God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#142 LTLT S5 EP 16: Living in Truth Sin Breaks the Law: Reflecting on 1 John 3:4-7

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 16

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What does it truly mean to live in truth and grace? Discover how the spiritual teachings of 1 John, chapter 3, can transform your understanding of sin, grace, and personal integrity in our latest episode of "Learning to Live in Truth." We begin with a heartfelt prayer for divine guidance, moving into a rich exploration of verse 4. Uncover the deep meaning of sin as the transgression of the law and the continuous action of avoiding it. We discuss the dangers of legalism, reflecting on Jesus’ interactions with the Pharisees and highlighting how judgment and accusations often reveal more about the accuser than the accused.

In the latter part of our episode, we dive into the essence of living in the grace of God. We emphasize the importance of genuine faith through our actions and intentions, cautioning against the abuse of God's grace by willfully sinning. With practical discussions on the responsible use of substances like alcohol and marijuana, we highlight the necessity of personal boundaries in faith, encouraging a personal relationship with Jesus as the ultimate guide. We conclude with a powerful prayer for understanding and blessings, expressing gratitude for divine truths and inviting you to find solace in God's love. Join us next time as we continue our spiritual journey, delving deeper into 1 John 3:8.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, and welcome back to Learning to Live in Truth. We are so glad to be before you one more time. Amen, I hope all is well. Hope that you're having a great day. Amen, I hope that everything is going the way you desire. Amen, that's funny, right? We wish Hallelujah, but we know that God is for us and not against us. Hallelujah, all right, y'all, y'all ready? I am ready.

Speaker 1:

Let's go ahead and pray before we get into the word of god. Father, god, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you, god, for allowing us this day. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity To be able to get into your word. I pray, god, that you would open up our eyes, that we might be able to see. Open up our ears that we can hear what it is that you have to say to us on today. I pray that each and every one of us Would get our revelation. I pray that we would get the understanding that we need, that we might be able to apply it. Yeah, father, I just pray that on this day, this day will be a day that we would always remember. I just give you all the glory and we give you all the praise you all the glory and we give you all the praise. Uh, we pray this prayer in the mighty name of jesus christ. We do pray, amen, amen and amen, hallelujah. All right, y'all hope y'all are ready, because I am ready to get into the word.

Speaker 1:

Just to mention the music in the background Amen. The relaxed movement. The relaxed movement On YouTube. You can subscribe to their channel. This is copyright free music that you can play while you're meditating and studying and doing exactly what I'm doing. Hallelujah, know that you cannot use it to make some money. You heard me Hallelujah, you can't use it to make no money. You heard me hallelujah, you can't use it to make no money. So take that with a grain of salt. Again, the relax movement on youtube. Amen, amen. All right, y'all let's get into it.

Speaker 1:

We left off with first john, chapter three. First john chapter three. If you're home sitting, make sure you grab your bibles, grab your journal, grab you some paper, take your notes. Amen. If you're just riding along in your car, just be intentional about what you're listening to. Hallelujah, um, this, this chapter starts off. Just, it really dives into you know, making sure that you know who your father is. Don't allow yourself to get mixed up in all kinds of stuff. Amen, because people will tell you have a whole lot of the right words, but actions oftentimes do not follow. Amen. So John lets us know and he tells us. He says to us don't let nobody deceive you. Amen, do not let the antichrist deceive you. Come on somebody. Hallelujah, because in chapter two we were talking about, he was making us aware beware of the antichrist. Uh, abiding in christ, amen. And now here we're in this chapter. We already started verses one through three, so you can go go back for Thursday's episode, which was number 15. Number 15, which would be number 141, in regard to exactly where in the show that it is at, it is episode number 141. Um, season 5, episode 15. No, I'm sorry, 15, 14, y'all. Excuse me, get my words all mixed up, lol. All right, y'all. Come on.

Speaker 1:

We in verse 4. Verse 4 it says Whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law. It says, for sin is the transgression of the law. Okay, now let's just go real slow. I want everybody who don't know, if you don't know, if you're reading King James Version and you're like, why do I always see that T-H? T-h symbolizes I-N-G In our regular ABC learning? Yeah, t-h is actually I-N-G, so it makes the word progressive and makes it never ending. So if you change that T H to I N G, so that would say whosoever commits sin, transgresses, or whomever committing sin, transgressing also the law, for sin is the transgression of the law. So sin is when you break the law. So he says whomever commits sin, you break the law. Yeah, so well, what is the law? The law is, uh, quote, unquote. You could say the rules you abide by. Yeah, he says as long as you sin, if you're sinning, then you break the law. Yeah, so, um, this goes to everybody and anybody.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, um, especially, I just hear real loudly in my spirit about legalism, because you have people who will throw the bible at you and say, well, you're not supposed to do this, you're not supposed to do that. The bible says this and the bible says that's now, that is true, the bible does say this and the bible does say that. But just as uh, jesus confronted the pharisees I believe it was in the book of John he said to them you know, while you make accusations toward me, he says you are breaking the law yourself because you're making the accusation toward me. The reality is this the same ditch that somebody else might dig for you or put you in. They have already dug it for themselves. I mean, yeah, uh, at the end of the day, while people are throwing the bible at you and throwing, you know what you're supposed to do.

Speaker 1:

What you're supposed to do, that, the thing that they're not supposed to be doing, they they're doing yeah, because when you decided, okay, well, this is a law and it says this and this is what's going to happen, you decided that I'm guilty. You decided that you make the standard True. Enough, it might be in the Bible, but it's not up for us to decide whether somebody is going to heaven or hell. At the end of the day, our responsibility is to love our brothers and our sisters in Christ. It is not up to us to decide whether they're guilty or not. Guilty, yeah, at the end of the day. And so therefore, you know, just because somebody knows or can tell you exactly what the Bible says, and can recite the Bible and do this, that and the other doesn't make them right or justified in condemning you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, this is why you got to make sure that you stay close to Jesus, because there's a whole lot of things, a whole lot of things that people say and do that looks right, but in the sight of God it's not right and they don't have the right to do it. Everybody sin and everybody falls short of the mercies of God. And here he says to us that anybody who commits sin breaks the law. He says verse 5, and you know that he was manifested to take away our sins, and in him is no sin. So he says because we all sin or have sin some point in our life, he says this is why he came. He came to take away our sins. Jesus came for that reason. So there is no perfect person in this world. And those who walk around not identifying with Jesus and don't want to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior here's the thing. He's the only one that can take away the sin. Amen. He is the only one that can take away the sin. Amen, he is the only one that can take it away.

Speaker 1:

Clearly he says and ye know that he was manifested To take away our sins. This is why he came. So if you have and had no sin, then why did he have to come to you? Because we all know that Jesus is personal, amen, he's a personal God. So, therefore, when he comes to you, knocking at the doors of your heart, that lets us know look, you have sin in your life and I want to help you. I want to deliver you from it. Yeah, why else would Jesus come to you? Not just coming to you just to come to you because, oh, I just picked you and I want to.

Speaker 1:

He came to each one of us because we had sin in our life, and the thing about it is you got to understand is that sin separates us from God, and Jesus comes as the propitiation, which means the intercessor and the interceded. He comes on behalf of us so that we could still make it to heaven, because as long as you have sin in your life and in your heart, it keeps a wall between you and him, but we have such a loving God he looks even beyond that wall while we're here on the earth, and it was up to you to accept him as the substitute for your sin, because when Jesus, or when God, looks at us, all he sees is his son, hallelujah. He doesn't see our flaws. He doesn't see the things that we do wrong. I'm talking about those of us who have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Savior, jesus Christ. He doesn't see the things that we do wrong. All he sees is what Jesus did on the cross for you and me Amen, hallelujah, jesus.

Speaker 1:

He swallowed up the sin. Well, any sin that you committed in the past, any sin that you committed right now, today, any sin that you will commit in the future, jesus already swallowed it all up and he took it all to hell. Amen. And when he came back out of the belly of hell, he came back bringing forth a new life. Amen. So you have permission to live a life in Jesus. It's only by Jesus, amen. Jesus covers all. Hallelujah, he gets rid of all.

Speaker 1:

And here's the beauty of Jesus is that when you come into Jesus, you don't intentionally go back to who you were. You might have some stumbling stones in your life that make you fall back, but those stumbling stones Jesus uses as purification for you to sanctify you. Come on, somebody, talk to me, hallelujah. I hope that that makes sense. He says whosoever.

Speaker 1:

This is verse 6. He says whosoever abideth in him, sinneth, not amen. You don't run around going around intentionally sending, sending, because, hey, I got jesus so I can do what I want to. You don't do that. You don't even take on the attitude because you're grateful for what Jesus did on the cross for you. He says whosoever sinneth have not seen him, neither known him.

Speaker 1:

He says look, if you look, the proof of the pudding that you've received Jesus is that you don't go out there and intentionally, intentionally sin. You don't go out there and just do it because you can. Yeah, amen. But at the same time, we serve such a loving God that he allows us to live. Amen, hallelujah, understanding that grace covers our imperfections. Hallelujah, amen, don't.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing. Here's the thing, and it's really really big, because the reality is there are people out there who manipulate the scriptures. They say, oh well, the Bible says this and the Bible says that, that I can go out here and do what I want to do and cover and be covered by grace. That is true, but here's the thing. The thing is, when you go rewind, when you go back and look at uh, verse, verse three, he says and every man that have his, this hope in him, purify of himself, even as he is pure purity is about your heart. It is nothing but your heart.

Speaker 1:

Now, again, we do go out there and we sin, yeah, and the thing about it is is that the heart is what matters most. Yes, the heart. Because I'm telling you, as a child of God, we understand, you understand that the things that I do, things I don't do, some things I do, it hurts Jesus and we don't want to do that. We understand all that he suffered on the cross for us. So we don't run around just doing it because we can yeah, we don't. We don't just doing it because we can yeah, we don't. We don't just do it because we can. Yeah, and you know, here's the thing too. You got to know that the desires of your heart, they come from him. Yeah, amen, not to be abused.

Speaker 1:

And I'll use, I'll just use. I'll use alcohol, for one example, and even marijuana, for example. Okay, I'm not sitting there saying, oh, you should go out there and get high, and you should go out there and get drunk because you know grace is gonna keep you. But the bible does say be not drunk. And marijuana, used in the right way, can heal and not necessarily harm. Because there are people out here in this world who smoke marijuana. Um, they get high, but it keeps their mind relaxed, keeps their body relaxed so that it does not respond to its nature. There's a young lady that I know watched her all her life grow up with having seizures, having seizures, and medically they have given her uh, they've prescribed her marijuana to ease the pressure off of her brain, to keep her from having seizures.

Speaker 1:

So you know, the religious nut might say, oh well, you smoking marijuana, you're going to hell. But no, you got to know that God created everything for purpose and on purpose. It's just, people abuse the blessings of God. Same thing with alcohol, alcohol or a glass of wine every day. They say one glass of alcohol or wine every day. It said it makes you, it keeps your blood flowing properly.

Speaker 1:

Now again, people abuse the privilege, people abuse the blessing. Yeah, what is wrong with a social drink? Because he says, clearly, be not drunk. What is wrong with that? Nothing's wrong with it. Do not abuse the blessings of God. Hallelujah, hallelujah, amen. Look, look, look, look, look. I'm telling you religion will mess you up. Religion will mess you up if you're not in Him.

Speaker 1:

Jesus allows us to live. You hear me, there are boundaries that he gives us individually, individually. So my boundaries that he's placed on my life ain't necessarily yours. I teach this all the time. It ain't necessarily yours. And the boundaries that are around you are not necessarily mine. Religion will make will create stumbling stones for the mass.

Speaker 1:

Jesus doesn't do that. He wants us to come to him personally. He wants to be intimate with us, and so, therefore, we get to know him. He already knows us, but we get to know him and we get to know his heart. And when we get to know his heart and we look at our own life, the scripture clearly says again verse 3 says and every man that hath this hope which is the hope is in verse 2 he says we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure. Hallelujah, jesus is pure. And so Jesus knows how to filter out all of the muck and the mire in our lives. He knows how to filter out the things that are not good for us. He knows how to prune out the things that are dead in us. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

So, at the end of the day, folks that are analyzing your life have to step back, because God knows what is happening in you. Hallelujah. He said little children, let no man deceive you. He that doeth righteousness is righteous even as he is righteous. Yeah, I got to stop right here for the time's sake. Amen, and pick up in verse 8 on tomorrow, but I hope that you hear this, I hope that you receive this word on today Amen, look, at the end of the day, no man has the right to sit back and place his judgment on you.

Speaker 1:

No man, I don't care how right they might be, how wrong they might be. There is only but one one, just god, in this earth, in this world, yeah, one, yeah, hallelujah. And he shapes us in the manner that he desires. Hallelujah, amen. Let no man deceive you. Amen, let no man deceive you. If he's righteous, the things that he does is going to be righteous. His words are going to be that of righteousness. Don't let him fool you. Amen, it is what it is. Hallelujah, amen. Those that are not hey, god's going to deal with all of us, each, every, each and every one of us in the way that he desires. Amen, but just do not, do not, do not, do not, let anyone deceive you. Amen, all right, hallelujah, let's pray.

Speaker 1:

Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you for allowing us this time to be able to be in your word. I thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Thank you for allowing us this time to be able to be in your word. I thank you, god, for using your servant. Pray, god.

Speaker 1:

Everyone that is here, everyone that stayed for their entirety, uh, has been blessed by what they've heard. I pray, god, that you will continue to draw us to you, continue to bring us understanding of your truth, continue to shape us and make us for this journey that we are on. We love you so much. It's so very grateful, so thankful. We also pray for that one that said pray for me. I pray, god, that you would intercede on the behalf, god, of of those who are crying out to you and don't necessarily know you. I pray, god, that you would draw all unto you, that they would know that your son died on the cross for them, that they might live. Father, we love you again and we pray that this prayer and all of our prayers Are pleasing in your sight.

Speaker 1:

In Jesus Christ name, we do pray Amen, amen, amen and amen, hallelujah. You're going to be listening to this episode here on Labor Day and I pray that this day you would relax, amen, and receive the joys that all rest in God. Amen, as this Labor Day is a day for those who work to really just be at peace and relax. Amen, although there are some that are still working, amen On this holiday. Either way, whether you're working or not, receive the blessings of the Lord on today, amen, it ain't got to be so bad. Amen In Jesus is rest, amen, whether you're working or not. Rest in him. Hallelujah, make sure that you join me on tomorrow to pick up in this first John, chapter three, verse eight, hallelujah. I love you so much. So much love and blessings from me to you. Y'all have a great, blessed day, blessed night, amen, amen.

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