God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#143 LTLT S5 EP 17: Destroying the Works of the Devil and Embracing God's Guidance

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 17

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How can we harness the true power of scripture to transform our daily lives? Join me, Catherine, on "Learning to Live in Truth," where we unpack the profound significance of being intentional with the Word of God. Today, we begin with a heartfelt prayer, seeking divine guidance as we explore 1 John 3:8. Together, we'll trace the origins of sin back to the devil and delve into the purpose of Jesus's coming to destroy these works. By understanding this, we can reclaim the power, authority, and dominion that God originally intended for us. Make sure to have your notebook ready because these insights are worth reflecting on long after the episode ends.

Transitioning into our next focus, we'll discuss living in God's truth by prioritizing His expectations over the world's approval. Learn how trusting in God can guide us in genuinely loving ourselves and others, an act that is aligned with His will. Expressing gratitude for God's unwavering grace and the opportunity to study His word, we’ll emphasize the value of accountability through scripture. This methodical approach ensures that we not only understand but also live by the teachings found in verses 8, 9, and 10. Stick around to the end as we announce our next session, where we’ll continue our journey with 1 John 3:11. Dive into this enriching discussion and let the Word of God illuminate your path. Amen.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. Amen. I am so glad to be with you one more time. Amen. I hope all is well. I hope you're having a great day. Amen, I am ready and I hope that you are ready to get into the Word. Amen.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening by, you're going through your day or whatever, you're at work or whatever having. All I say is be intentional about listening, amen. And if you're able to be at home and able to take notes, do that absolutely. Um, I am a firm believer that you know our notes and things are always for, uh, another season. Amen. We can kind of go back and reflect. You never know when you are rumbling, rummaging through something, and maybe you're having an off day or whatever, have you? You find notes from two years ago that was for that particular season, because those notes spoke to you where you were. Amen. So absolutely a firm believer that notes are not for nothing. Amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Again, my name is Catherine, for those of you who don't know who I am, and again, I hope that all is well and if you're ready, I'm ready. So let's go ahead and pray. Father, we thank you so much for this day. Thank you, god, that you allowed us to see it. I pray, in the name of Jesus, that as we go into your word, you will go with us. God, go before us as a matter of fact. Make sure, father. I pray, that we go in the way that you would have us to go. Father, I want you to just have your way through me. Use me as your willing vessel to your glory. We thank you so much and we love you. We pray this prayer and all of our prayers in the precious name of jesus christ. We do pray, amen, amen, hallelujah. So if you've been keeping up and you've been going along, you will know that we are in the book of first john, chapter three, picking up at verse eight.

Speaker 1:

It's always powerful when we're able to get into the word of god. I'm always, uh, glad to be a help. I call myself a teacher or a coach or something. Amen to helping, um, anyone who desires it. Help, helping them to get a better understanding of the word of God. I don't call myself the chief authority or anything like that, amen. But I have been in the word for some time, amen, and he has called me to this place, and so I'm just willingly going forth as he calls me to it. Amen.

Speaker 1:

I'm a firm believer of this as well. Everything that we hear ain't necessarily for us, but the fact that we are there and we are in the midst, that there is something for us. Hallelujah, come on somebody. Hey, man, I hope you got your bibles open, hope you got your ears open, hope you're ready. Amen.

Speaker 1:

I I always use the King James Version just because it pushes me and drives me to think a little harder about what is there. Amen. Ain't nothing wrong with using the other versions, but know that when you use the other versions you got another man's idea of what the text means. So know again, the choice is yours or whatever version you want to use, but I prefer a king james version.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we're in first john, chapter 3, verse 8. He says he that committed sin is of the devil says for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the son of man was manifested that he might destroy the works of the devil. Now, if you go back to um, episode number 142, which was yesterday's episode, uh, and you listen, you'll find we were talking about sin, amen, and the fact that um, um, sin is sin, that when you sin you break the law that you know. Don't allow people to manipulate you, uh, to believe in that there's something that they are not, or you know? Um, whatever have you, don't let a man deceive you. Sin is sin.

Speaker 1:

And here we get to verse 8 and he says if you're committing sin, he says that is not of God, but it is of the devil. Amen. And what you have to know is that the devil has always been the devil. Amen. When he fell from heaven, because he got prideful, he got arrogant, he thought he could be bigger than god himself, he got kicked out of heaven and that's why he's the father of lies. Amen. He is the father of sin because he was the very first one that committed it. Amen, even even before adam and eve. Hallelujah. So therefore, hallelujah. So therefore, he is the devil and he has sinned from the beginning. Amen. I believe I don't know exactly where it's at off the top of my head, but if you didn't know it, satan, his previous name, before it became Satan, was Lucifer and he was the guardian of life. Amen, and he was the guardian of life. Amen. Time sake. If you want to find it to verify that what I'm saying is right or wrong. You can go and Google Satan or Lucifer falls from heaven and it'll give you the scripture verse as to where exactly it is. Amen. So I'm going on going forward.

Speaker 1:

He says for this purpose. So he said this is the reason why the son of God was manifested, that he would destroy the works of the devil. So, whatever the devil has started in you, jesus comes to destroy the work of the enemy, that his fruit can be yielded. Amen, yielded. Yeah. Jesus desires us to bring forth. He says for us to go forth and reproduce. He tells us to multiply. Amen.

Speaker 1:

From the very beginning this was his desire that we would go forth and produce, reproduce and multiply amen. That we would walk in power and authority and dominion. This was in the very beginning, in genesis. Hallelujah, this has always been the heart of god for you. Amen. Don't ever think that God is not for you. If you're created and you've been brought into this world, it's because he has a plan and a purpose for your life. Amen. And the enemy is going to do everything that he can To destroy your purpose. Amen. The enemy is going to do everything that he can To keep you from finding your purpose. Hallelujah, you have a purpose. You're not here by accident. God doesn't want you to just exist. He wants you to live, amen.

Speaker 1:

The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy. Amen. He does not want you to succeed. He doesn't want you to be successful. He doesn't want you to even have any clue who Jesus is. He don't want you to understand that Jesus is personal. He doesn't want you to understand that Jesus wants you close to him. Amen, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's scripture verse that says that wide is the gate, amen. This wide gate is about the works of the enemy and, again, the path that is to Jesus. It is narrow. Amen, ain't no whole lot of things that you're going to do. It ain't no whole lot of things you're going to want to do outside of pleasing him. Amen, because that wide gate it pleases yourself, it pleases the flesh, it builds up and it boasts the pride. It boasts of things that the enemy says are important but really they are not. He came to destroy you, hallelujah. The enemy, the devil, satan. He came to destroy you. Hallelujah, the enemy, the devil, satan. He came to destroy you. He did not come to build you. Amen. This is what you got to understand.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it feels good. The pleasures of life. It feels good, it tastes good, it looks good. But these things, they literally, uh, miles of life out of you. They do. Amen, amen.

Speaker 1:

So much I want to say. That's why I keep pausing so much, I want to say so much. I could say hallelujah, but I do want to get on with the scripture. But use your imagination. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

Look, we enjoy candy, don't we? But we eat enough of it. It throws off our glucose levels in our bodies and you wind up with what? Diabetes. You eat too much sweet, eat too much salt. Let people take you out of your element. What does that do? It raises your blood pressure and then pretty soon you got to have a pill that regulates your blood pressure. You heard me. You overeat, you eat and eat and eat. You're not exercising, you ain't doing anything, but it feels good, it tastes good, it looks good. Come on somebody, and the mind tells us oh, you can sit and you can just eat and eat and eat, you don't need to exercise. And then for long you can't walk. Come on somebody, because you ain't had no exercise. Amen.

Speaker 1:

The things that feel good, the things that look good, the things that taste good, the things that look good, things that taste good, the things that please our flesh. They do nothing but shorten our lifespan, hallelujah. This is why, look, you got to get in Jesus, because even if your life is short, it's a life that is fulfilled. Come on, somebody, talk to me. Hallelujah, look, I'm coming on back to the word. To God be the glory, amen. I'm coming on back to the word. To God be the glory, amen. I'm coming on back to the word, but look at 9. He says whosoever is born of God doeth not commit sin, he says, for his seed remaineth in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God, amen.

Speaker 1:

Now here comes a question Do you sin? Yes, we all sin, saved and unsaved, we all sin. But even when we sin, god works it for our good. Why? Because we are in Him. Our seed remains in Him. Ir seed remains in him, irregardless of whether we sin or not. God can produce something out of everything and out of anything.

Speaker 1:

I often say you can never get up unless you fall. Oh, come on somebody. Hallelujah, look. You can never really appreciate being up if you've never been down. Hallelujah, if you never make mistakes, you can't appreciate the process of coming out of the bondage, do you understand? It's just like somebody that has been, that has been in prison for 30 years, because they made a mistake when they was maybe 25. They made a mistake and they spent half of their life in prison. Then, when they come out, they appreciate being out of prison, because I know what it's like to be locked up. When I came out of prison and I began to preach about Jesus, I understand the grace and the mercy that he gave me while I was in prison. Jesus, come on somebody. Does that make sense? Amen. That ought to make perfect sense. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

You can't appreciate money until you walk through a season without it. Come on somebody. You can't appreciate your house unless you don't walk through a season where you didn't have one that you could call yours. Jesus, come on somebody. Talk to me. Hallelujah, amen. You can't appreciate the blessings of God until you feel like you ain't got none. You can't appreciate your worth unless somebody make you feel like you're not worthy of anything. Hallelujah, come on somebody. You can't appreciate your marriage if your marriage ain't never been on the rocks. Hallelujah, jesus, the enemy is out here to destroy you. You got to understand who's for you and who's against you. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

He says to us whoever is born of God, you're born of God. You might commit sin, hallelujah. Whoever is born of God, you're born of God. You might commit sin, hallelujah. But as long as you remain in him. Look, you cannot sin comfortably. Come on somebody you can't sin and think, oh, it's okay, hallelujah Because you're in him. Amen, he is, he is. One of the promises that he makes to us is that he will cleanse us, he will purge us, he will, hallelujah, perfect us. He says in verse 10, in this the children of God are manifest. The children of God are manifest. Amen.

Speaker 1:

Manifest speaks process, meaning it don't happen overnight. Who I used to be, it will gradually and slowly disappear, hallelujah. But the beauty is that I am in him, I am already made new. People will remind you of your past, things will remind you of who you used to be, hallelujah. But you got to know who you are. Christ gives us our identity. Christ has given you a new identity. Don't allow people, things, mistakes or whatever to take you back to who you used to be, because I'm going to tell you what you give the devil an inch, he's going to take a mile every time, hallelujah. He says in this the children of God are manifest and the children of the devil. He says whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. There here there is. He's just speaking of process.

Speaker 1:

You gotta let the process work itself out, hallelujah. You gotta do it, amen, as a child of God. Amen, look, you, look. You got to put your faith, put it all in the hands of Jesus. Amen, and he will manifest you. Amen, he will work you and shape you and make you and mold you into the man or woman of God he desires you to be. I said he desires you to be. Come on somebody, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

A whole lot of time we try to make ourselves into this image that we think that the world is going to accept, hallelujah. But at the end of the day, the world don't matter what they think, they don't matter what they expect out of you. It don't matter. You got to fulfill the expectations of God. Hallelujah, put all of your trust, put all of your heart in him and he's going to teach you how to not only love others, but he's going to teach you how to love yourself. Come on somebody, talk to me.

Speaker 1:

Father. We thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this opportunity once again to get into your word. I pray that everyone that had an ear to hear got what it is that they were supposed to get. I pray, god, that it don't just sit there, but that it is able to work in them and through them. God, I pray in the name of Jesus, that you'll continue to just lead God and order our steps by your word. What we don't understand, what we can't understand, god, that you would make it plain to us, wherever and whomever we are. God, do a work in us that only you can. Father, we love you so much. I love you, god. Thank you, god, for calling me into this place that I can be a light for you and a light to your people. I pray, god, you'll continue to do through us all what only you can. We bless your name as we bless your people. In Jesus Christ's name, we do pray amen, amen and amen, hallelujah, I hope that you all will come back with me.

Speaker 1:

We just finished, finished verse 8, 9, and 10. Come on back with me and we're going to pick up at 11. Amen and see how far the Spirit takes us. Hallelujah, I love this platform, and I'm going to tell you why I love it Amen, because it allows us to take baby steps through the word of God, so we can't miss what it is that he wants us to get. This is why I love it so much, amen. And in doing that, it holds us accountable. Hallelujah to him, amen. And so when we step off too far to the left, too far to the right, we got his word to bring us back into the center, back into alignment with him. So y'all, make sure y'all come on back for Learning to Live in Truth on Wednesday, amen, where we're going to pick up 1 John 3, verse 11. So much love, so many blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great day, a great night. Amen, amen and amen.

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