God's Diamonds In The Ruff Podcast

#140 LTLT S5 EP 14: Trusting God's Plan in Every Situation

Catherine and Michael Season 5 Episode 14

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Discover how living in truth can lead you to profound peace and freedom through Christ. Have you ever wondered why the world doesn't recognize us as children of God? This episode promises clarity on that crucial question. We explore the transition from needing guidance to becoming mature Christians who guide others, emphasizing the honor of being called children of God and how embracing this identity sets us apart. Learn the powerful impact of seeking the good in every situation and trusting that God has a plan for our lives, even when it feels challenging.

In a heartfelt prayer, we express deep gratitude and love for God, asking for spiritual growth and prosperity for everyone listening. The message encourages you to embrace your spiritual identity and remain steadfast in your faith, regardless of external judgments. We also have an exciting announcement about our next episode featuring Heather Healy Eichert, promising another meaningful and heartfelt conversation. Join us and share your experiences as you journey towards living in truth. Many blessings and much love to all.

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Speaker 1:

Hello, hello and welcome back. Learning to live in truth. So glad to be before you one more time. Amen. I hope all is well. I hope you're having a great day, amen. Great night Whenever you're listening to this. Amen. I hope that you're not complaining today. Amen. I hope that you look for the good even in the bad. Amen. I hope that you look for the good even in the bad. Amen. I pray that your circumstances aren't, I would say, keeping you under. Amen. I hope that you listened on last week or not last week, but yesterday and choosing to abide in Christ.

Speaker 1:

Amen. Because when we do that, he will always give us a peace or grants us a peace that surpasses understanding. Hallelujah. Because we simply just don't understand what we're going through, what we're going through, and don't listen to the world when they say you can't ask your father why? Because you can. Amen, he's a good father. We can talk to our father, we're in relationship with him. Amen, he's a good father. We can talk to our father, we're in relationship with him. Amen. And in his time he will bring the understanding that we need. But at the end of the day, we just got to trust him that he knows exactly what is happening in our life. Amen. So, with that said, we're going to get into the word. Let's go ahead and pray, father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy. Again, god, we just bless your name as we bless your people. I pray, father, that you would just have your way, use me to your glory, that your people might be able to hear what it is that you have to say. Lord, we love you so much and we pray this prayer and all of our prayers in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. We do pray Amen, amen and amen. Again, we want to recognize the relaxed movement that is the music you hear in the background. Thank God for it. You can find them on YouTube. You can subscribe to their channel. Amen. Many, many videos of music you can play in your background, whether you're meditating, I'm doing, and it's copyright free, so that just means that you cannot use it in any way where you would make money off of it. Amen, um. So, uh, take that with a grain of salt, but go on to their channel and subscribe to their channel. Um, I've been blessed by it and so can you. Amen. So we're in our bibles.

Speaker 1:

First john, chapter three. First john chapter three, beginning at the first verse, amen. He says behold what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the sons of God. Therefore, the world knoweth us not Because it knew him not. And so this first verse he simply says to us Do you realize the blessing that you have, the fact that we are called the sons of God, sons and daughters of God?

Speaker 1:

Do you realize how blessed you are when you understand, really, what that means? That means that you are an heir of the Most High. That means that, just like as an earthly father or mother, and you're able to have a child that would look like you, that would um learn from you, that would um act like you. As they get older, they pick, they, they, they, um preferably good habits, but they become just like you. That's a I mean. I mean and and and and.

Speaker 1:

Look how about when you know they walk across the stage and they graduate from one level to the next, from elementary to middle school, to high school, to college? Isn't that a great honor? I don't know if y'all you know, if you have children and you know you, you've seen them grow up from, you know, just holding them in your hands babies to adults and seeing them go into adulthood. It is an honor to know that you had something to do with that. Yeah, and so this is the same way. This is just a vivid picture of what it looks like for us as God is watching us grow up in the spiritual. I'm talking about in the spiritual way For us to go from babies needing to be fed to grown adults able to feed somebody else.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, hallelujah, amen. I just can't even imagine how much he's smiling down at us, at those of us that is continually growing. Amen, look, your number, however old you are, that doesn't make a difference in the sight of God, but that you're growing spiritually. Amen, that you have gone from being on the breast and being fed by the breast to now a mature Christian continuing to grow as long as you live. Amen, he said.

Speaker 1:

If we stay in his word, he says look. He says look. If we're in his word, he said we are his disciples, meaning we're his students, students of Christ. Amen. And if we stay in the word, he says we've shown up gonna be free. Hallelujah, because the reality is is that the word keeps us free, keeps us out of bondage?

Speaker 1:

Amen, he says the world can't recognize you because they didn't recognize Jesus, amen, hallelujah. They can't recognize who you are. They couldn't recognize the son of God when he walked the earth. Hallelujah, amen. If they don't know him, if you don't know him for yourself, then you can't recognize him when he walked by. You come on somebody. Hallelujah, amen. I mean, it's just the same as if I didn't know.

Speaker 1:

If I don't know who your mother is, then how can I recognize that you're his daughter or her daughter? Then how can I recognize that you're his daughter or her daughter, hallelujah. If I say to you, like people say to me, I'll say, hey, you look just like Diane, are you her daughter? We'll say, yeah, I'm like, yeah, that's my mom. Yeah, absolutely, girl, you look just like her. Yeah, you talk like her too. Hallelujah, amen. We look like our parents, amen, hallelujah, amen. We look like our parents, amen. But if they didn't know my mother, then they wouldn't know that I was connected to her. Does that make sense? Hallelujah, makes perfect sense in my mind, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

So this is why they can't recognize you as a child of God, because they don't know God himself. They don't know who Jesus is, amen. So they won't be able to recognize you. Stop trying to prove yourself to them. They don't know God himself, they don't know who Jesus is, amen, so they won't be able to recognize you. Stop trying to prove yourself to them. Come on somebody. Hallelujah, that's a word, that's a simple word for somebody. Stop trying to prove yourself to them, hallelujah, because if they don't know him, they don't know you. Come on somebody. Jesus, that just freed somebody on now. Hallelujah that just freed somebody to God. Be the glory.

Speaker 1:

Verse 2. He said beloved, now are we the sons of God? John, in this moment, says we know who we are. Understand, it's okay to know who you are. Some people they get they ashamed of knowing Christ. Amen. John, in so many words, says it's okay to know who you are. He says now we are or now are we the sons of God. And it do, if not yet appear what we shall be, he says, but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. So Paul said I mean. Or. John says we don't know exactly what he looks like, but we know we belong to him. Amen. And we know that one day we're going to find out exactly what we look like because we're going to be with him. Hallelujah, amen. And everything that we are becoming speaks the identity of Jesus.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, come on somebody, hallelujah. Don't try to do it the way the world says to do it. Just be and stay in your word, continually abide in him. It's all going to be alright, hallelujah. It doesn't matter what they think this is for somebody. It doesn't matter what they think, amen.

Speaker 1:

Don't get yourself caught up in more concern about what they're thinking, about what they're saying, than you being more concerned about what Jesus says, about what he says about you, about how he looks at you. Hallelujah, you be more concerned about that than you are them. Look at verse 3. More concerned about that than you are them. Look at verse three. He says and every man that hath this hope in him purifies himself even as he is pure. So this right here, verse three says intention. It says effort. It says look that every man that believes verses 1 and 2, he says you are cleansing yourself even more. He says even more because you're already pure Doesn't mean that you're not going to make mistakes in this life, doesn't mean that you're a perfect person, but you are just where Jesus desires you to be. Hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Everybody got a different path or or a different thing that they gotta conquer. Yeah, everybody got stuff that they're dealing with in that life, that for them are stumbling stones. But here's the thing you can't get them over those stumbling stones. Only jesus can. Jesus knows what we need to be able to filter out the things that are not, are no longer attached to us. He knows how to prune us in a way that won't kill us. Come on somebody, jesus, hallelujah, I just feel the spirit. Oh Lord, have mercy. He knows how to prune us in such a way that it won't kill us. Know that you are just fine the way that you are and that how he wants to purify you and cleanse you, he will do that, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

All you got to know is that you belong to the master. Hallelujah you map. You belong to the potter. Hallelujah, you belong to Jesus. That's all that matters. That's it, amen.

Speaker 1:

So you know, forget trying to look the part. You don't got to look the part. You don't got to do what everybody else do. You don't have to do what the world says. You got to do, to identify, to say that I'm a child of God, amen. All you got to do is know who you are, who you belong to, that one day you're going to see him, that your faith is enough. Hallelujah, amen. I just get the vibe.

Speaker 1:

Amen, in the spirit that is somebody that is listening, that is being challenged with who they are. Amen, that people around them are making them question who they are. Amen, but you don't have to prove yourself to anyone. I don't care who they are that are saying this and they saying that it could be the pastor, it could be the bishop, it could be the apostle, it could be this one, that one. It doesn't matter what they think about you. You heard me, because at the end of the day, we have to be aligned with the word of God.

Speaker 1:

You can heed to some of the things that they're saying, but you got to make that what. Make sure that what they're saying is attached to the word of God, that is rooted back to the word of God. Hallelujah, because a whole lot of people have things that they say. They have a lot of things that they are saying that are not rooted in the word of God, but they look like it and they look like they sound like they should be in the word of God, but it ain't necessarily where you are. Hallelujah Again, I said it.

Speaker 1:

I think I said it the other day, but just, they might be right, but they don't make you wrong. They could be wrong, but it don't make you right. Hallelujah, amen. What's for them is for them. They cannot take their burdens, the things that they hold as convictions, and make them yours, because what it does is it creates stumbling stones for you rather than being a help to you. Do you understand what I'm saying? Hallelujah, because the reality is, you might not be where they are. Hallelujah, the thing that they're saying that you need to do just might trip you up because you're not where they are spiritually. You could be further along in your walk, but then again you might not be as far in your walk as they are to be able to attempt to do the thing that they are doing.

Speaker 1:

Jesus, jesus, come on somebody. This is a word, hallelujah, do not miss it. You hear me. Don't miss what is yours. I want you to hear this. He says whosoever committed sin transgresseth also the law. He says, for sin is the transgression of the law.

Speaker 1:

Now I, I'm gonna, I'm gonna pause. I'm gonna stop pause. I'm going to stop right here. Okay, I'm going to stop right here at verse 4. I'm not even going to go any further, because Verses 1 through 3 is really just a conversation about who. You are, okay, and verse 4 just brings us into a whole other topic, which would be for us, a whole other lesson.

Speaker 1:

Amen, and so you know I'm a firm believer. Anybody who's been here a number, any length of time you know I'm a firm believer. Anybody that's been here a number, any length of time you know concepts and little nuggets are enough, because it's just like any meal, you can't put too much on your plate. Amen, without feeling stuffed, feeling overwhelmed by what's on my plate. And true enough, this might not be enough for somebody else, but what I want you to do is really meditate on what we got today, even if you have to stop, you know when this is over and listen to it again. I want you to really hear this. This is a really, really important topic or lesson for today, because so many are going through the motions of being saved that they have no idea that they are saved. Come on on, somebody, did you hear what I just said? I said so many people are going through the motions of what it looks like to be saved, but so many have no idea what it means to be saved. Hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

Doing all the right things. You're going to church, right things. You're going to church and you're going to Bible study and you're Y'all excuse me, they're on my phone You're going and you're Doing what you know the pastor, the preacher, whoever told you to do. You're doing all the things You're supposed to do, but you lack the relationship. You do the things, but you still to do, but you lack the relationship. You, you do the things, but you still feel empty. You go, but you still leave with the same fears and the same worries and the same anxiety you still you're bringing in. You're coming in one way and you leaving out the same way you came in. That ain't the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 1:

Hallelujah, you know who you are. You ought to know whose you are. You ought to know that in Jesus, you are free. You ought to know that you have been granted access to peace. You are peace. Hallelujah, you got all of these thoughts. You are peace. Hallelujah, you got all of these thoughts and all of these things going on in your heart. You're walking around with unforgiveness. You got all of these things going on because, just simply because you don't realize who you are and who is your daddy, who is your father? Amen, hallelujah, now. Look. Who is your father? Amen, hallelujah, now look.

Speaker 1:

Here's the thing when you find out where you are, you figure out where you are and you hear the Spirit speaking to you not Catherine, but the Spirit speaking to you. That's your opportunity to yield to the Spirit. Amen, that is your opportunity. Right there, spirit, amen. That is your opportunity. Right there, hallelujah, amen.

Speaker 1:

You might be sitting where you are crying. That's the Spirit nudging on your heart, saying give me all of you, not a part of you. All of you. This is how people just do the thing. This is how you've gotten into the place where you're doing all the right things but you lack the relationship piece of it. It's because it's like you are taking your heart and feeding it with a long-handled spoon to Jesus, when Jesus just wants you to come all the way in and trust completely in Him. Trust that he knows what is wrong, he knows what is out of order, he knows what you need. He has everything that you want. Amen. It all rests in him, hallelujah.

Speaker 1:

Take a moment, find out who you are. Who do you belong to? Do you know that you are a child of God? Hallelujah, hallelujah. Let's pray. Father, we thank you so much for your grace and your mercy.

Speaker 1:

One more time, god, I thank you, god, for this place, this moment, this platform that you've given us where we can really meditate on your truth, that we can really learn how to live the way you desire us to. You desire us to be prosperous. You desire us to have more than enough. You told us in jeremiah that you have a plan. You have a plan that we would prosper and not perish, amen. One that is not filled with evil and not filled with a whole lot of harm, hurt and pain, but a prosperity. Amen.

Speaker 1:

We're supposed to prosper and I just pray for everyone that is here, that they will begin to prosper in their life, in their and the life and the life with you. Hallelujah, that we, all of us, continually abide in you. Father, we love you so much. We are so, so grateful, so grateful, so thankful. We pray that this prayer, all of our prayers, are pleasing in your sight. In Jesus Christ name, we do pray Amen, amen and amen. Hallelujah. Your sight, in Jesus Christ's name, we do pray. Amen, amen and amen, hallelujah, thank you, god. How you feeling, amen, I hope that you feel refreshed. I hope that you feel revived and and I I just believe that something has happened for somebody. Amen, jesus left the 99 to attend to the one, hallelujah. So if there was just one person impacted by this message on today, would you let me know hallelujah, however you're listening to it, would you let me know how good this was for you? Amen, let me know what is going on with you and how learning to live in truth is impacting you. Hallelujah, amen, I love you so much, so very grateful for you, so thankful.

Speaker 1:

Make sure you come on back with me on friday as we hear a um interview. I believe the next one I got in the lineup is Heather, heather, healy, hold on, let me get her name Healy Eichert. I think that's her name. I think that's how you say it. I hope so, but anyway, y'all make sure you come on back for that interview. And if I got that name wrong, I hope so, but anyway, y'all make sure you come on back for that interview. And if I got that name wrong, I do apologize. But um, another heart to heart. That's all I can say. Amen, so um, great day, so many blessings, so much love for me to you. Y'all have a great day, great night, Amen, amen and a man.

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