, I encourage you to stay in the arms of Jesus. How do you do that? By staying in your word hallelujah, amen. John 8, verse 31,.

Speaker 1:

He talks about the fact that the truth will make you free, hallelujah. This word will make you free. Hallelujah, amen. It will deliver you from bondage. Amen. It will keep you out of bondage.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, because as long as you try to live up to the standards of this world, you are in a prison, hallelujah, and the world becomes the warden. Come on the ward of this world. You are in a prison. Hallelujah, and the world becomes the warden. Come on the warden, amen. The world becomes the warden. Hallelujah. The world will decide when you come out to the yard. The world will decide what time you go to bed. The world will decide what time you get up. The world will decide what you eat and what you don't eat. Come on somebody.

Speaker 1:

The word teaches us that he brings us freedom. We are able to love in spite of. That is a beautiful thing. Come on somebody. Hallelujah, Amen. It is a beautiful thing, but you'll never know how that feels until you experience him. Amen, until you give it all, every last bit of it over to God, hallelujah, and he will show himself to be real. Hallelujah, he is, he'll always be, he'll be the love of your life.

Speaker 1:

You heard me Hallelujah, whether they come or go, as long as you got Jesus, you can be satisfied. I promise you that, amen. I promise you that because you're talking to somebody, you're listening to somebody who ran from the will of God for a very long time. But I got to the point I couldn't run no more, hallelujah. I could not run no more Because then, once I got tired of running, I began to walk away from God, hallelujah. But God drew slowly in his own way. He got me to the point where I didn't want to walk anymore away from him. I didn't want to run away from him anymore, hallelujah. He showed me his goodness and he showed me his mercy. He showed me that I'd have no life without him.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Again, we thank you, god, for this, all that you're doing in this season of our lives. I pray for every diamond here, once again, that the blessings of the Lord will flow upon them, god, that they will receive the revelation you desire them to have. God, I pray that everyone will open up their hearts and their minds to you. They might receive you. It's you, just you, father. You, father, we love you so much, so very grateful, so thankful. We pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray, amen, amen and amen. Hallelujah. I hope y'all will come on back with me on tomorrow as we go a little bit further. Amen, picking up in verse nine of this great book, first John, chapter four so excited, always glad to be before you Now. So many blessings and so much love from me to you. Y'all have a good one, amen, and we'll see you on the next time. Amen, good day and good night.

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