God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#145 LTLT S5 EP 19: Embracing Selfless Love and Compassion in 1 John 3 Final Verses

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 19

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What does it mean to live in truth and authentic love? Through the lens of 1 John, we explore the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the privilege of freely speaking His name, a freedom many around the world do not share. We dive into the heart of 1 John, chapter 3, where we discuss the challenging yet essential task of loving others even in the face of hatred. Through heartfelt prayer and scripture, we seek to understand and apply these truths to enrich our daily lives.

Our journey continues through the divine wisdom of 1 John, emphasizing the intentional creation of each person and the essence of genuine love. By reflecting on the analogy of a lamp's inherent value, we highlight the importance of selfless actions over mere words. As we approach the conclusion of 1 John, chapter 4, we are reminded to live out God's kingdom business, extending compassion, blessings, and God's peace and love to all. Join us for a conversation that encourages living generously and acting compassionately, all in the name of true, authentic love. Amen, amen, and amen.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome back. Learning to live in truth. So glad to be before you one more time. Amen. I hope all is well. Hope you're having a great day. Amen, great night.

Speaker 1:

Whenever you're listening to this, wherever you're listening to it, again, I just hope that you're having a great day, amen. So I am your host, catherine. Amen. So glad again to be before you. We are about ready to get into the word of God. I hope that you are ready to go forth. Amen.

Speaker 1:

It is always a blessing to be able to hear the word of God, because I deal with people who live in areas where the name of Jesus can get you killed. Hallelujah, amen. So, wherever you are, if you're able to see the next say the name of Jesus freely, that is such an awesome lesson. Amen. So if you have your Bibles, please turn with me to first John, chapter three. Please turn with me to 1 John, chapter 3. Amen.

Speaker 1:

If you are in the car, at work, whatever have you, you don't have your Bible handy, just have a listening ear, amen, and ready to hear what it is that God has to say as he uses his willing servant, catherine, amen. So without further ado, let us go before him in prayer. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us yet another opportunity to be able to hear your word. I pray in the name of Jesus you would grant me supernatural understanding to your truth, that I might be a blessing to your people. I like to the kingdom. I pray in the name of Jesus, that you will bless every ear that is here, that you will give them hindsight, god, that you will give them a word, god, that they can apply, that we all can apply forever. Amen. I pray that you would just have your way in this time. We turn it over to you, god, in Jesus Christ's name, we do pray. Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah. So we left off here at verse 15, picking up at 16. We left off here at verse 15, picking up at 16.

Speaker 1:

The thing that I got most out of yesterday's lesson was that, even when they're hating on you, you still love them. Hallelujah, amen. That was a lot to be said. It really was Amen. So if you did not listen to yesterday's episode, which was episode number 144 in season 5, episode 18, please take a minute and listen to it, because it will speak hand in hand or hand in glove, however you want to say, with what is coming right here in this moment. So let's go forth.

Speaker 1:

He says hereby. He said perceive we the love of god because he laid down his life for us, amen. He said perceive. So he said think for a minute. It wasn't nothing but the love of God that he would lay down, he would send his only begotten son to lay down his life for us. Amen, that we might live. He didn't have to, he wanted to. It was a choice that he made, a conscious choice that he made because he loved us just that much.

Speaker 1:

Amen. He created us on purpose and for purpose. Hallelujah. Your life does have significance, whether or not you treat it that way. He, when he took the dust and put you together, he did it on purpose. He gave you the right father and he gave you the perfect mother to create you, hallelujah. And it was not again because he had to, it was because he loved you just that much. He has something to accomplish through you. He says, and we ought to lay down our lives for one, for I was about to say for one another, but for the brethren, amen. The same gift that Jesus gave us. We ought to be willing and ready to give it to our brothers and our sisters in Christ. Amen, hallelujah. And I think it's interesting because he just said for the brethren Amen, would you exclude the unsaved? Come on, hallelujah, when you think about it, the reality is that he created all in his image and after his likeness. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Now, whether or not folks abide in the love that Christ gave us, that's a whole other story. But it doesn't mean that you didn't wasn't created without purpose. It's just like saying look, the. The lamp is insignificant because nobody bought it. No, the life is significant. The lamp is significant and it has a purpose. Amen. Once you put in the light and plug it into the wall, then its purpose will be fulfilled. Amen, whether or not the lamp is bought or not, it still does not dismiss its purpose. Hallelujah, whether they receive you or not, whether they accept you or not, it does not diffuse your purpose. Hallelujah, amen, you, me, all of us. He asks us to lay down our life for somebody else outside of ourself. Amen, he says.

Speaker 1:

Look, but whosoever hath this world's goods or good and seeketh his brother have need and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the proof of the pudding that you love me is that? Look, you take care of me, hallelujah. That's just one proof. Amen. If you have the things, that, especially when you have more than enough, you have it, and then you know that your brother have need of it. Uh, look, he asked the question. If you love god, will you give it to him? Come on, somebody.

Speaker 1:

See, this is where we have to separate, separate things and things that don't matter, the temporary things, to the things that matter, things that are eternal. Will you hold back what you have because you want it or because you think you need it, and not give it to your brother, your sister? Hallelujah, amen. It's like having two things, two things in your closet and your brother have a need. Rather than you holding on to both, why not give one amen, and even more? He said you love me. Give him the best, jesus, come on.

Speaker 1:

How many times do we give somebody something? We give them the sloppy agape, we give them the raggedy leftovers. Come on, somebody. We give them the thing that's all stained up and messed up. I would dare give my best to them. That's for me. Come on. That's the truth of the matter. Don't we do it? Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

But he says to us? He says how dwelleth the love of God in him If you're able to help with the need and don't, come on somebody, A whole lot of folk. They won't give because they're not getting. Oh Jesus, come on. That's a word, ain't it? Amen? How many times do we have the opportunity to give but we don't because we're not getting? My god, now, ain't that something? Think about it now. Don't think about her and him and so and so, and this one and that one. How about you? How many times have you had something you can give to somebody that you don't need and you didn't? Because they didn't give it to you, because they weren't there for you. They didn't show up when you needed them. So I'm not, I'm putting my hands in my pocket and I'm closing myself off to be a blessing to somebody else because they weren't a blessing to me.

Speaker 1:

Jesus hall, he said my little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue, but in deed and in truth. Hallelujah, amen. Love in what you do, love in what you say. You let your word be your bond. If you're gonna to do something, do it. Don't hold back based on whatever reason. Hallelujah, he says to us, let us not love with what we necessarily all that we say amen, don't. Let. Let's not just say it just to be saying it, amen, or saying it just because it sounds good, or saying it because I'm supposed to. How many times do we say things that we've rehearsed over the years? Hallelujah Amen.

Speaker 1:

You say you love me, but you have no action behind what you say. Hallelujah, you say you love me, but you're never there for me. I say I love you, but I'm never there for you. Come on, hallelujah Amen. I say I love you and you have a need. You got a bank full of money, but you know I need food on my table for my babies tonight and you can't help me because I don't know when I can give what you gave me back to you. That's just a scenario, but it happens all the time. People have needs and they go unanswered because somebody's too selfish to give it. Some would say well, a closed mouth, don't get fed, and that is true. But what happens when you open up your mouth and ask and they still say no, but then they turn around and say I love you? How? This is really the root and the fruit to verse 17.

Speaker 1:

Amen, we are so busy we are. I mean, I love you just flows off of our mouth so easily, but we're really not practicing what we preach. We say that easily, but we're really not practicing what we preach. We say that we love, but we not loving unconditionally. So many times we love based on what you do for me. That is selfish. Truth be told, that's what that is. That is selfishness at its best. I won't do for you unless you do for me. How many times you say I'll go to your church but you going to come to mine? Hallelujah, I love you. I seen you. I love you so much. You don't know nothing about me. You ain't taking the time to get to know me. How can you love me and you don't know who I am? Come on somebody. What happened to the relationship? Hallelujah, because, look, if I take time to invest in the relationship, amen, then I'm able to have feelings. I'm able to understand the difference between saying that I love you and saying that I genuinely love you. Come on somebody. We digging deep.

Speaker 1:

Verse 19, he says and hereby we know that we are of the truth and shall assure our hearts before him, for if our heart condemn us, god is greater than our heart and knoweth all things, amen. God knows all things, amen. He knows what inside, what is going on in your heart Amen. And if we are moving in selfishness, the selfishness will be the thing that condemns us. Come on, hallelujah. God is even greater than us. Come on, hallelujah. God is even greater than our own selfishness, amen. This is why you know he works things to our good. He knows how to filter out that selfishness.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, amen. He knows how to make sure that we get the messages that he's teaching us in his word in us, hallelujah. This is why he said look, if we keep on, we stay in the word and we continue on with the Lord, if we continue to learn and understand what he requires of us. He says truly, we will be free, amen. He says we will be free, hallelujah, amen. This is why we don't have to worry about trying to fix ourselves. He know how to fix us, amen. He know how to purify us Amen. He know how to change our heart. That changes our mind, in which, once our heart and our minds are changed and our behavior will follow from the inside out, hallelujah. Why not from the outside in? Because outside says I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do, but my heart is disconnected from it.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, come on somebody, but see, look when he works it from the inside. What we do on the outside is produced from what's on the inside. Come on somebody. Hallelujah, jesus, he's freeing somebody. Hallelujah from all of the religions, confinements that are out there, that are keeping people from really experiencing Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, he says to us beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. He says, and whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, look, god is the source. Amen, and understanding that when we do what we do, we're not doing it in our own, in our own what's the word? In our own power or in our own strength, but that what we do is in him. And so, because what we do in him is in him, we can ask him amen, whatever it is that we need, and he's going to send the right people. And he's going to send the right people, he's going to send the right ideas, he's going to send the things in our path to get, so that we can get to the thing that we're asking him for. This is why we got to make sure that he is the source to everything that we ask. He says because we keep his commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight. He says and this is His commandment that we should believe on the name of His Son, jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

Speaker 1:

Look, a whole lot of times that it seems that we have a lack, and we have and I'm talking about a continuous lack, because we definitely are going to experience seasons in our lives. Amen, we're going to have times where we're going to have less than enough. Okay, we're going to have times in our life where we have a lot of, a lot of um, excitement, and then there's going to be times in our life we have a lot of mourning. Amen, there's going to be times in our lives for everything that happens underneath the sun. I believe that the reason why it seems prolonged is because something is going on in regard to us loving each other.

Speaker 1:

Amen, a whole lot of times. The things that seems to weigh the heaviest on us is not because God desires that for us, but because we are not listening to Him. Amen, we're not getting the lesson so that we can go on to the next lesson. Hallelujah, amen, a whole lot of times. God is trying to teach us something or make us go through a lesson that we don't want to experience. Hallelujah, because with every lesson comes some testing. Amen. The testing just is the witness that we got the lesson. Come on, y'all the lesson or the test? I'm saying that again. The test is the witness that I got the lesson, amen. And when you pass the test, you've learned the lesson. Come on, somebody, talk to me. Does that make sense? Amen, I'm almost done.

Speaker 1:

He says 24. And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him. Okay, the proof of the pudding that you are in him is that you keep his command. What is his command? Again, what is it that you love one another? He says, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us by the spirit which he hath given us.

Speaker 1:

You cannot say this, that and the other, and your life don't align with it. Y'all excuse me, I'm going to say that again. You cannot say I'm this and I'm doing this and I'm that and I believe this and I believe, and your life not align with that. Amen, hallelujah. That would make you a liar. Yeah, and that's not judgment, that's not condemnation. That's the word Amen. That's the word he talks about it in the first chapter of this great book About the difference between the truth and the lie.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, amen, being a part of the light and being a part of the darkness. This ain't coming out of thin air, hallelujah. It is in the word of god, the same word that is your standard, it is mine, hallelujah, and I've just been called to um. Identify it, amen, bring it to light as as as you would say. Amen, show you in the word where it says amen.

Speaker 1:

I think that sometimes christians get a bad rap, especially teachers and pastors, because all we're doing, if we're in relationship with him, amen, is giving the word of god. Amen. And folk get mad at you for giving the word of god. And the reality is is this? You're not getting mad at me, you're getting mad at God. Amen, because this is his standard. All we're doing is relaying the message Hallelujah, amen. So the proof is in the pudding Whether or not you are in him. It's whether or not you I didn't say everybody else whether or not you are loving the people that are around you, loving the people that come in contact with you the way he desires you to. Amen, not just you, but me too.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, let's pray, father, we thank you so much once again for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us to make it through this conversation, and I just pray that it was impactful. I pray that everyone that was here got what it is that you desire to give. Father, we love you so much and we're so very grateful, hallelujah, for all that you're doing in us, and I just pray, in the name of Jesus, as you've called me to this place, that I would do it the way that you tell me to do it. Hallelujah, that those who are supposed to align with me to go forth in this thing, I pray, in the name of Jesus, that they too will be willing and obedient, as you have called me to be. Father, we love you so, so much, god, we are so very grateful and so thankful, god, as we wrap up this week amen with learning to live in truth. I pray that everyone got what it is that they were supposed to get. I pray, in the name of Jesus, you would bless the one, bless those that said pray for me, whatever their need might be, that you would do it. Father, we love you and we thank you. In Jesus Christ's name, I do pray, amen, amen and amen, hallelujah, y'all. Make sure y'all come on back tomorrow, as we have God's diamondsonds in the Rough to come up to bat. Amen, not just Friday, but Saturday as well. We got two more because we have a lot of God's Diamonds in the Rough interviews that we need to get through before the year is out. So not just Friday, but Friday and Saturday we're going to have some interviews from that platform as well. I hope that y'all will come back for Learning to Live in Truth on Monday.

Speaker 1:

Amen, as we continue to explore and go through 1 John, picking up at the fourth chapter. Amen, as we slowly and gradually come to the end. Y'all know it's only five chapters in this great book. Amen, before we go into the next. So I thank you for being with me and thank you for allowing me to be able to sow into you. Amen, as, uh, we go forth, um, as the kingdom of god, uh, being about the business of god. Amen. So I love y'all so much. So many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great day, great night. Amen, amen and amen.

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